Thanks, I'm glad you think it was a classic

. I do have plans one day of reviving this game and revamping it entirely, but due to irl problems and health issues, it's just not a priority. **No I don't mean mental health issues, I have chronic fatigue and getting over it is a bitch and a half.** If you have any more questions in general, feel free to contact me.
Hey, I hope it gets better, I know what your going through.❤
Going through some tough times myself and there ain’t no easy just get over it or suck it up quick fix (in the rl stuff I’m going through). So not presuming to know the unsaid of what your going through all I can honestly offer is my thanks to you and sincere hope life gets better for you on your side. You’ve brought so many of us at least a few sweet moments of peace and some fun/titillating escape, and I for one would like to sincerely thank you.
So please just keep hanging in there if that’s the best sometimes we can do. Tough times honestly won’t last forever no matter how deep we feel we’ve gotten ourselves into a really trying season (or how dark the world can sometimes seem).
And honestly this game was great for what it was and it gave me quite a few hours of enjoyment and entertainment and that’s all a good game is meant to do. You know, and maybe a really great game can also maybe make you think a bit, and be sexy, all in one package; and come to think of it SS checked all those boxes for me at least. And for I’m sure many others as you can see for yourself how folks have still been checking for that next mystical magical update no matter how long it’s been.⭐
So don’t sweat this at least or add this as anything else you want to put back on your plate, and if you can return to it one day even if years from now it doesn’t have to be remade into the next cyberpunk 2077 or Hogwarts Legacy, (though come to think about it both of those worlds might make for some sexy stories) but I think Sissy Slut was already great just the way it was, with the themes it addressed and the raw in your face storytelling that was erotic, I guess some could call even
KINKY, without much of a wardrobe or the usual props or all of the extra hoopla.
It was your bold (off-vanilla) mind that set out to bring us an adult fantasy straight out of AdultConfessions or the Nifty Story Archives to a pc game that we fell in love with, where we could play through some of that vainglorious, between jobs, from cam girl to gloryhole sexy raw shit, that wasn’t the usual sugarcoating over the standard watered down slut experience.
Anyway, even as I look forward to your next chapter of TMOAS and see all your games as for sure hits and the AustinHaney6969 brand as a forsure good game, I will always have fond memories of Sissy Slut as that OG Classic I first enjoyed.