He added the villain customizer dlc. So you could just create a replicate of all normal enemies without guns.
Or make your own mix.
That reverts it back to the state before the gun update. Or traps or whatever people don´t enjoy.
That actually is quite a clever idea I didn't thought about lol
One complain I have with the current version tho is that I can't get the male chars to not have that damn beard mark on them with the randomizer of enemies unless I turn the randomizations off, so no true femboys for me unless I make them uwu
And yeah I REALLY dislike the guns in this game, or at least the way they got implemented.... I don't have an issue having enemies with projectiles but the guns here just feel straight up broken, cause not only the gunshots travel way too fast and the guns themselves feel anticlimactic with the whole vibe of the game, the gunshots also knock you way the fuck back like if the enemies are using a pocket sized sniper rifle or if the bullets have the power of a long range shotgun or something. If at least that crap didn't knock you back it wouldn't be as bad, hell, it would even make sense if the gunshots traveled faster and acted like how your projectiles' power up does.
Also, I don't know if it's just me but I noticed that some stages seem to not work with the custom villains system at all. I would have a bunch of stages when they show up and then in another they're gone, just to be back on the next and it was always on "those" stages.
Other than that, the DLC version of this seems amazing, specially if you pair it with the mod that adds extra options like the vibrations and skin oilyness. Only wish you could add nail polish to the characters, but that's just me being a bit fabulously nitpicky on makeup options XD