So technically... this here is a game about sexual (and manual labor) exploitation of a mentally handicapped, probably *cough* still quite young... guy.
Who sometimes (most times), maybe as a side-effect to his mental condition, gets totally-not-weird-at-all large green veins on his wiener. Hmm... Perhaps when he's angry?? (Hulk-veins? Wait, maybe that really is the condition?!!?)
Not even sure this is the first "loop". Those monsters!!
Guess that's where the news anchors and commercials come in, to give context - I wasn't paying that much attention though.
But if I were to look at things through pink glasses - maybe this is the best way to live for him (doctor recommended). Yeah, let's go with that, lol.
The dialogue/scripts during the h-scenes is...well, base nukige-level, and I'm pretty sure at least a couple of times the TL doesn't remotely match what was being said - but really, only a handful of times (and just a hunch); otherwise it's okay.
The ending should be totally obvious by day 6. Animations are great though, maybe sometimes a
(very) little inconsistent, but hat tipped, Chika is by far the best lady (so glad she was not 'Chiko').
Also got a few shut-downs myself, like some people mentioned, but I was able to save, no biggie, and there is an ample number of slots - dunno what the others were puffing.
On a sidenote, was hoping for a juicy scene with the manor building -which is flat, triangulal, thicc, wooden, spacious etc. just in the right places- itself, which I believed is the secret (4th) love interest in the game with the amount of screen time she got...
But alas... Blue-balled... Still better than green-shafted, I guess?