Unity - Shana - Priestess of Tona [v0.4a] [Lustration Team]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The art and animations are great, cum scenes or transtitions would be even better.

    Some area for improvement would be to have lose scenes where Shana gets ganged by the specific type of enemy she is facing, at least that makes losing worthwhile.

    There are of course balancing issues but I'm confident they will get fixed.

    Music could be better, right now it is very generic, sound effects and sex sounds could improve too.

    All in all it is a great game and has a lot of potential, hope the devs continue to update the game. Can't wait to see more.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    playful wisp

    Review 1/6/25 for version v0.2b public

    TL;DR: Rougelike autobattler with lots of potential (art & gameplay) - stoked for an update!

    - Fun gameplay; I love the crunchy choices when deciding what upgrade to get
    - Art is great, animations are good, and I personally enjoy monsterXfemale

    Areas to improve (constructive criticism):
    - Add in a way to update the inventory mid-run
    - Rebalance magic to be stronger; melee just seemed the way to go imo
    - Slow gameplay in beginning of runs, maybe speed it up a touch
    - (obviously more content, esp. adult content, it's sparse at the moment)

    I definitely will check this out again in the future to see additions & changes!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The art and animations are great, and I enjoyed the gameplay quite a lot. With some added content (more characters and animations) and a bit more polish from the developers, this game has the potential to be really really good.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel for a development team like this. they have strong artistic talent and ambition. and it works. its a fun game, but stymied by just how far they can go.

    I love lewd games. adult genres in any media can be anything their broader audience counterparts can be. I like when studios play towards the mature audience. Make it scary or serious or sexy. but they don't have the access to the same time and resources.

    Playing this game makes me think of another rogue-lite: Hades & Hades II. I wish this studio could take this game and scale it to that same level, depth, and story.

    For what it is, there is no apparent story which i think they should consider adding a deeper a lot of replay-ability. Its very well drawn. there are multiple viable strategies to victory, but not many. Its fun and its hot.

    I hate the word promise on this site. but its a great deal better than a lot of completed games on this site as it is and hopefully it will keep getting better
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.2b

    It's an autobattler designed with a bit of grind in mind. You get your ass kicked the first couple of runs as you gain permanent gold and gear to make yourself stronger for the next run. Eventually discover the formula for winning and them steamroll, which for me was getting as much attack speed as possible through gear and the passives. The game doesn't tell you but you have an inventory and shop at the main menu.

    For an early build it's fine. The art is nice and the animations are good. The scenes play as a slideshow of looping gifs and it's a little disappointing that there isn't a climax animation. Instead you just click to the next slide and suddenly there's cum. No dialogue or anything, and they only play after bosses (or during them using the taunt skill).

    Definitely not enough sex ingrained into it for being a lewd game. You'll run through a relatively large map with only two boss encounters that contain sex scenes should you win. Feels like a wasted opportunity to not have them with some of the NPCs or maybe as random room encounters that can give you a buff or something? Maybe that's planned but I have no idea.

    The main menu features a second character/companion but it's gated behind subscribestar goals and then I ran into a sex scene that was gated by a premium version of which the version I played is not. I have opinions on this but I digress and will leave that up to whoever reads this to decide if that sucks or not.

    Regardless I'll probably try it again down the line anyway as a decent little time killer.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    - Very good art
    - GUI

    - VERY BAD BALANCE (on medium your start enemy could be a spider, who heal himself on 10hp, meanwhile your start attack is 12)
    - Autobattle (you decide nothing, every step is random)
    - No story at all
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is directed towards version 0.2B, which is the latest version posted on this site.

    To be honest, this game fooled me quite nicely. Initially, I had a pretty similar opinion to most people here, which was that the game was pretty hardcore, almost unbeatable since the mobs did way too much damage

    But, after discovering a feature that should honestly be either hinted at or told to your players because it is pretty important, the game became a lot easier to get through. The Shop is actually where your inventory is, alongside coins that you likely get through your rounds and items that you can buy which will improve your statistics. Some of those items offer pretty substantial stat buffs, while others offer enough to get you by. That plus the different perks that you gather through the rounds made this substantially easier to get through

    The major issue that I have encountered in terms of balancing is mana regeneration. Initially, getting enough mana to use your spells is quite harsh and I would suggest increasing it a bit and maybe decrease the amount of mana you get by the different perks you can find, to balance it out.

    Artwork is very very good, absolutely love it and the animations were quite enjoyable as well. I appreciate having the option to toggle between furry genitalia or non-furry, I personally like both but it's always a good idea to give your players the option to toggle that off, should they find it off-putting.

    Bonus points by the way for the futa succubus animation hehe.

    Very promising beginning, I look forward to seeing how this game evolves over time
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun for a porn game. Sadly not a battlefuck game, but there are some in fight scenes.

    The art is excellent, but there isn't a ton of it. Content in general is pretty sparse atm. Will check it out again later
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game itself can be quite challenging and RNG involved into it is extreme. You either get completely destroyed or barely beat the boss while flying through trash mobs.

    The art and animations are top tier. I really miss the audio though.

    Would love to see more of this game in the future. Especially excited for new heroes and balance changes.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, I'm only writing a review to correct the one posted below where one person says it's all random and luck.

