VN - Others - Completed - Sissy Maker [v4.0] [Sissy Maker]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Even though looking a little bit old and not supporting a modern resolution, it's still nice to play, and the soundtracks are just great, while being simple. But for some reason there are still work in progress passages, while being a (as far as i know) finished game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Nothing but GRIND.

    The MC has a baby dick.

    The whole game is about making money so your bratty trap roommate who doesnt pay rent can get Transformed and fuck everyone except for the MC.

    Despite there being a magic dick growing lotion, MC gives it to his trap and continues to have a tiny baby dick.

    10/10 IGN
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5404891

    Art is decent, which is the only reason I gave this 2 stars. Gameplay is excessively grindy, which paired with a timer of 60-ish days and an incredibly slow pace, is just ridiculous.

    Even with that, I was begrudgingly going through the snail's grind for the artwork and the semi-rarity of this type of content. But then suddenly, MC gets beat up by a bunch of nazis and has to spend 3 days in the hospital. Game deleted. Thanks anyway, dev, I'm all set.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is alright, but every sex scene is presented from the worst possible angle and makes sure to never show anyone's face.

    Story is... there? That's about all I can say for it. It's not terrible, but it's not especially great either.

    Characters are also there. Some of them are alright, others are abhorrently unattractive and/or annoying.

    The gameplay is both unintuitive and grindingly repetitive at the same time. Several key elements are left up to blind luck.
    As far as I can tell, there is no way to check your stats in game and most actions that require a certain stat level to be successful don't give any indication of whether you meet the requirements before letting you try, so you just have to continue to grind and try things and hope that your stats are high enough for whatever you're trying to do.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure
    please read review, 5 recommend

    In another attempt to try something new Sissy maker!!!!, Now I can masturbate to some sissy trap shit, I'd even be willing to try boning one IRL, I don't know if I'd enjoy it, this is the only thing I find confusing about my sexuality, I feel like I'm 90% straight but am willing to be tricked. Point is I don't mind the penises, personally, if you do don't be tricked I think there is one actual regular female in the game and I don't even know if she's fuckable.

    So what is sissy maker? It's exactly what the title suggests, a game where you play as 2 characters actually! Chris, the sissy, and James, the maker. Basically Chris is a lazy moron who rents from James and hasn't payed rent in a long time so she owes James 30K$ and to get it back James decides to help Chris with her transition, not from male to female exactly more like from slut to cumslut, and in doing this help Chris earn the money she owes James.

    The thing I want to make clear from the get go is this game is a mess, it's insane, I have no idea why you should do anything , there are short term goals that are mostly just convoluted and a long term goal of paying back James which is like the main plot point of the whole game and you don't even start with a way to make money. This game has a gallery, not like a scene gallery that has the whole scene played out again no that's far to fancy, it has an image gallery, the worst kind of gallery. That gallery has over 400 images I have unlocked about 140, I know how to get some of them but I don't want to play through the game again. There is a shockingly small amount of characterization for a game that claims to be an "erotic novel/dating sim". This feels like a book was written by committee so every few pages things change and refocus in a weird direction.

    Gameplay is going through menus that slowly enter the screen from the right from top to bottem and obviously everything you want to do is closer to the bottom of the list. You also keep track of a bunch of stats, I have no idea what most of the stats are for, some are required for progressing through the story milestones like strength, those ones you can alter, others are determined by a quiz you take in the begining and don't appear to have any noticable bearing on the game nor are able to be altered despite taking actions that should logically alter them, like sex appeal. You can increase Chris's bust size in the game supposedly to massive double D's or whatever, I have no idea how I was only able to get them to C's and couldn't find a way to increase them past that, though they kept showing up bigger in cutscenes and they look shitty in said scenes because the dev was lazy and basically just poorly drew on the pictures with MS paint so they look fucking weird. You have to interact with certain characters at certain times to effect them, not move up there story, they don't have a subplots in this, but it's the only way to see certain scenes and progress. Main problem with the gameplay is it's nuanced in annoying ways, like when you want to move to another location you go to a map then take a -10 to stamina and move up a time slot even if you go back to where you went. It also dominates the game because again, there is little direction in what you should do.

    Story, this game has multiple endings and I only got the true ending, I won't spoil but it should be obvious. Point being I only know the story from that perspective and it was lukewarm at best It didn't help that at one point I just stopped interacting with the "STP building", this is like a school/main hub where you increase stats and talk to most characters, and just earned money for the last part of the game and It was boring and shit. I already said the characters in this basically just aren't, they have almost no personality and even if they did talking to them 90% of the times just leads to the same exact line with no change so why even bother? because sometimes you need to to trigger other scenes, for some reason. maybe I've been spoiled by game devs with a brain but I ended up being frustrated with this game from a design perspective, you don't feel like you earn anything or progress in any real way, the game adds random goon attacks half way in for no other reason than to be a nuisance that occasionally sets you back, assuming you don't save scum, which of course you fucking do who wouldn't ?

    So then why am I on the fence? Because I played this for a few hours, put it down annoyed and ready to move on then came back because I liked the art and wanted to see more of it. I wanted to see my 2 main characters fuck as that hadn't happened in my initial play through and I feel like any game where I come back to it after I put it down deserves something.

    Honestly if you are into this fetish and don't mind the shitty guide and lack of depth then you could do worse than sissy maker, it has some good art even if it can be a challenge to find all of it and I ended up spending more time with it than I expected.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v4.0

    It says finished, but imma be honest with you chef, this shit is medium-rareat best. There is some room that you can see on the map that are grayed out, but are never unlocked, content feels quickly finished for the hell of it and overall it feels more like a beta version of the game then its full release.

