yes i understand what a VN is but thanks... so re doing someone else's work meant it had to be copied word for word?... and boring out of the gate?. he is already not using it with permission so why would it matter if he changed a name etc? thanks for coming to defend him though.. whew that was close..
I was not DEFENDING HIM i was explaining it TO YOU!!
Since it seems it was a little over your head to understand the OP or read the thread, so figured i would make it easy for you!
IT IS NOT A REMAKE, He took an already written story and and incorporate HIS RENDERS!! which is what he wants to concentrate in as English is not his native language. because then we would be reading something like
BBOORRIIING.. and Engrish..not the worst engrish, but engrish none the less.. not quite sure how sams sister chased the MC into his own apartment from her place in a towel.. sam is filthy rich but lives in the same building as the poor broke MC?. story jumps around, a little broken.. oh and did mention boring..
or maybe like this
yup... might check again in a year.. try english..
Again if you READ the thread you would have READ that he did reach out to the WRITER of the story but he has been MIA but again that should not affect you if he has permission or not
To answer to your question, YES INTRO WORD FOR WORD is a must, if not later on you won't enjoy/understand part of the plot or the why was it like that or why that decision made and so on and that is a FACT because i read the whole story.
You suggest the naming scheme is *lazYness and you don't get why... well DUHHHH ................

*( i'm guessing you meant lazIness but hey English is only my second language so sorry if i'm wrong )
Stated on the intro slow build up..........but then again almost every game here that is not a fap session starting from the demo or a V 01 or some long plot is introduced or written to make sense and better story seems to BORE YOU at some point!!!
You do get that this story was written years ago! so people are going to be watching it as he develops and if he changes to much then he is gonna get a

storm when all he wants to do is create an enjoyable reading experience with nice RENDERS and better his craft and rendering.
Are you going to help him re-read the story more then 6 or 7 times to make sure the edits make sense further down the story line?
And let's not forget you already had someone tell you in a nice cool normal way about the way you come across when you provide your CONSTRUCTIVE criticism!!!! Your answer: Takes one to know one!!!
Well i doubt you made it this far since reading BORES you so much but if you did, you need to lighten up man thse are games and VS made as hobbies and other for profit but you get them FREE and also PIRATED so easy , if it really bores you so much what others make WHY NOT MAKE YOUR OWN? theres is an idea
Mods if i have broken a rule please let me know and sorry for the rant but reading over and over and over the same

in so many games gets BOOOORIIIING!!!!