Unity Completed SoldGirl Town [Final] [GameColon]

3.90 star(s) 21 Votes


New Member
Oct 19, 2018
i got cheat engine working, downside is i have no idea how to output a working table, i found hp using float, easy enough, start at 100, use the table, search 99, when you see the bar move, same for the 3 values, all float values, loyalty, reason, money, and trust are all standard 4 or 8 byte searches, just a matter of working out how to put out a table, or make a save editor, what i was able to make seems to be per girl, rather than slot based, hope this info can help someone with more knowledge than I.
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Aug 30, 2017
i got cheat engine working, downside is i have no idea how to output a working table, i found hp using float, easy enough, start at 100, use the table, search 99, when you see the bar move, same for the 3 values, all float values, loyalty, reason, money, and trust are all standard 4 or 8 byte searches, just a matter of working out how to put out a table, or make a save editor, what i was able to make seems to be per girl, rather than slot based, hope this info can help someone with more knowledge than I.
In case you want to hex edit specific girls, it won't be possible until you have already gotten far into the game to be able to AT LEAST be able to change the hair/clothing, since its difficult to identify which girl you are looking at in the code.

The hex block for girl appearances and sexual history is located after the text string ABILITY, the order of which seems to be the order in which they appear in your roster (assistants get their own section, also starts with ABILITY, but with different orders of hex coding)

This is a typical block of hex for a girl's info:
41 62 69 6C 69 74 79 02 00 00 00 09 DB 03 00 00 ABILITY...
09 DC 03 00 00 09 DD 03 00 00 01 F7 00 00 00 6D
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 [00 00 (Current Sex XP)
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00][00 00 (Past Sex XP)
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00] 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 F8 00 00 00 6E 00 00 00 01 [[00 00 00 00 00 00 01 F8 00 00 00 6E 00 00 00 01 (Skin Color 00 White, 01 Rose, 02 Yellow, 03 Brown, 04 Purple)]]
02 13 07 00 00 03 F5 01 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 15 [[02 (Hair Color) 13 (Hair Bang Style) 07 (Hair Back Style) 00 00 (Glasses) 03 (Underwear Color 00 White, 03 Black) F5 01 (Clothing Top) 00 00 02 (Clothing Pants) 00 00 00 00 15 (Breast Size)]]
2F 00 00 00 4E 30 00 08 00 00 06 04 00 00 02 00 [[2F (Face Shape) 00 00 00 4E 30 (Eye Shape) 00 08 (Eye Color) 00 00 06 04 00 00 02 00]]
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 07 FB 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 04

Skills are kept in a completely different area, which you can edit freely once you have the skill swap/add upgrade, since you'll need to do compare differences to locate:

HEX values for specific Skills are as follows:
Appeal IV: 04
Lewd IV: 08
Tech IV: 0C
Virgin IV: 10
Bitch IV: 14
Anal IV: 18
Big Breast: 19
Small Breast: 1A
Skin Color (Boost): 1B-1E
Hair Color (Boost): 1F-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28
Search IV: 36
Scout IV: 3A
Trust IV: 3E
Nat. Talent Alpha: 3F
Nat. Talent Beta: 40
Nat. Talent Gamma: 41


Jan 16, 2019
Fastest? With Bank abuse, 12-13 years or so
- Since I can pull out my a Lewd I/II/Slutty I for only 130 (useful to keep the initial assistant until late game for 1 game, just to get rank F that you can attach skills to), which lets me skip half of the cash grind for rank II skill and transfer. Not to mention I can avoid downtime by having to pull girls off the escort line. This allows you to hit rank 4 skills easily by year 5.
Also can get right hair and skin color a-la-carte for each girl ~100-200 midgame for a whopping +30 boost to all stats.

