VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sexbot [v1.6 Final] [LlamaMann Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good story for what the concept of the game is. Visuals are good and not too heavy or light on text versus visuals. Updates have massively improved quality of life playing the game. The game provides enough hints where you don't need a walkthrough or mod to find all of the content.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really entertaining, FUN, time loops done right. Story that kept me coming back.

    The models used are sexy, even though the over the top cartoony faces drive down the titillation factor for me. The sex scenes are hot and again, just plain FUN! Many moments of laughing out loud. Great music too.

    If I'd have some improvement wishes, it would be a few more "permanent" changes you could make in the demeanor of the NPC:s. But that would be a lot of work and might come somewhere down the line.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    I.S H

    My Rating: 8.5/10

    Story: ★★★☆☆
    Dialogue: ★★★★☆
    How well it plays: ★★★★★
    3D Models : ★★★★★
    Animations: ★★★★★
    Sex Scenes: ★★★✩✩
    Quantity of Girls: ★★★★☆
    Replayablity: ★★★✩✩

    I would like to point out that this review was/has been written during the (as of current) latest patch of 1.1.0. This means that the game has not yet been completed!

    This review is not final, as it would be unfair to the developer. All I can do as of now, is to point out a few things that I either like or don't like, or point out things that may help (hopefully) in the future with the improvement of the game.

    - Some of the 3D Models in this game, are some of the finest 3D Models you will ever see.

    - As of now, the game has a fair amount of sexual scenes, but not enough actual sex scenes.

    - The animations are very well done, very smooth without any hic ups.

    - The story so far... It makes sense, and it also doesn't. But, saying that doesn't mean that you won't get the gist of it.

    - This is a fap game, so if you are looking for a good read, this is not the game for that.

    I hope the Developer does not abandon this project, what he/she has created here is a very solid H game that deserves to be completed.

    *I will update this review once the game is fully completed*
    Likes: elbro
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is "Weird Science" meets "Revenge of the Nerds" and a few other movies from the 1980s in which the protagonist is a nerd trying to gain social capital.

    I usually don't like infinate time loop games like this because I hate reading the same dialog over and over again (I know, I know, that is what thet skip button is for) but, this one is actually fun and very well done.

    You play as the MC who is a social outcast at his high school and a stereotypical nerd. Flooded pants. Check. Short sleeve oxford shirt buttoned all the way to the top looking like William "D-fens" Foster from"Falling Down." Check. Pocket protector full of pens. Check. Thick large framed glasses with absolutely no style. Check. Lame ass haircut. Check. Bowtie looking like a young Tucker Carlson or a Nation of Islam reject. Check.And truthfully. I wish that the MC didn't have to have the Steve Urkel/Lewis, Gilbert, and Poindexter nerd uniform to identifyhim as a nerd. It could have been done more subtilely with an anime, Star Wars, or NASA t-shirt/hoodie.

    But I digress.

    But maybe that was the point. Other games with a"loser MC" have him be just presentable enough to have him pull off the loser to popular sex god story arch. This MC would be hopeless if it wasn't for the... SEXBOT (Title Drop!)

    The game is actually very funny and most of the jokes land very well. Most of the characters are interesting despite how typical that many of them are. The renders, poses, and animations are top notch and I love the look of the characters. All of the female charcters are very sexy.

    The kink factor is very high in this game. And there is penty of that good ol' incest that seems to be the hot trend in porn nowadays.

    The story is not necessarily great but it is good enough to keep the game interesting. But maybe it will get better with new updates and as it nears completion.

    This game shows that it doesn't have to have many locations, and objects for it to work. Overall, I would say that this game isquickly becoming one of my favorites for multiple reasons. Great game so far.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great with both a solid and overall funny story, smexy animations and good looking characters. The only downside persay is that the MC acts like a wimp through out most of the game and it's only because the sexbot he's given for some reason is the strongest sexbot of them all that he can actually do anything though I guess that part of the comedy?

