Interesting premise, I like the art and I think the story can actually turn out to be rather good, I was pleasantly surprised and entertained, I'll definitely be paying attention to this
Someone mentioned that MC praising the mom is a bit too, well, it's quite bold and he also just keeps shooting the compliments at her, not quite normal behavior, and the thoughts they keep having and how they progress feels rather quick and too soon, I personally would prefer if all that would develop gradually, slowly, i.e. in different situations, different moments here and there they could perhaps see each other in new ways. Like on the island he's keeping the brave face, protecting her and all, she could be like "I never knew that he was this brave", you know, learning new things about each other that just happen to appeal to them, traits that they'd appreciate in a lover and all, and slowly they could either fall in love or develop raw sexual attraction toward one another, or both. Slow-burn is what I'm saying, in short, haha, but that's of course just me

But I'm not complaining at all though, I'll gladly go with this too because the story does have a lot of potential, lets hope the dev will be able to use the potential
@Temptress_Games In my opinion this was a very good and promising start, keep it up, I'm definitely looking for more, hopefully the wait won't be TOO long!