Without bank but with constant reloading to get the best spawn? ~15 years
- Reloading for a high rank (E+ or higher, preferably D if you can spend a few hours reloading) girl at the very beginning + getting a Lewd I girl within your first 3 recruitments is huuuge, allows you to abuse missionary for skill growth without compromising the ability to earn through the first area unlock.
- Reloading with only a ~20 scouting power to get a D with Lewd II or Slutty II early can save one cycle of decommissioning, since F+ or E girls you get using the agency assistant is enough to reach that.
- The 3k+ Cash grind to be able to grab the D or higher rank girl for a tier II skill is a pain tho, not to mention having to pull a decent girl off the escort line just to have the 25+ scouting power to hit a D scout, delayed the early game by a few years compared to just getting one from the bank.
- Allow you to bunny hop rank by mid-game, and allow you to pick up girls with Natural Talent by D/C rank, which gives you a huge boost (no major advantage with bank abuse here tho, since tier 4 skills assistants cost about as much and if not more than as the Natural Talent girls they spawn on.)

Without any of the 2 above, 20+ years in the 2 attempts I made.
- Without restarting the game constantly, it depends heavily on luck as to whether you get the right girl at the right time, especially early game, when you need to grind trust rather than have the assistant permanently on scouting for girls withright skills. I know the one time I did do this way, it took almost 2 years of nonstop scouting for a Lewd I to spawn, that's 2 years of no trust farming.
- It also usually takes 1 additional cycle of capture+assistant to get a reliable scout for higher tier girls, such that I would grind through a whole 90% loyalty at E+ rather than jump straight to D+/C (since I can usually scout for them with the E/E+ I get as the start-of-the-game $50, but usually you can only hit D after cycling through E and E+ girls), or grind through B when I can jump straight to B+/A.

Lewd I and II are your best friends early game, since you'll be using missionary for most of your early game grind to loyalty and assistants (ejaculate immediately on insertion, can squeeze +8 loyalty per full bar of stamina compared to +4 of everything else, allow you to get girls out to the streets in 3 weeks. Also doesn't break the girl like enema abuse does.)

Slutty I and II are good, but much weaker given they require 100 vaginals, and Slutty I only gives 5, which only helps you meet the first free area req. In games where I didn't get Lewd and only can mass produce on Slutty I, I find myself on average always 1 area behind the one with Lewd.

Once you get a girl with Lewd II, do not upgrade it to Lewd III, its worthwhile to assistant the girl first and use the skill transfer on a Lewd I girl, for Lewd III+II girl (or Lewd I+II girl on first game, for bank abuse in the future), to mass produce Lewd II+III girls. Otherwise you are stuck with a Lewd I+III girl, and will have to wait until a Natural Talent alpha to spawn or another Lewd II to spawn - either of which requires ~$3000, or about 1 year time around that time.

I wouldn't use Beggar beyond the time that you unlock skill transfer, its better than nothing, but usually with the missionary abuse for quick growth, you are too low on Lewd where even a rank C girl remains stuck in the first 2 areas for prolonged period of time.

Late game is usually more flexible, since the game snowballs very quickly. Just have to pick up scouting I and II somewhere to make a scouting II+III assistant at the higher end of your scouting limit, such that you can skip a few tiers of grinding from capture to assistant.

My late game standard build is Lewd IV+III for the 80 Lewd baseline, with Slutty IV; hire only girls with at least 60+ vaginal experience if you can help it, train by missionary to ~30 loyalty within a month of hiring, and send them onto the street. Virgins are a waste of time and resource to unlock the radars and build the relevant skills for purely clearing the game.

Upgrade: All the turf upgrades, upgrade the corruption threshold for maybe normal, but if you can save scum for the right girls, you can avoid upgrading any of the corruption tree, just takes more time to find the girl you want. I usually only work on corruption upgrade when there just happen to be a girl with a skill I really REALLY need that's locked behind the next corruption upgrade tier for me to assistant her.

Otherwise, stamina upgrade, and skill transfer are the only two upgrades you really need in the rest of the research tree.

