Is there a way to save something, or do you always have to play through it?
Since the game isn't too far along, there's only one save slot and you have to play through. In the next version, since we'll be adding a lot more content, saves between different versions should work. It's Unity, so all that saving and loading is implemented ourselves, which takes some time to code.
Very short update, you probably should've held on to that and built up more content. Also the freedom to choose what dialogue comes out of my Mc's mouth would be nice, I know more options is coming in the future, but it's still takes some time getting use to. This is still in the early stages so I get that everything isn't gonna be peachy. My animations was too a little choppy, but it could just be me. Anyways, best of luck to you.
Adding the eating scene was extremely complicated for us to code. Adding anything other than some renders and animations, takes a long time to code in Unity. Regardless, our goal was monthly updates no matter what we have, which is why this was released. That won't be the case for the next version however as we're taking our time with the next one as well as simultaneously working on our second game which we've been working on since we started this one. Also I'm not sure what you mean by choppy, I think you mentioned this before. If you could message me and show me I'd like to see what you are expereincing.

The description mentions this game is all about choices, yet I'm seeing comments about it not having choices?
Also, I find the posts about "non-relatable black kid" amusing. Where I live, most caucasians look exactly like that during the spring/summer months. In regular non-lockdown days that is.
It's mentioned in the developer notes on the front page.
.....this is not directed towards you, but for that second part, I'm not going to comment on that situation besides just saying I find the discussion rather pathetic. I can't be bothered responding to nonsense that'll take this topic way off track. I'll say to anyone, any concerns with that, just DM me.
I will say that I'm glad some people are not game developers with having such a small mind.
Dude if you are going to put efforts on renders and animation atleast make sure the game works fine also there are many trash games on this website already, specially of HTML and Unity engines so please I will suggest you to use Renpy or Rpgm as its very easy to use and works on any platform.
....I really didn't want to respond to this outrageous post.
First of all, Ren'py uses Python, we only know C#. The game also runs just fine. That's all you're getting from me.