DarkOg13 &
Yo, at me when you two collaborate and write the strategy guide, I’ll give it the official seal of approval!
Seriously, I love this discussion and how people have different approaches to the boss - as awesome as it is drawing the boobies, I still want the game to make people
want to actually play it and progress, so I can’t express how much joy it brings me to see your posts about the different ways to tackle the problem –
which for anyone else reading and wondering how you’re supposed to beat this thing, is/will be completely skippable and is just part of a side quest/content.
BUT fear not fellow gamers, I was also asked about the stun-locking problem, and have already fixed. In version 0.0. 3(A) onwards, Kyrsten will no longer be affected by “Curses” (Status debuffs, poison, frozen, burn, etc) while in her Ultimo Form. It won’t help with the Tail Wrap, but should lower the cheese of being combo-ed with Frozen, while keeping the fight difficult enough.
I had this planned for a while, it's why the Shaman also drains your ULT, so the brainwashing can happen without players being able to transform and null it, but only just implemented it as I’ve JUST added in basic enemies into 0.0.3 that can actually use curses so the Mental Guard stat actually becomes more useful.
Slowly making a complete game haha.
I will also look into Black screen bug, not sure how that got past all the playtesting.

Hope you’re all enjoying the game, and thanks for all the comments and feedback!
Have a great month y'all