Damn, great rundown of the pro strats on this game. Thanks man


Aug 1, 2022
I had this problem too and came here to find help, but it doesn't seem anybody has posted a fix. I tried to fix it myself. I ran it on winrar, but even if you don't use that (though I think you have too) You should still be able to do this.
First, Move everything to a normal folder (game data, sav, etc.)
Then(this is where it doesn't matter if you didnt use winrar), delete all the SAV type files, which should just be 00, 01, 99, and 100
Then that should be it, it should know register your save data
Either I did something wrong, or I didn't understand something. I played; I noticed that saves don’t work; found your message; I deleted all sav files with numbers 00, 01, 99, and 100. As a result, nothing has changed, I still can’t save.
Did I do something wrong?
Upd. I think I found the reason for the inability to save. It turns out that the game must be launched without a local emulator
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 28, 2017
Has this developer made anything since this game? Can't seem to find any kind of official website for them.


SOTD: Alanis Morisette - Uninvited
Oct 28, 2019
Has this developer made anything since this game? Can't seem to find any kind of official website for them.
this <- was a very single, simple search. there seems to be nothing else around here, but probably a search engine of your choice (personally i prefer metager over the likes of bing, gurgle and all those) gives you more recent results.


Jun 2, 2020

make save in game , use first slot , go to save folder , just drop the 00.sav file on the page of save editor

member[0] > money 1660312 , the money => just edit the text in green by clicking on it

member[0] > cone , the pr points

member[0] > cast[0] is the text for your first girl , next is member[0] > cast[1] , next is member[0] > cast[2] etc etc

copy member[0] > cast[0] in search bar and you got all the lines for your first girl

member[0] > cast[0] > loyalty 100 , 100 is max 20 is minimum make move the star on status screen horizontaly
member[0] > cast[0] > reason 67 , 100 t0 80 or 80 to 65 , or 65 to 45 etc 15 is for broken state , to move the star verticaly

member[0] > cast[0] > init_looks 2 ( sex appeal starting value of the girl ) change only this value
member[0] > cast[0] > init_talk 3 lewdness
member[0] > cast[0] > init_teq 3 technique

make all this value to zero to make her virgin

member[0] > cast[0] > pf > Vcount 608 ( whore count of vaginal )
member[0] > cast[0] > pf > Acount 0 anal
member[0] > cast[0] > pf > Fcount 306 bj
member[0] > cast[0] > pf > Tcount 432 climax count

member[0] > cast[0] > pf > init_Vcount 40 ( value before kidnap )
member[0] > cast[0] > pf > init_Acount 0
member[0] > cast[0] > pf > init_Fcount 15
member[0] > cast[0] > pf > init_Tcount 28

values of skills start at 1 to 65

member[0] > cast[0] > ability[0] > id 4 ( 4 is alluring body
member[0] > cast[0] > ability[1] > id 8 ( 8 is succubus
member[0] > cast[0] > ability[2] > id 12 ( 12 is finest technique

the insterestings one are 4 8 12 16 20 24 26 28 46 47 50 54 58 62 63 try them

these values are

member[0] > cast[0] > invest 14 scout
member[0] > cast[0] > appraisal 14 intuition
member[0] > cast[0] > guard 14 pr

max values 500

for the assistants its the sames

just search for assist[0] ' 0 is the first one in the list on the game , next is 1 to 7

assist[0] > invest 500
assist[0] > appraisal 500
assist[0] > guard 500

assist[0] > loyalty 100
assist[0] > reason 34

assist[0] > pf > Vcount 302
assist[0] > pf > Acount 302
assist[0] > pf > Fcount 302
assist[0] > pf > Tcount 309
assist[0] > pf > init_Vcount 1
assist[0] > pf > init_Acount 1
assist[0] > pf > init_Fcount 1
assist[0] > pf > init_Tcount 1

you can make them virgin too


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
I really loves this game, but i want to play on my mac any suggestion how to play this game on mac?
3.90 star(s) 21 Votes