This is Gross and poorly made Monster-fuck game
Character models looks like ass
but their transformations are creative and relatively cool
Sadly best looking forms are not the ones you can fuck
Game take eternity of clicks to get the girl to a state of love-wife
you play as fat and ugly misshaped alien making experience worse
sex scenes are literally PNG-Slideshows. not low-fps animations, literally 3 png from 3 positions, you are done, end of fuck
No audio or sound effects or voice
Entire thing start from rapy interactions and its very mean spirited
Biggest dissapointed gotta be playing to the end of character just to find out how little you can do with her
Characters have bonuses for being fully converted, but there is no gameplay where said bonuses would apply
Character models looks like ass
but their transformations are creative and relatively cool
Sadly best looking forms are not the ones you can fuck
Game take eternity of clicks to get the girl to a state of love-wife
you play as fat and ugly misshaped alien making experience worse
sex scenes are literally PNG-Slideshows. not low-fps animations, literally 3 png from 3 positions, you are done, end of fuck
No audio or sound effects or voice
Entire thing start from rapy interactions and its very mean spirited
Biggest dissapointed gotta be playing to the end of character just to find out how little you can do with her
Characters have bonuses for being fully converted, but there is no gameplay where said bonuses would apply