Good question! Unfortunately DSCS was abandoned early in development.
The current version of SR24 includes a second significant activity you must do after paying off the debt; a quest called "Mob Protection". This was originally a mod I wrote for DSCS.
In the next version the ending of the "Mob Protection" quest will lead to a new quest in your "neighborhood". Your neighborhood has not been seen in the game yet. When you "leave" in the game now you go to "District TX-13" which is not where you live.
After this I have plans for 2 more significant activities in the game which will complete the story to end the game. I've outlined the entire story line but game development takes a lot longer than writing a story.

I also plan to add at least one more bot mission and at least one more bot role.
Someone suggested that I create some sort of "percent complete" gauge so people can know when they've accomplished everything that's in the current version. I'm not sure what it will look like but I plan to address this in the next version somehow. Right now you've accomplished everything available in the current version when "Freelancer" is the only open quest.