    The gameplay is that it loops over 7 days over and over and by focusing on the different girls you can unlock persistent lvls that makes changes to how the characters will act during the next loop. Which makes it feel fairly fresh to see how the characters changes though there is a downside in that a lot of it is just repeated but it's overall not a big deal since the scenes are so great and they aren't to long you won't have to spend to many times repeating the loops.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I could give 5 star because this game deserves so much, but I don't because the MC is fucking pain in the ass, seriously u told guys this how nerds are?
    The worst part is the MC don't have a development character and always act like loser, even when is having sex for Christ sake. I prefer Melvin (antagonist) to be the MC in this game, he his way better for some reason, and he don't act all loser.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Completly upexpected how great this game is/was. (Version 1.1.0 played)

    It's a on one hand short but at the same time very long game with lots of content to explore and find.
    More or less you are trapped in a time loop which you try to solve. Eventhough many things can stay the same within the time loop you can take different paths every time and this way unlock more and more content.

    This is the first time I played a game with so much replay value. It doesn't get boring. Also once you unlocked more content you can just hold "Ctrl" key down (or whatever you configured in renpy to skip) to skip towards the next choice and try out something different.

    The animations are of average quality. With the video mod (higher framerate videos) they get better but in gerenal they are pretty good and hot. The models are very sexy but for my personal taste a little too unrealistic/extreme. But that's just personal preference.

    Overall you get constent progress, nice animations, rewarding efforts towards progressing one girl and a lot of interesting plot twists. The story is simple but interesting and funny enough to be worthy to read all dialogs.
    Best thing is, that no matter what routes you explore, you never get punished in any way for you decision and you can always rerun a route as a game mechanic to see other results. So there is no banned scene because of a choice and you can unlock everything if you want to.

    I suggest everyone who likes adult visual novels with different paths and the nice always-good common relationship kinks (incest, mother, sister, dominant, sub etc) to give this game a try. Lots of nice fappable content and lots of fun!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I went into this game thinking that I’ll just scroll fast through, check out scenes and be done with it. Boy was I wrong... This game deserves much more attention then it gets atm. This is easily in top 5 games on this site, at least for me.

    Writing is surprisingly pretty good and combined with renders it is funny af. Many devs try to put humour in their games and it usually ends up being cringefest. This dev definitily knows what he’s doing, can’t remember game where I was laughing as much and as often as in this one. Don’t expect any emotional rollercoaster of a story, which will suck out your soul. This game is not to be taken seriously, which is great for porn game in my books.

    Renders quality isn’t the best, but they don’t have to be. They are still solid and the most important part of them are body-language and expressions, which are done very well. All models are hot af especially Melvin.

    Animations are definitely above average, nothing ground breaking but pretty solid, no complaints from me.

    Audio... well there is just music in background, which changes with what scenario you will find yourself in, but it fits nicely. And some simple sounds here and there. Wouldn’t mind some moaning sounds for sex scenes, not like many games have them anyway, but would be nice addition imo.

    Fetishes... there is rich variety of them, something for almost everyone I’d say and NTR is completely avoidable, praise the lord... could be more obvious tho since I almost missed those letters. Even tho I’m not into femdom, tentacles and some other shit... ehm I mean kinks, those scenes are done very well and are enjoyable even for me, despite not liking those fetishes much. Seems like dev has a thing for high socks and stockings, finally someone who understands me!

    Dev also seem very active and delivers on time, at least from what I’ve read, which is very rare. Great job Llama and wishing you great journey! and some more high socks please...
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best erotic games ever made! It is Funny, it is sexy, with a actual story and the gameplay choices matter. Characters are great and unique enough.

    The only weak point is, that some times the player can get stuck and dosn't know what to do exactly (Lexx Corruption Zeta for example). So it can be hard to get to the end without a guide.

    But anyways 5/5 Great Game!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, Amazing Story, Amazing dev and Amazing everything. There has been a while since i loved playing a game so much. This is the one. If you are thinking about whether to play it or not, Just download it and play.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The gold standard of quality, quantity, and developer communication.

    I have been following this project for a while, since its very first couple releases. Over the 2 or so years it has been around, it has become paramount to the idea that "if you build it, they will come".

    Lets start off with the game. The story revolves around the main character who is kind of a nerd. This nerd receives a brand new state of the art sexbot that is delivered to his house where he lives with his TUTOR and TEACHER. Throughout the game you go through the daily life of the story until you hit into the time traveling portion. You see this game's progression revolves around time traveling. You play through the days leading up to the prom at your graduation. And after a turn of events, you time travel back to the beginning and do it again.

    The gameplay mechanics of the VN come into place here. Depending on what you selected during the days in a loop will change how the characters feel or act towards you. This is how you unlock scenes and progress their corruption and affinity for you. I won't spoiler how this happens, but its a very interesting concept.

