RPGM WIP Shisaye's Project List


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
I've been made aware of a new model for Sugoi and an (actually fairly old, but I just didn't have it) special parser for Google-Translate.
I think I will pause current projects to run tests with that because that could "potentially" give an option for games over 500k characters.

I don't have super high hopes, given how this offline AI stuff worked out in the past, but I should give it a chance.


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
After the first rough test project I can actually say that there is some serious potential here.
I'm not fully convinced by the translation quality yet, but it's so consistent compared to DeepL that I could finish projects much faster this way.

If you have requested a DMTL for a game, or you want to request a DMTL for a game, and you would be okay with me using it for SLRMTL prototyping instead, please tell me and I'll give it immediate priority. (Normal DMTL request rules still apply.)
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2021
Just noticed that you had an interest in this one earlier. Do you mind putting it on the list?
After the first rough test project I can actually say that there is some serious potential here.
I'm not fully convinced by the translation quality yet, but it's so consistent compared to DeepL that I could finish projects much faster this way.

If you have requested a DMTL for a game, or you want to request a DMTL for a game, and you would be okay with me using it for SLRMTL prototyping instead, please tell me and I'll give it immediate priority. (Normal DMTL request rules still apply.)
Can I pitch this one


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
Can I pitch this one
Well... Sure. You don't really need to pitch it.
Since I'm basically asking if you're okay with a "potentially" pretty bad translation compared to my recent DMTL stuff.

Edit: I've just looked at the files in more detail and honestly I would deny a DMTL request for that. It's really, really, bad.
So I guess this is a perfect test for the new format. If It can make this garbage work, then it is defintiely worth pursuing.
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Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
can i ask for a request if so the game is called Reincarnated in another world Richard Dream Spirit and Paiz Kingdom by dhr-ken
A request needs a Translation-Request thread, and that game released today.
dHR-ken always fucks up their releases and without even having looked at it, yet, I'm certain the game still has serious bugs.

On top of that I'd like to remind people that the DMTL format is meant for "hopeless" games.
The point is to still have "something" reasonable for games that will never be properly translated.
If I put out a DMTL close to launch the chance of a non professional picking it up for a proper translation is very low.

Long story short, please make a Translation-Request thread and give it a few months so dHR-ken can fix most of the remaining bugs, and then I'll fix the rest if nobody else picked it up.


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
I hope that post didn't sound too negative. I just feel like some people forgot that, when it came to evaluating my new much quicker, but less coherent SLRMTL format for long games.

Of course it cannot replace a proper translation. That's not the point.
The point of my stuff is that It's relatively quick, bug free, complete, consistent, and allows you to finish a game you otherwise couldn't understand at all.

There's also the detail that It's free.


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
After having made several SLRMTLs now, I'm confident in evaluating it.
Basically what I've gathered from people's reviews is:

From a technical and raw gameplay standpoint they function perfectly. There are absolutely no issues finishing a game without Japanese knowledge.
It is however considerably harder to follow story details, than with the DMTL format, because sometimes the AI produces a sentence that looks like English and seems to follow grammar, but actually makes no sense considering the situation.

So it is considerably better than Google-Translate and honestly fulfills the point of what I'm doing (having a complete, properly working "better than nothing" option for hopeless games), while taking a fraction of the time it takes to make a DMTL.
It's actually so much faster, that using it I could "technically" fulfill every single remaining Translation-Request on this site within 2 months. Even the ones with games above 1 million characters to translate.

But what I've also gathered is that it's very hard to accept lower quality if you have a choice, and I've actually got several messages of people specifically telling me, that they do not mind waiting several months for a DMTL, because while they know a proper translation isn't happening, they want the best thing they can get for this one game they really care about.

So in conclusion, while a part of me wishes I could just scrap the time intensive DMTL format, I will offer both, with some limitations.
I will finish all currently accepted DMTL requests, but afterwards SLRMTLs "should" become the norm and DMTLs the exception.

I've updated my How to make a request post to reflect these changes.
Obviously if I have personal interest in a game none of this applies.
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Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
I've just specifically posted that I will only accept new DMTL requests in special cases.

You requesting 2 DMTLs at once, without context, doesn't exactly convince me that those are special cases and even if I were to accept them, they would be at the back of the queue.
I still have 14 pending DMTL requests, so unless you want to wait till mid 2023, maybe go with requests for SLRMTLs instead.
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Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
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May 26, 2017
Alright I've added Delinquent Schoolgirl Anri to my DMTL to-do list. I'm not a huge fan of replacing a MTL with another MTL, but fine.
As for Misconduct Girl, I've added a post to your thread explaining the problem.
yay! thank you <3


Thicc thighs for breakfast
Jun 25, 2018
I'm looking to mod the dialogues of a RPGM game (which I assumed were inside the System.rvdata2 file, but looks like that's not the case). Any heads up you can give me to do it? I tried with RGSS Script Editor, but the lines I wanna change are not inside that file and it's the only one the program allows me to open and modify.


Engaged Member
Dec 29, 2017
I'm looking to mod the dialogues of a RPGM game (which I assumed were inside the System.rvdata2 file, but looks like that's not the case). Any heads up you can give me to do it? I tried with RGSS Script Editor, but the lines I wanna change are not inside that file and it's the only one the program allows me to open and modify.
Since you mentioned a ".rvdata2" file I'm guessing you are talking about a RPGM Ace game.

The "System.rvdata2" file is mainly for menu labels and font options.
The files that include the basic dialogue are usually the "Commonevents.rvdata2" and the different "Mapxxx.rvdata2" files.
In some special cases they are also inside the "Scripts.rvdata2", the "Troops.rvdata2", or in separate ".sl" files.

The RGSS Script editor is fairly old and inconvenient.
If you really just want to edit dialogue you have several more comfortable tool options.

The most common ones are Translator++(cracked version), The official Ace editor( ), and the .

As for more information, I would first need to know what exactly you are trying to do, and what specific game we are talking about because that engine gives devs plenty of options to do things in needlessly complicated ways.
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