Can someone tell the devoloper, that likely most of us can't remember who is who in when loading a new version like if we talked with or said Yes to a specific person. If the updates came often, it's one thing, but it doesn't and it's slow to load saves and check.
And who is Kheraes ? or however it's spelled.
So on a new version when asked a question we need to know :
Who's who.
What was the question about?
What does which answer results in?
The developer might not want so spoil, but it's a nightmare each time trying to figure these things out.
This game do have grinding elements in it, so it could take time before people try a new version, unless we cheat and many do when saves gets broken.
It could be easy for everyone to spam these question, but it can delay the play-time or that you have to redo a lot because you selected the wrong choice and that can leave to people leaving the game to be played in the future, if they remember.
I figured out who she was, but it took time.
After signing the employee contract, you can talk with her in the 1st floor office, she's the white haired woman, she asks if you could tell her if Cali or how to spell her name, the red haired on needs help and it's a Yes/no question with nothing telling you what it'll result in.