It is weird seeing people call Frank a wimp, when he isn't shown to be that. Frank has no problem going for girls that he wasn't related to. Will he regularly screw the married lesbian and eventually agree to knock her up? Yup. Will he screw the well stacked, purple haired hottie? No problem. Will he go for a quickie with Darla (the daughter of the judge) after knowing her for 5 minutes? Easy. Heck, while he is slow to start with Mei, it doesn't take him nearly as long to start things with her. His only reservations are with girls he considers daughters. He isn't a wimp, he just isn't a deviant, perverted piece of shit. This game is a grooming and corruption game, except it is the girls doing the corruption on a father who actually has strong morals.
many people call Frank a wimp ,and he has show that.
he doesn't have a problem with girls who aren't related to him ,who would? especially considering they are throw at him and required little or no effort! all he has to do is drop his pants.
Being with Mei is because her parents push hard for it,literally telling her she's to tread him like a husband,she herself is ok with it because she's always had a crush on him.
He is going slow initially because he believes it will Blow over or is a joke and there will be other relationship with mei aside from a professional one,but when it does start the develop he is indecisive about it.
"Will he regularly screw the married lesbian and eventually agree to knock her up?" only if the player agrees,but again the entire effort & start comes from the women's side(naturally). and frank just goes along with the decisions made by the women.
the first 2-3 lewds with beth hes only along for the ride and they are initiated by beth & vennesa.
"His only reservations are with girls he considers daughters"??? he had reservations about Mei to,as he only wanted her to become more independent from her parents , he had his reservations about Beth because she's a married women
i won't deny this VN's story is more orientated around the step daughters corrupting the MC,as his (seemingly endless at times) internal monologue will display his "strong" moral compass.
So why do people call him wimp? because even after all the Strong morals internal monologue he just goes along with it when push comes to shove. When he NEEDS to make decisions he falters to adhere to his "strong morals" that are shown with his internal monologue & words he spoke like "no this isn't right" & "it can never happen".
and i'd say even those perceived moral's aren't that strong because they always happen right before or after the"damn she's hot" or some other sexual thought his step daughters.
plus arguments are almost always centred around "this is socially unacceptable","i could end up in jail" or "how bad others would look at it" probably from being indecisive again.