    The artwork is wonderful. Completely custom models, with full on animations, without a bloated 10+ GB game. Everything is crisp and the scenes and dialogue fit incredibly well. Sometimes they are bit cheesy, but its a porn game. Its not like it needs to have world class writing.

    The dev is the main thing driving this. Llama is very consistent, very communicative, and never disappoints. When a release is happening, its happening. Period. At the beginning it was a bit rocky as they had some build issues and removed content to remake some portions of the game. But that was only 2 or so versions of the game and since its just non stop content after content without any slow down. This is a diamond in a sea of poop adult game devs and one of the few games I remained subbed to even between releases.

    The only con of the game is the looping can be a bit confusing. There are hints on how to unlock scenes, and eventually you'll get it. But you have to slog through it if you are a brand new player and sometimes it can be a bit frustrating trying to unlock a scene and not knowing how to even with the hint system.

    Just a classic 5/5 game. This is what every dev should aspire to be like.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This games is amazing. The story is well developed and well constructed. There are nice twists and turns even though you remain in control of the action it can still suprise you. It would you assume get a little repetative doing the same day over and over but there is so much to explore and nice variation that it feels fresh. Keep up the god work. Ohh and the FUTA stuff is amazing more please....
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game!

    I do love the humor and some of the characters.

    The music is really good and selected with care for the characters.

    Scenario: Nothing out of the ordinary but nothing bad to say good corruption story.

    4 Stars for me. I played only 2 versions of the game and the dev make some good work as i didn't recognize the game few times later.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of v1.0

    Fire game right here. Llama making some heat in the kitchen.

    Story: Interesting

    Renders: Clean

    Models: Hot

    Scenarios: Sexy

    There are a few scenes for certain Kinks that you don't really get the option to avoid. But they're tolerable, most of the kinks are optional, and the ultimate choice of how your playthrough goes is still on you. So overall good.

    I'm gonna give this 4/5. Solid game.

    Update: Fully Fully caught up with 1.0

  15. 4.00 star(s)


    [v1.0] Very good game. It's really hard to do a introduction with no spoilers so... my summary:

    - Decent story. Simple but effective.

    - H-scenes are great. They are very well done, but some of them just are too random. They also are very original because of the theme of the game.

    - Good animations.

    - The pace of the scenes is really accelerated.

    - Character design really good. All girls are hot but their personalities are too plain.

    - Good sound/music. There music all time, which changes when a scene starts for example. There are random sounds like menu sounds but unfortunately no sex or moans ones.

    - Technically perfect. 0 bugs, stable fps.

    - Even if techically it has gallery, it's no always accesible and you unlock it when you finish the game. I think gallery mode should be a standart today and everyone should be able to see the amount of scenes, which are the new ones in the latest update etc.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow just wow... I did not expect such a level from this game ... I am pleasantly surprised, many thanks to the author for his work.

    The game is just top. I don't even know what to compare it to. Can't believe I've avoided this project since 0.2. I didn’t even play two game days at that time. And now playing 1.0... it's just a brain blast!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The sexiest game ever made. The Models and the quality of renders in this game is amazing. The story is fun to read.

    The bodies of the women are thicc and juicy just perfect for me. My favourite is the asian milf i hope theres more scenes coming for her. The variety in this game is vast. Youll find babes with huge boobies and for people who cry over why the girls tits are big theres this asian petite cutie in there for your ass too. Haha.

    Absolutely love this game. 10/10 must play before you die. Alot of friggin content. Ntr is there but avoidable.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I was watching this game for quite some time and finally decided to play it.
    At first, I thought the loops would bore me, and I didn't find the models attractive, especially the mom (I thought the model was generic) and sis, but after playing, I realized how wrong I was. The loops are really well done, they are not too long , and there is a good amount of new content in each loop. You may find the face expression a bit weird in the beginning , but give it a try ! I quickly fell in love with the characters and their designs.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot models(mom and sis models are really good)
    Sexy outfits and amazing scenarios for h scenes
    So much content
    Well executed time travelling concept

    Just try to understand the game by playing it through one loop atleast then you are open to so much content this game gonna offer

  20. 5.00 star(s)


    downloaded this thinking it would be meh and good for a wank but that's how I got into VNs in the first place, fucking amazing story, obviously completely ridiculous but it doesn't feel contrived and the characters are all super interesting and fuck this is fun to play