4.40 star(s) 9 Votes


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2018
Censored makes it pointless.
I can one up you with a full list of pros and cons:
Big nipples on the gal
Big ass on the gal
Youthful face, rivalling those of the traditional Geisha of The Far East.
Thicc, decently lengthed dark cock with perfectly swaying heavy testicles.
High fps rendition.
Rich set of sexual positions

Fat old ugly bastard trope
Girls hair isn't free flowing, is probably still short.
Clothed sex most of the time
Wrincles, pimples, dimples(not beauty spots) can be seen, never a good time.
Did I mention in unison with Brain InAVat, it's fucking censored?


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
What are requirements to play the game? I mean that looks like some next next level gen stuff there. I mean I am sure my rig can handle it but I don't think that would run on half the users on here. Unless they have RTX 2070 or higher


Engaged Member
Apr 19, 2019
This is just a partial of a game/video that was promised to come out this summer. Looking into it, that has now changed to 'by winter', so expect a bit of time befoe it's complete.
Socrates usually does video quality with a few choices thrown in that can slightly or massively change the story. Check out the other game on this site to see what the complete version will most likely look like.

And to those complaining about the ugly bastard? Be very thankful the male doesn't look like he did in some of the earlier content like Gakincho Rape. Slimy skin, with a face that looked like it belonged to the cast of The Hills Have Eyes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2018
What are requirements to play the game? I mean that looks like some next next level gen stuff there. I mean I am sure my rig can handle it but I don't think that would run on half the users on here. Unless they have RTX 2070 or higher
I have GTX 1060 6GB and it runs it smoothly. I don't think that one needs a good graphics card to play this game.


May 24, 2020
Probably, can be anything. Lots of options to make hyper realistic 3d nowadays. But those jiggle physics though, the fluidity and doesn't look like jello? Kinda hard to find those even on today's AAA renders. Had my fair share of whaman and it reminded me of it "Good times". Skin doesn't expand too much unlike everything else so it gave me that impression he went above and batman beyond on the physics.
Socrates on twitter mention switching to Unreal Engine 5. So at least a big part of these renders are in Unreal.
His engine before he might have mentioned it, but I don't remember.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Other than the censorship the game looks good. Just wish there was to move the mosaics from the game.


Aug 25, 2020
I haven't DLd this to see what's in it yet, but like someone else already mentioned I believe it's an early access collection of all his works that he'll keep updating in the future? And the actual Ichika game isn't done yet, but he's putting all his finished video segments and stills here because his paid supporters already got access to them. Don't quote me on this though I could be wrong.
4.40 star(s) 9 Votes