of the 3 porters I saw 1 ghosted 1 was swamped but this one still seamed active.
Lets face it some of these devs deserve some of the flac they get.
Although I admit I watch this thread off and on from what I've seen
Llamamann is not one of them. His Idea is ambitus and some people didn't like the change in the games direction this game is shaping up into one that many will like, and honestly I think some of those that left after the switch will probably be back playing the game again after few updates. Part of the problem is we are seeing the game in its embryo form watching the changes, but then you get people that see the partial changes and either think they see the whole picture or decide for themselves where it will end. Then you also have the ones that have no patience, think the world revolves around what they want, just want to compline, or just looking to start an argument in the first place.
Now think about this dr_bones makes over $5K a month the game updates at a snail's pace and there's more but i'm geting side traced this games makes approximately $2.5k, updates regularly, and you can actually see it going somewhere even if some of that somewhere isn't clear yet (who likes a story you can see coming a mile away then the
PRODICTABLE!!! users pop out the woodworks) and actually listens to the players (The pegging was a deal breaker for me. honestly I would have just silently bowed out, but I'm glad the dev made it optional win-win for everyone)
Now I've been typing this thing for far to long were almost a whole page ahead now, but I see many games that really deserve more getting less and then you see abandoned games like
Alice Awakening making over $500 for doing literally nothing. That's $500 that could go to the actual development of a game. Its been on my mined for a while and I'm not going to say this in all the threads that I think this. Honestly I feel like lately I've been just dumping my thoughts here and there around the site but
Llamamann you deserve way more then you get for what you do. I wish more people would stop supporting scammers and actually support real devs, and if you have to hate save it for the "devs" that deserve it there are plenty out there.