Okay here is the big compilation of answers to all kinds of questions. Sorry for the long post:
Too much random new content, and Linda is still "under development". Gimme!
The dev has made a decent roadmap and updates it frequently. Use it to know what to expect. Linda is planned for the next update.
BTW forum, while playing the burger game: WHAT KIND OF DEGENERATE ORDERS AN EMPTY BURGER BUN?!

Hardly the worst combination. You can have multiple buns in one burger. But the oddity of it is fun, so I hope the dev never fixes it.
Next up I guess is optional threesome combinations in multiple rooms of the house and bathing scenes. Looks like four additional girls in the future too.
You guessed wrong. The amount of work to implement that is way too high for it to happen. The number of additional girls is too low. We know of:
6 in the gym: June, Nancy, Zoe, Rachel, Isabela and Rose
Camilla (the OSA agent)
Unknown main quest girl from the roadmap
Not confirmed, but Claire the police chief's daughter has also been set up for an eventual confrontation
The new girl in the coffee shop and your office in the college is only meant to be side characters, not full harem girls (I helped brainstorm the idea, hence why I know)
What I can't work out is the gym. How do you bring the gym owner under control? Or is that tbc?
Not implemented yet.
Main quest not complete when I go into the mirror it is saying wait for 0.16.
That is the current end. Should be evident that the next part will be in the next update.
Was I the only one hoping we'd get tranny/shemale Bill
Patreon supporters voted for full transformation.
Only the menu appears in Spanish, the rest of the game is in English
Translated language is always one update behind. Go play version 0.14 for Spanish.
does anyone know where the manager of the Gym is? i have been in every area in every time & all there are, are a few women that will be unlocked in a future update.
June, her quest isn't implemented yet.
That is all for now.