Others - HTML - SinE3R [v0.23.2] [jktulord]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    HTML game in which you are forced to use a very buggy executable file and I have no idea what engine this is, I also saw that the file this engine uses is HTML but it doesn't make sense to catalog this game as HTML, the engine I hate the most is (QSP) but this one managed to get worse, more buggy, and more frozen, now about the content of the game I actually liked it and stayed in it for 30 minutes but the game leaves something to be desired because of the engine and because of the bugs that happen directly, for me it was 1 star more because the story is actually cool 2 stars, the developer was supposed to use another engine like renpy or the browser's own html even rpgm would be more acceptable, it's even ridiculous but even QSP would be acceptable or unity
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Urgh what a waste of time.

    The setting has so much potential. And yet the dev squanders everything.

    The first issue that jumps into you of course is the terrible grammar in the writing. I get that not everyone is native to english, but i am also not native but I can atleast read a text 2 times and check if i doubled any words. And if that happens in the first 5 text boxes the user reads when he first opens the game, you know what you are into...

    The Ai art would be fine except there has been zero checks on the most basic level for text/image consistency. The widow girl in the camp is supposed to be pink haired but the image in that scene only shows white and blonde girls. Can I atleast expect people to type the write hair color into their prompt?

    The systems and overall gameplay would have been fun, except for as others pointed out an incredibly buggy game and an atrocious ui. If i have to read the discussion to figure out that i need to zoom out of the ui to actually be able to hit the buttons than that is not a skillissue on the user side that is crappy game design. And don't get me started on the inventory management. No loot all button. No double click to loot individual item (I am playing a PORN game. Why are you forcing me to press shift for a basic action in a game that should be easily played single handed?) Like play atleast one other game in your genre while thinking before making your own.

    And the worst offender for me personally? The rape is a fucking lie! Eventually I rushed to the sawmill and won a fight agains one of the pmc girls. Initially it just shows the same ui when looting i.e. says i close the Corpse, which was a downer already, but hey necrophilia maybe? No! The girl is alive and well and I get a rape option. Okey. Akward but hey atleast I finally get what I am here for right? WRONG!
    The whole fucking scene is the same text as the generic vanilla sex text with the leader in the widow camp. THEN WHY DO YOU HAVE THE OPTION AND TAG IN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE IF IT IS NOT IN YET! Set it up as planned at the fucking least.

    Running around a post apocalyptic wasteland with girls and zombies is only cool if I get to hunt them girls myself. Thats the point of these games!

    Well rant over. If the ui gets fixed up and the grammar cleaned up it could easily be a 3 star and with proper amount of content can easily reach up to 5 start teritory, but currently it is far far far from that and not worth your time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Good foundation, but bugs need to be fixed and smashing mechanics need to be reworked to be more fun. There are some grammar issues. Content amount is quite good for alpha. Fun to scavenge around. Girls are hot (but personalities are hitherto mid.) Update frequency is impressive.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Legitimately unplayable with how often the game will just lock up when opening a container. Doesn't seem to be one specific container type or a specific location either. Without the ability to save either, it means constant restarting.

    No thanks.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Dying in the game is kinda broken, you lose your stuff but you dont get teleported back sometimes, the rng is also a little wonky, my first run i found no armor or weapons, my second i found a whole bunch, your health also drains randomly for some reason, even when full hp, food and thirst you will just randomly lose hp and if you dont pay attention it'll kill you, theres also no warnings if you have 0 food or thirst, you could be exploring and just die because theres nothing to warn you.

    the game has promise but itsreally buggy rn, hope to see more updates in the future
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i really like this game,it has anything i like in there like survival,loot management,turn based,and obviously porn. its still not complete so you can expect some bugs when playing but you can still play this game normally.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    hcra irp


    Cool little game! Its best parts are in its gameplay and its ability to immerse you. The combat, inventory management and exploration are all semi-difficult at first, so you won't get too far by brute forcing the game. As the systems are fairly intuitive though, after a couple of minutes of playing you'll figure out how to slowly survive and get better gear. Gameplay is tough enough to feel like you are playing a survival game which is great for immersion, but easy enough for you to slowly learn how to use the systems to your benefit.

    However, the game is fairly buggy. Talking to some of the female characters about sex or quests will softlock your game, forcing you to reload from your previous save (so save often!). Additionally, sometimes you will be unable to open gates leading to new areas even with the correct item.

    Sex with the characters are decent. It's nothing fancy but how long you can fuck them for is based on your in game stamina (which is also used for fighting enemies) which is pretty cool and good for immersion.

    I love the concept of the game and what the dev has made so far but currently it's too buggy and doesn't contain enough content to really recommend unless you are into survival games or something about the game interests you in particular.

  8. 1.00 star(s)


    too complex for a porn game so this is waaaaaaaay too "realistic" for a game build in this engine, In my opinion is more tedious rather than hard, kinda sucks cuz the actuall content that i got to have was pretty decent
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the concept. It's a tile-based zombie survival game.

    As it stands now though.. I really can't recommend playing it. Several times over I encountered bugs that forced a reload. I basically made no progress after going to the shelter because every time I went out I would get locked into something. At this point it's an open play test because I don't believe for 2 seconds anything was tested before being added and released to the public.

    Nah, no thanks.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I would call this 'Alpha' level. There is no feeling of depth to it. The game is playable, and you can see what they are going for but it needs more stuff like ... quests, enhanceable base, live in guests. An opening cut-scene would help make things make sense, too.

    Graphics and text are OK. I probably didn't play out every possible thing, but I did explore pretty much all of the (fairly small) map. Not sure if relationship building is a thing yet. Game balance wise, the fights are winable. I suggest that food satiation go down slower, and that it should be more obvious if you are losing health because you have no food/water.

    tl;dr: Check back in four to six months.