RPGM - Completed - Snow-Swept Quest [v1.01] [Potatolife / Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    agus gines

    This is the best classic, old H-rpg that is. Extremely underrated, is a shame they never made another rpg like this or a sequel.
    Any thing youd expect of a h-game this game has it. One underrated aspect of this game are the pixel art animations some scenes have, wich Is a shame you can only watch them once and are not in the galllery
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    i give this game 4.5 stars. the gfx, game play, h-scene etc are above avg. the story is average. mc is lovely.

    the reason this doesnt get a 5 star is because theres better games like Karen's Prison which is hands down sexier and more h content. other similar games to this style are Pray Game, Enishia and Ambrosia

    overall, this is a better game than most, so 4.5 star is fair.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A surprisingly good game !

    Why ? The protagonist is simply so sweat ! You want to protect her and actually achieve the good ending.

    The artworks are decent and the story and gameplay are simple for such game. It's short but dynamic.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite game ever imo, I just love Saya so much!

    Shipped her with Clione and ended on a happy ending.
    Turns out you can even play without once being "restrained"

    Every dialogue of hers is just so kind and compassionate accompanied with most adorable art which only amplifies that.

    Saya is just that amazing, I wish there was more to the game, more choices for a *happy playthrough*, perhaps.
    It really makes me wanna draw some manga about her.
    THAT'S how much I like this game, and that's why 5 stars.

    Sadly cannot buy it on steam due to sanctions, but I surely will when I get the chance.
  5. 5.00 star(s)



    Not too hard, not too easy. Map is small, so it is easy to explore everything, including the side events that are not really on the nose, but far from hidden. Just great pacing overall.

    Art is "dated" a bit, but still really good. Gameplay is actually kinda hard, but easy to understand and to go through, especially with right items. Only a single item slot which makes things super easy.

    Now, FETISHES! It has'em all, almost. Just peak. Huge variety, and done by people who know how to do them. You even have "end" cards for each one, which adds to the whole thing even more.

    Unfortunately, no voice acting, but nothing that takes much from the whole experience.

    Final Score by categories:

    Art: 4/5
    Gameplay: 4/5
    Easiness to navigate through game:5/5
    H variety:10/5

    Will certainly try other games by the devs!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't get the high ratings for this game. It is an average game with average art and ok story...nothing great and nothing bad. I just found it relatively bland outside of maybe above average hentai stills. It can be a quick playthrough if you acquire enough money and return home, or you can extend the playthrough if you choose to stick around and explore more of the West.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A very touching (and hot) tale about a delicate girl in a foreign territory.

    The story and H content are both amazing. The protagonist, Saya, is so endearing you'll want to protect her, unlike most generic RPGM fem protags.

    Now moving on to the not so good; the combat is kinda bland, but it doesn't detract at all from the overall impact of the game IMO.

    Yes, most of the scenes are rape scenes, but I wouldn't say it's too hardcore... Saya is mostly just resistant to the rape, she isn't being tortured or suffering.

    In some cases she even low-key enjoys it due to her being a demon (she feels pain as pleasure), although she isn't going full ahegao either, which to me is a good balance.

    The endings are cute and endearing (even the bad ones!) and some made me almost shed a tear at times :sneaky:

    It's not the best H game out there, but it definitely left an impression on me.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Innocent Chloe

    10/10 excellent RPGM adult game, excellent art work, excellent gameplay, excellent story and excellent pacing.

    There is very little bad to say about this game. It just gets everything perfectly right for what makes a great adult RPG maker game.

    First off, the game has over 40 unique h-scenes. Each with unique artwork for that scene and multiple stages to the art for those scenes. Unique dialogue and the bulk of those 40 scenes have unique dialogue depending if the protagonist (Saya) is virgin or non-virgin!

    About 20 or so of these scenes are story related basically in town and the other 20 are combat game-overs (more or less the split didn't count it exact).

