RPGM - Somatra Rmk [v2.2.0] [Somatra]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    love the doggy girl and futa action cant wait to see how the ai mods her body. I has a nice story arc too cant wait to see how it terns out.
    I'm hopping they blend some of the story arcs if it not to cumbersome to the
    writers or the artists.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Pontifex Maximus

    Premise is good but thats about it.
    Graphics are tolerable but the way grind is applied in this game is just boring.
    First you grind money then you grind puzzle then your character decides she is not wearing the correct outfit then you receive a quest then you receive a puzzle or you have to wait until SATURDAY which apparently the busiest day in town.
    I don't usually write reviews but this game was just boring, seeing that the developer is active i might change the review in future updates.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm an old player of VN/Ren'Py Somatra and i loved it, actually I'm a little hurted that It went away, but happy this version exist, I just created this account to download games and stuff but now im interested on help Somatra Dev somehow since this game looks promising to me.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1564964

    This goes for v0.7.2
    I've played many other games with the same plot (the best is for the most part Coming of age (v2.5) and this one has it's pro and contras.
    Like all those games you repeat the same action over and over again to gain just a few points in Corruption/Shame/Lust....till you can see another short clip.
    The best part of this game is....it is easy, in just 5 hours I've played this version.
    It's the best part and sadly the worst. Because in just over a month (ingame time) a n innocent girl transformed into a slut doing handjobs to strangers and even a dog, online devloration after you auction her cherry.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Great idea with poor implementation.
    There is no Quest log or hint system or anything of the sort, meaning you will spend most of your time aimlessly wandering around trying to find out what you need to do next.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    a game with a lot of potential, give this a 5 star because there is lesbian content and i like the direction it takes, and there are choices in this game so she wont just be a slut that will allow anything happen to her (i like my mc to resist when someone wants to having his/her way with her.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    You can tell he still has a lot of work ahead of him. Some silly bug like being able to enter walls in areas that are still under development and that are just for display, but not much else. I really like the setting and the illustrations, as well as the display system that they have implemented. It just lacks some graphic violence to make it more in line with the game's setting and it would be perfect.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game and very well written characters. CGs are really cute. Mc have really inresting abilities, as well as her fate in the world wich is very unique and original, it's always interesting where the story will end up. Scenes are great
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    bad graphics
    too slow everything (walk speed, animations)
    playing it is more like a chore, where you are forcing yourself to sit through it for another minute in a hope something interesting will happen, but nothing will or you didnt find
    also collision is very broken
    Likes: M.Ed
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    this game has been in development for soo long and yet there is barely any content in it.
    It has a nice layout tho, the scenes are somewhat good, but it just plays out poorly.
    Can't wait to see more of this game in the future, but for now it's not worth more than 2 stars imo.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Versions 0.7a
    +Interesting story
    -almost no progression
    -almost no content. Seriously. Perhaps, I just made choices that made game stuck, but even so, its pity to see blank project.
    Looks like author wanted to make a sandbox, but forgot to add some content to it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Generally a great frame with infinite potential.
    Nice live artwork, reasonable story line, open world
    The only thing I worried is if the creator has the patience to full-fill this big frame.
    For now the game is unknown to public, so I will push it to my friends and wish this may help the creator to continue the develop.

    BTW, can the Ren'py engine support the whole work? As far as I know, similar work such as TITS and Lilith's Throne are using flash or JAVA, as a GAL/VN engine, will the Ren'py support all the functions to build an open world?
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = mainly text focused adventure game with some cute pictures and sexy animations.

    Story: 5/5
    + Main heroine is condemned to a prison city full of killers and rapists for the crimes committed by her mother (the law says that whole family gets punished for a treason). She has to survive and find the way out of the prison. And how does young pretty girl survive in a city full of criminals? Her very first job is being barmaid inside a bar, where sexual harrasment is completely normal. Heh.
    + I really like the premise.

    Art: 4/5
    + Although graphic isnt some super realistic image rendered by engines like DaZ, it is nice. I think heroine is cute.
    + There are also a lot of details given to rendering. You can se heroine in many poses, etc.
    - Unfortunately game is still early in development so there isnt much content.

    Gameplay: 3/5
    + Game has interesting interface, where you navigate through locations and encounter different events. It is nice change.
    + Game contains a lot of choices that impact story to a certain degree. But who am I kidding, I went for full slut route and majority of players will probably do it as well, heh.
    - I guess stats and interface is slightly overcomplicated. There are so many things that dont serve any purpose at this point. (Like Swimming? Why does it need skill gauge 0-100 ? I dont think erotic game needs skill level that starts at 0 and ends as olympic athlete. Either character knows how to swim or doesnt. )
    - At this point there are a lot of unfinished things and placeholders.

    To sum it up:
    I like the premise and that's why I am giving this 5/5 due to potential.
    Unfortunately this game is still early in development so I advise you to check this game later after few updates.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This was released waaaaaaay too early. It has potential but it has too little content. I attempted to roleplay a bit and ended having zero scenes, the only way to find more would be if I went out of my way to look for them.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really digging what's in here. The start of the story is kinda fast, but it is an interesting premise. Characters look nice, cute, the style is not bad at all.

    What I find very interesting is how dialogues are done. It's not just plain old boring wall of text, but actual animations and scenes. And it's all done in a unique way that you can basically view them if you want, or just skip past them. It's a really neat idea honestly, it adds to the interactivity and I hope the scenes later on utilize all of that, maybe even with decisions and such. A simple click that makes it engaging. Also loving the RPG elements.

    This might actually be the first text based game I enjoy as much. Looking forward to this.