    It isn't. It's a typical oldschool and kinda grindy dungeon game. And you're supposed to fail the first couple of times - but you get item drops and money and both can be spend in the shop. You get to said shop in the main menu, two buttons left from the "Play" button. If you like these kinda games, this one's a really nice experience. Takes some time in the dungeon till you got enough items but then you can try different "classes" and strategies. It's still early with only two levels and each level could and should be longer as you rarely ever level even two of your skills above level two. So most of the times, the level is completed shortly after your build starts to really get going. Also - I find the spell caster build to be lackluster as most spells are too expensive mana wise and the variety is a little lacking. And healing / bloodhealing is a little too strong in comparison to everything else.

    But four stars as the game seems to be on a good way. Lewd scenes could also be longer / more spicy or more frequent.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Unwinnable without luck. This is an auto-battler where your only input is what new ability you gain before each fight. Each of these abilities are passive; your only action is to sometimes cast a very costly spell to regain health or deal damage to enemies. It's a very barebones system, crippled by the fact almost all those passives are really weak, and only have a marginal effect on the outcome of a fight unless you pair them with similar passives.

    Some of them heal, some increase your damage output, your attack speed, your mana regen rate, etc... But, again, those buffs are so weak you might not see the effet in combat, either because you win quickly before they can build up, or because you lose, because every enemy hits like a truck.

    There are passives that increase your evasion, and you better believe you're gonna need them because every hit counts. The problem is, one of the ways to get those passives is random, so you might not even get the passives you need to win a fight, and so you end up with abilities totally dissociated from each other that you cannot exploit, leading to an unwinnable run.

    There's too much left to chance, and as far as I'm aware, I don't know how to use the items you gain as rewards, if they're even equipable at all.

    The artstyle is nice, but honestly it's not worth going through this game. Try to win the first boss fight to unlock the cheat codes, then go find the guide in the comments section to unlock the gallery and get your fix this way, it's much more bearable than having to play the game at all.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    not bad gameplay and good scenes, but lacking in content, hopefully it gets more updates in the future so it doesnt stay as a game with potential so I can up the score
    review wants 200 words so bit more of a info:
    game has 2 in game and 4 cg like scenes at the moment, art is good but no transition in scenes(you click next) and only 1 secondgif like animations
    combat is not balanced at all at the moment, some skills(mostly aa based ones) are completely op while others are basically a placeebo effect, so if you take a look at skills you would win on your second try despite not having much luck, if you have bit of a luck you would destroy the final boss without even being able to trigger its scene (yes I had that happened, funny part: I was total dps and healing build, so I did this without any burst...)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It just looks very promising, there isn't much content yet, but what there is is good, the art deserves a mention as it is outstanding. Gameplay-wise it is a rogue-like game in which you choose skills, I think they should give a more important role to certain sherotic actions when fighting, but the truth is that the game is about to be expanded a lot, so there is no point in criticizing like this now. The base looks promising and for me it is enough to give it a 4.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Good art and animation are smooth, game mechanics are very simple but ok since is a autobattle, could be a good game with the correct decisions in the future, will keep an eye for that one and i hope this disapoint me has many others
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Barebones mobile game with very little player agency. It is pretty much an idle game. I don't see any potential for it due to the limited game mechanics. Character art is nice though. If you check the author's previous games, you'll see that all of them are also mobile cashgrabs.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It's good. Animations are solid and low effort gameplay on the users end. It's like an autobattler almost. Go play it yourself if you enjoy those things. It's also Slay the Spire esque. Need some balance tuning etc. but thats to be expected for a 0.1 release.

    TLDR: is good.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This should be a 1 star, but the H-scenes look promising.
    This is a boring auto battler where you spam you heal when you get low and home you survive, while picking up random buffs. Come back in ~2 years when it's finished and watch the H-scenes. You literally cannot interact with the combat at all, you are just sitting and watching abilities go off.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good start
    Simple fightinggame but it seems quite balanced for being so early in development.
    Lets see where it is going but the start is rly good even if it is quite simple and not much content yet.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok, like so many games in early development, this could be good or bad but there's not enough there to really say which way it'll go currently. It'll likely change quite a bit with later developments

    The art overall is good, though I'm personally not the biggest fan of the face paint / tattoos on the MC.

    There's only 2 scenes and 2 sex animations currently, both with werewolf type enemies, however there's no loss animation which I would expect (maybe being added later).

    The gameplay is fairly annoying, in that it's pretty much pure luck to get a workable set of skills to beat either of the bosses. Like many things, further development will likely fix this.

    It also lacks any real explanation / tutorial of the mechanics. How the game works is pretty much an autobattler where you get to choose a route (it doesn't really matter what route you take currently, since it's all enemies and the non-boss enemies aren't that hard to beat. At the start of each battle you get 2 sets of 3 skills to choose from to add effect or stats. Part of the issue is that somethings like "extra healing" aren't obvious or explained (that I found at least), and many of the effects are just too weak to be usable to actually beat the boss levels. You do have 3-4 active skills, a targeted damage, an all enemies damage, and a heal that you manually activate against all enemies and a separate sex one for the bosses. The sex one doesn't do anything as far as I can tell, other than play an animation (I only managed to trigger it once since the bosses mostly killed me too fast).

    The only workable combo I found was to stack the evade, double attack, and critical skills since those include healing on dodging and critical hits. The bosses just hit too hard and fast for other healing skills to keep up. I actually didn't get the second boss sex animation because the critical and double attack build had such good DPS.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    i want to support the devs , i like how they are making games, that art, animations , characters . I just love all that, only thing i could notice as minus is i want more of that , more content , more scenes !!!! Looks like its just my wet fantasies.