Well, this was a hard read...the english needs improvement.
The incest is non existent, they are the step family, then we have a 19 year timeskip and the father dies along the way, there is no relation which makes this incest in any way, even less with the ''niece''.
As for the characters, the only one which i liked so far was the Lana.
The sister is garbage, she loves the MC so much until one day out of the blue she doesn't and gets a boyfriend. But she still loves only the MC...so much she stays with her bf

The excuse with their parents not accepting such a relationship is crap, they are not related, they are adults which could move out, they could have their relationship in secret etc.
Instead she stays with her bf, we hear from him how wild she is and that she likes roleplay and toys, ah yes and they have a child....Now that Nate is dead, should be happy to get her, 19 years too late, as a pity fuck ?
No thanks, for me the sister is dead as a LI, she was the moment she picked Nate over the MC.
The niece, locks bad with the short hair. She has probably a couple of screws lose, or that was my impression as she was thinking about alien dicks and how she would fuck her girlfriends.
And yeah, why would i care about a niece, which isn't related to the MC, at all.
If she would be at least his child and they keept it secret because of their parents...but so, why should i care about Nate's bastard kid.
Yumiko, i honestly don't care about her, she's so sad that she makes out with one of her girlfriends...yeah no thanks.
Not sure which audience the dev wants to reach with this game.
You get cucked from the get to go with the sister, there is sharing and ntr planed for other characters, but not with the 4 main girls...well, after the prologue...
As someone which dislikes ntr making them the MC's only, after you got cucked in the prolouge isn't helping, you ruined any interest in these charcters already, like the sister.
That there isn't more coming doesn't change that...and even that isn't sure, seeing that there will be more for Yumiko.
What is the point of skiping if you don't like to see it ? It's meaningles, it still happens we just don't see it.