    If that is not enough the game even features 7 different endings depending on your actions during the game! Impressive!

    What is most important about a good RPGM is that the content is spread out well over the game and that there is a good variety of content. So that you aren't just grinding combat for an hour before finally getting 1 h-scene. This game nails that balance perfectly with combat rewarding you with game overs if you lose, boss fights give a different game over.

    While in town you can explore the town and find other events. So there is always something to do you never feel like you are wandering around meaninglessly and you don't feel like you are grinding away to get the content. No you are just playing and enjoying the game and the content is a bonus to that experience.

    I really hope these devs make more games as Snow Swept Quest is definitely up there among my favourite RPGM games. Definitely in my top 10 list!

    My only complaint would be that its a bit on the shorter side (took me about 3-4 hours to complete) but I guess the shortness is what allowed the devs to balance out the content well.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    nice gameplay MC got only particular type of power which give her personality and character, every game over ends with pregnancy CG which i wish more games would practice, many pixel art animations too which is always a plus also multiple endings not that hard to get
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has top tier CGs, an easy to understand progression system, obvious hints at where H content is located. Solid game for its type. It's still your standard RPG maker / female corruption game, but this game does it right.
  11. 3.00 star(s)



    Story / Gameplay
    Story is overly linear. 4 main quests with their respective (very small) dungeon, bang you're done.
    There is indeed little grinding, although there are some areas where it is cliff-grinding -- you'll be unable to beat a boss until you've got a more powerful spell available, and then the instant you hit that level to learn the spell the battle will be a cakewalk.
    You should be able to wrap the game up in 1 hour and with level 15.
    Combat is as basic as can be -- you've got an ice spell, it is your only attack (unless you intend to slap an enemy with your bare hands, which would take 10 or so slaps to beat a level 1 slime), stronger versions come as you level...not even a basic fire-ice-lightning challenge here.

    H-Scenes / Art
    As noted, lots of the scenes are non-cons, and also shockingly easy to accidentally make the wrong choice. Even right off the bat, if you don't take certain innocuous steps immediately you can have your cherry forcibly taken within the first 60 seconds of gameplay. Even within battles, it's possible to go from 50% health to defeated in 1 turn against your standard enemies (an enemy's "restraint" attack is equivalent to about 3-4 regular attacks)

    Some of the tags are overly generous.
    Corruption? Where? Some magical aphro-dust making her dizzy and unable to escape a rapist? This tag usually implies the character is naive and needs to be awakened to sexual acts before they're willing to do more lewd things. I didn't observe any scenes like that, and in fact you can consensually choose to have sex with no prior exposure to any lewdness.
    Pregnancy? Not really, except for a few "game over - you got impregnated" images.
    "Sex toys"? Again, no not really as a game integrated element with user selection / interaction, just a (1) CG scene where they are used.

    Overall: it's an okay game, but nothing you'd want to replay.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    A 'hidden gem', now not so hidden thanks to the Kagura Games translation. This story follows a yuki-onna (snow devil woman) as she's trapped in a foreign land and forced to interact with humans.

    Excellent art, surprisingly decent gameplay and nothing too extreme in the kinks, this a decent 'quality' title that most people will enjoy. I's only real drawback are that:

    A) A lot of the sex scene are non-con, so if that's not your jam this game won't be for you.

    B) It's a fairly short game. Not massively so (and thankfully that means less grinding/filler), but expect to finish this in 4 or so hours.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Art: some of the best out there, and numerous too. Also has the added benefit of the girl not going ahego nor start acting like a slut everytime she's raped (I hate that stuff).

    Gameplay: somewhat grindy. Doesn't really take that long, but feels tedious because the actual combat is as boring as it gets. All you do is spam that one spell and hope you kill the enemies before they kill you.

    Writing/story: pretty decent. The conversations flow reasonably smoothly, the scenes feels natural, not really engaging on its own but much better than enough to not turn me off.