    Quick summary of the game, because i cant be bothered to do a real one:

    -The art is alright, basic but gets the job done.
    -Gameplay is also basic and very repetitive.
    -Sound, same story.
    -Story is braindead
    -And the characters and their interection between each other is very much cringe. Thats not how human have conversations, mate!

    Could have been better, but it was left as a half cooked steak that sprouts cringe when you bite into it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    This game has great art and such a fantastic writing that really gives soul to these characters. The dev is, most certainly, a very creative person with great ideas for a VN.

    The issue is the gameplay. At first, things are cool and you go through your tasks without much problem. But after you've done a set of actions to achieve a task for the 20th time, it gets mad annoying. The grind is real here.

    I really wish there was some sort of cheat mode that allowed me to just experience the story of this game without having to worry about stats, money and the endless grind that leveling is. It would have been a great game, then. As it currently is, I can't see myself playing anymore of it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    While there are obvious problems with this game, the relationship between Chris and James was handled with so much playful affection that it just really appealed to me. So many of the games on this site have an odd dichotomy between eroticism and degradation, promoting sexuality in its various forms but frequently depicting it as dirty and something to be ashamed we are supposed to get off on guilt. Obviously there is a place for all kinds of erotic expression, from the very dark and dangerous to the lighthearted and charming, but this game just struck me as very sex positive and that made me overlook the drawbacks. I hope they continue with this in the future.
    Likes: mc247
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The only real thing this game has going for it is the fairly rare content/fetish material. If you're into sissy stuff. As a game, it's unfortunately bit of a grindy mess that I don't see many people being able to put up with, however.

    It's not the fun type of grind either. There's just way too much repetition and the day/night/energy/affinity/xp management is more annoying than anything, especially the tasks you need to repeat X amount of times in Y days. You'll be clicking far too much to get anywhere and the art just isn't worth it. On top of this, you have the 100 day countdown hanging over your head. Not that it mattered, I was sick of it long before reaching the deadline anyway.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Really needed another test player, bad grammar, minor bugs (skip button doesn't even work for Ronda encounter), and a random continuity error. I had just passed the lvl 3 test when Chris ran off, and you can either take an ending or he'll come back and the protag acts like they got into a huge fight when they didn't Chris just went to the bahamas and left a note. After that I checked out because it made no sense and also fucked up my grinding schedule which was really annoying. Also there's just way too much grinding to be fun. Despite this they're apparently working on a deluxe edition instead of fixing the game??? Low tier
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best trap and futa/trans game, i arealy played all of the fórum of this tag. Just be patient and work to get money/ train to unlock events. And the transformation of the main character is very cool. I love the art of the game too, but the development of the game is very slow and that make the game very cold to me. Wait 5/6 months to get this new update was disappointing.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Foxy The Fox

    nice story and animation

    transformation step by step

    (if you are bored by grind, use artMoney)

    various scenes has several endings depending on state of main character and your previous decisions

    so, i like this game and highly recommend to play it
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Edit: v2.8 was a massive improvement so I bumped my score from 2 to 5 stars.

    The game has fantastic art, very erotic.
    A bit grindy but acceptable.
    The in game journal is very helpful.
    It's easier to fight off muggers now which is great.
    Lots of content.
    If you're into this genre, this is a fun game to play.
    Getting Chris to STP 3 is still challenging, but I was able to figure it out this time, but it took four tries.

    Your goal is to help your tenant Chris become a sissy. You play as a male protagonist and you can go around screwing dick girls.

    In order to have Chris work at Desire club, get dancing skills to at least level 2 and use the lotion to give him tits, you can buy the lotion at the lab at stp.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    quite a good game, although the extra grinding is a flaw, but otherwise it is fun, interesting, great sissy girls, fun situations, lots of anal sex, and has my favourite kind of girlfriend, the one I dream about to have someday. Other than that, I can't wait for new updates and improvements -gameplay wise specially-. cheers
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice to see this game get attention. a good trans game is tough to find.. plus the dev seems to be nice from a few interactions with him. Interesting game in general, entertaining, wish it was a bit more robust with more choices, etc. but not bad for a small indie dev.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    story: very good

    characters: well done, (and cute)

    draws: exellent

    scenes (erotic ones): fricking hot

    gamplay: click adventure, but is well done.

    conclusion: this game give me hopes of the future. it got cool and well done characters, main and secondary. the story is funny and easy to follow. and the erotics scenes got though and passion, specialy with the draw style.
    is probably one of the best game you can find in this page, and TOTALLY worth your time and money.

    trust a random person on internet in this one. if you dont play it, you are missing something good.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    uniqie characters, unique visuals, events, stats, music. This game is much different from most games here. Yes, it is grindy. Hoping the author is planning to add much more content so it can be more fun. Keep up the good work!
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I love the concept of this game, the artstyle, and the promiscuous character of Chris. Despite all that, it's simply not a fun game to play. It tops the list of being what is the grindiest adult game with the smallest payoff thus far.
    At its worst it's a repetitive trainer style game that requires so much time be put into carefully balancing tasks to increase stats and making money, all while making sure energy never reaches 0 otherwise days are wasted which are required in order to meet a deadline.
    At its best it's a kinky training simulator where you progressively transform a very horny sissy boy into a feminine slut.
    It's simply far too much effort to get any lewd scenes, with little variety in the path to achieve them. And it's a shame because I really, really want to like this game.