getting aggressive about my comment and then lashing out at me about a fact isn't exactly a discussion either.
the developer hasn't added any good new features for a few versions.
There are more and more bugs with every new version And the profile editor has been broken for well over a year now.
And as for whether I paid for it or not... no, like almost everyone here
I've been disappointed by so many developers that they don't get a penny from me during the development of the game. I like to buy it when it's done though and it doesn't cost too much
Really????? alright,, here we go.
1: Nothing about the reply you are referring to is aggressive.
2: There is no discussion,, you made a pointless comment, got ticked off because it got pointed out and made a aggressive reply. Don't claim others are aggressive to you when they are not. It does not look good.
3: Good features are a matter of opinion. Devs listen to supporters sometime,,, so..........
Editor works fine for me 2 BTW. You still expecting magic ? and a dev to make the game exactly how you want it. Remind me how long you have been a member here !
4: You would be surprised how many people patron, buy a coffee or use itch just to show support for something. So no, not like almost everyone here. Why do you think a lot of devs are members here on f95 ??? Just so you can download for free ???
Please don't say dumb shit like that, stupid shit like that is why you got pissed off at people in the first place.
5: Yeah,,, you get bugs when you expand a game, if you are a million or billion dollar company or a solo dev, big surprise !
Name me 1 game that never had a bug after a update ?
6: So you being disappointed by so many devs makes every dev the same... i refer you back to the magic part and maybe it not the devs that are the problem with your expectations.
7: Please,,, at least be honest. You ain't buying games when they are done no matter the price. Stop bullshitting.
elhombre. The regular programming had 2 wait a bit more