but the mc is no slouch either, they are friends, (with fuckboy as well) he got her out of the shell,
Outside of they're friends, everything else you said is simply not true. Even if you bring up how long it took for the bull to take her v card, this is what he did in 6 months versus the cuck.
The Bull
-His first time talking with her he called her cute, something that she's never been called before, even by the cuck.
-After learning about her favorite manga, he speed reads it, talks to her about it, and invites her to talk about other manga she likes, or for her to give him more recommendations on what to read next so they can talk about later. Not only did the cuck never do this, he only know of 1 manga she likes as he never talks to her about manga ever.
-Starts to play games with her, and get good enough that when they trio with the cuck, he thinks that he's invisible as the two carry he's sad ass to a win.
-Starts to walk her home after the cuck ran away with a bs excuse even though she looking at him with begging eyes for him to stay, and he knows the look that she was giving him to and he still ran.
-Called her cute again and said she would be even cuter without her glasses. She takes them off after that and gets contacts. He does the same thing with her hairstyle too.
-Starts to plan study dates with her.
-Goes on actual dates with her.
-Asks her out to the summer festival
-Takes her virginity
The Cuck
-Only ever plays 1 game with her and he can't even keep that between the two of them. She even blows him off sometimes to play with or get fuck by the bull.
-Never preemptively calls cute, only does so when she asks him if she looks good when she changes her style. And the cuck is too much of a pussy to say he likes her old looks anyways so he isn't even genuine when he calls her cute.
-No study dates, no hangouts, no dates (no i'm not counting the anime expo, that shit only happened because plot demand it happen not because he asked her out to it) Nothing that would even suggest that they know each other exists outside of school besides playing one game.
-Talks shit about the summer festival and only back-peddles when he realizes that the fmc stops talking. Also for some unkown reason thinks that she would never be into festivals to begin with.
-Did you know the cuck has her number? I wouldn't be surprised if anyone forgot because he only uses three times in game outside of endings, one of those times she texted him while they were on discord, and the other time was an accident.
That it. In 6 months (and beyond in the cuck's case) the bull made her feel confident in her looks, made it so she would start taking care of herself, smooth out her insecurities, which with her looks, made it easier for other people to approach her, and made her feel desired. Meanwhile the cuck did nothing for her self-esteem, never helped with her insecurities, didn't even fucking talk to her about anything unless he needs to respond to something after he's been asked about something or talking about the shitty apex clone. If the bull was never there, the fmc would've been the same invisible mouse she was at the beginning of the game since the cuck is too much of a pussy to do anything with her until the hamfisted endings.
And yes they're inexperience, but that isn't an excuse. If you want a realationship with someone you have to work for it, you have to approach them even if it's uncomfotable and scary. Even if you don't have anything to talk about. Do something. The cuck never does anything with the fmc while the bull does everything first. And it's because of this fact that none of the endings (except ending d and that still doesn't make sense she shouldn't love the cuck at all at this point in time) make sense. Even before route A is over the fmc is head over heels for the bull, going so far as to masturbate to nothing but thoughs of the bull while the cuck is making mountions over specks of dirt because he said hi to her once during lunch and that is the fastest and greatest gain to their realationship forming.