Unity - Completed - Showdown! ANDROGYNOS [v1.1] [Garlic Field]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a great experience. Combat is fun and I like the class-based team builder idea, making you actually think about your strategy. It's surprisingly challenging (yes, I know there's a lower difficulty), especially at night where if you're low level you get absolutely rocked by the most basic mobs.

    That being said, a few minor things do bother me about this game: the censorship, the "lack" of scenes and the overall polish.
    Censorship is self explanatory. It's a Japanese game, of course it's censored.
    Scenes look great but they're kind of repetitive once you've defeated your ladybug. They also feel a bit too zoomed in but that's really not a major issue.
    As far as porn games go, this one is really good and overall it's well polished. While you can understand what's being said, the translation is kinda botched. The only other issue I've encountered is the buggy hitboxes on certain enemies in the Dilapidated Stables stage.

    Game is great, definitely worth a play if you like futa and monster girls. A tip from me: buy as many of those return-to-town talismans as you can, you're gonna need them.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Well made game overall, it kind of enticed me with the allure of the RPG grind more than the actual porn at times.
    Getting the porn parts were difficult at times for me at first, but I learned that the Druid (particularly status infliction) is INCREDIBLY strong, and you can frot enemies comfortably at higher levels if you hit them beforehand.
    Also, it's really weird to talk about music in a porn game review, but some of the tracks are really quite nice.
    The animations are pretty decent as well, and though there's a lot of reuse, I found the diversity of types of enemies (not including recolors) enough for me.
    There's also a pretty good amount of effort in the writing and bestiary, so if you care about that, that's something, and I quite liked all of the characters.
    Getting better equipment and specific buffing items through the selling of materials was also fun, which is where the RPG grind kind of allured me.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v1.041

    Etrian Odyssey except everything is a futa.

    That sentence appeals to me a lot on paper, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Movement, combat, and several other gameplay elements feel slow; class, skill, and item selection all feel very limited; and the porn, while great, is not enough to carry the rest of the game, especially since two-thirds of it is literal reskins and what feels like over half of the remainder is repeat positions with variations on participating parties.

    The main problem with old-school gameplay is that it's OLD. Quality of life features and various innovations are important. Super Mario 64 was revolutionary for its time and still has active players today who would happily argue it's still a "good" game, but modern platformers have come a long way and nobody really wants a 1:1 SM64 copy.

    The entire game smacks of undertapped potential.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I really respect when devs make a nifty, focused game with clean pixel art and other mechanics than just a VN or RPG Maker game. However, the UX is kinda rough in places, and it feels a bit bare in some aspects.

    After playing for about an hour I ended up putting it away - it just didn't 'hook' me long-term. I see that others mention a story, but I only encountered independent 1-off basic quests. IMHO shifting the interesting narrative aspects a bit earlier in the game would help here.

    I also found the sex content quite bare - no narration or flavor text and a lot of the animations are very similar, leading to me quickly flipping through them and then moving on. In fact there seems to be very little dialogue/narration at all outside the hub, which leave a pretty tight-yet-dry loop of battle->walk->repeat. The art is quite nice though. I think some more substantial dialogue would really round out the core loop nicely and keep my interest better long term. I think the planned gameover stuff will also help in this regard.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Artstyle and animations are great, and combat is actually engaging and love the mechanics to get the animations. There's small details on the animations too like if you do stun and win over an enemy their sprite shows them with their clothing off too, unnecesary but appreciated. Overall a nice welcomed surprise, hopefully we get to see more like this one, please support the devs as they deserve it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game reminds of old style rpgs, with some modern mechanics. The old school style gameplay really got to me.

    I can understand why some people would give it a lower rating. It is a bit frustrating at times, but I find charm in its imperfections.

    The sprite art/animations are really solid and unique, although the frot animations sometimes get reused.

    The lore/story is also pretty interesting.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Major problem with gameplay is managing to get your opponent low enough to win the "frot" without killing them.

    Basically there's a limit to how powerful you can become before you simply don't get to do some missions or see the sex animations.

    So basically you have to cheat to see all the scenes after a point. Otherwise it's a playable game. 3/5