QSP - Son of a Bitch! [v0.32] [Avenger]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best of its kind. The game is so big that you could spend 100 hours and still would not have seen everything there is. There are a few characters where you can choose between two paths. All in all the character also feel more realistic than in most other games. The only weakness this game has is in my opinion the lack of a proper english translation.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    this is for v0.30

    TLDR: Terrible game design, no direction, needlessly grindy, severely empty, horrible UI, massive waste of time, and just overall a waste of the 15~GB storage space one needs to even play this game.

    The first glaring issue is the ridiculous file size of this game, being so big that it would take you three days to download for free via most download sites, pretty much forcing you to torrent the game.

    The next big issue is the absolutely horrendous user interface.
    It's almost entirely just icons without names, which wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for the fact that there are not only multiple icons that look to do the exact same thing, but that there's hidden interactable buttons as well, that you won't notice unless you just happen to figure it out on accident.

    The next issue is that there is absolutely no direction, hints as to what to do, or any indicator of what needs to be done to initiate or progress anything in the game.
    I spent maybe three hours running around like a chicken with its head cut off, and didn't figure out how to do anything beyond grinding certain events that were extremely lackluster.

    Then there's the issue of the world feeling extremely empty, with locations that do absolutely nothing unless it's a specific time of a specific day after progressing a specific character past a specific point, with no indicators that any of that is needed for an area to have a use.

    Combine this all with the fact that there's massive translation issues that would make MTL blush and repetitive text walls and you get a nearly 15GB brick of a game that has very little playability and will waste as much of your time as possible for very mediocre scenes that are spread very far apart.
    I only even got to the first real sex scene because I used cheats to skip to events to cut out all the needless grinding and wandering, and all I got was very low quality videos that looked like they were recorded in the early 90s.

    I don't know why this has such a high weighted score, it is absolute garbage and I advise everyone to avoid wasting any time even downloading this game, just go play something else or watch porn, because almost anything would be better than grinding through this.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I loved this game, it was so good. What is a shame is that it took 4 years to get to V0.29 and then another 2 years to get to V0.30. I feel like this game will never end... Otherwise apart from that, there are many women but mother and sister are too easy to unlock. I wish I had more quests before I could fuck them.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Convoluted Quests-sandbox. NOT A VISUAL NOVEL.
    So, you corrupt every woman around you by raising stats through repetitive actions and key actions (some things are intertwined). A lot of exploration and try-and-error is required, with schedules involved, and chain-of-events progress. Also, many alternative paths.

    It's not much of a story. It's an everyday life of an MC, and everything is quite unrealistic (you can bang every girl you meet, including family, but it requires a lot of actions). It's an open-world setup, where you discover that you can do that or that. And it's incredibly huge.

    A lot of real-porn sequences, using recurring actresses, of all kind. The effort was to collect and choose what would suit the story, or maybe it was how to create a story to put these sequences. A bit of the two. That explain the huge size of the game.

    Overall impression:
    So, you will be like "what do I do, where do I go now?" a lot of time. And while some quests are straightforward, others not. Just to get the depth of this game, I'll explain one case. I was raising attitude for a girl (Fira), and when things began to move, I was stuck. Looking in the walkthrough (you have to do that), I realized that to progress this quest, I had to work in a call-center, being promoted, corrupt the daughter of the boss, being involved in drugs, being arrested, become a snitch, become a drug dealer, finally supply the brother of Fira, and so unlock the first quest I was into. Which was one way... There was also another way.
    That gives you an idea of what this game is about. You have to take notes of what happens, and plan what you will try to unlock.
    It's pretty much crazy how this was built.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    a very in depth game with a multitude of paths you can go. In addition the fact that this game recently got an update it has given me hope that there will be many more updates to come :D and hopefully there will be more avenues to traverse... please keep this game alive
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    cool game with a lot of plot twists - it's a pity that old videos are used and the development of the game is abandoned. Anyway, I got through most of the content. Without hints, it is difficult to get to the right event.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 892749

    Son Of A Bitch! (v.30) is a sandbox with tonnes of content to explore as you corrupt every woman you meet; but its vast amount of content is also a barrier for new players to overcome. Luckily there is plenty threads archived or bundled together to help you if you get stuck. And you will get stuck.

    The game’s
    content is vast. You can spend hours corrupting the women in the seemingly endless content the author has included. There are choices that matter and alternative paths to discover. This is one of the few games on this site that scratch that monkey urge to replay the game to corrupt as many as possible as quickly as possible and then doing it again but choosing alternative routes and paths to get all the content. With its explorability comes replayability. However, with its content comes grind.

    The grind becomes immediately apparent when you download it and play it yourself. You’ll be repeating events to slowly raise or lower the stats of the women you are corrupting to get to the next event. Knowing what to do next is hindered by the translation, which is largely machine translated. Despite the translation the writing is actually fairly good, and the porn used is consistent with what is written so the immersion is maintained.

    This game is one of my favourites. Don’t be spurred away from using cheats to tailor the grind or looking at walkthroughs when you’re stuck. It can be confusing at first but rewarding when you learn the mechanics.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, good ntr, open world, nice story, great choices, great amount of material, there is also cheat to speed up things, there is english version in the comments for v30 and in general it shouldn't be flaged as abandoned. Ok it is not original version for v30 but it is great without bugs!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    [small minor edit 03/22 -- Just removed the engrish caveat paragraph as the more I went through the more the translation project shines in cleaning up what I remembered the game to be when it came to it's writing. Not to say that the writing is particularly good, and there's still heaps of awkward engrish everywhere but the translation project very much helped clean things up.]

    When waltzing down memory lane on smut alley, I found myself stumbling on a relic of the past, one that felt as though it was a monumental statue in a sea of ruin.

    If you forgive the rather melodramatic opening, you can perhaps see my bias when it comes to this review, there's going to be some rose-tinted angles that are probably going to crop up at the edges. That's mainly in consideration of its history on the site, alongside it being one of the first games I gentlemanly acquired back in the day. Way back in the day, come to think of it. Also I also cheat in this game as it utterly demands it, I have played this game w/o cheating and I’m telling you it’s not worth that trouble. More will be said on that later.

    Anywho, onto the game.

    To help give context to this game and why it has near five stars and a large amount of people flocking about it despite it being abandoned for more than two years, we have to dive back into old F95.

    In old F95, there used to be sub forums for games, not just threads dedicated to them but whole sub-branches that spoke to the ye olden means of what forums used to be. This game was probably the largest out of the bunch, with many threads dedicated to figuring out how to progress with the many women you find, and many dedicated on translating the game more properly than MTL can ever do. Alongside that, there were probably many users asking if their game was broken or not. It probably most likely was.

    You may still ask though, with it being one of the bigger games back in the day, why have I not heard of it recently? Well...mainly because as you can see it has the big ol' abandoned tag on it. And on top of that, the main creator (in a weird hand of fate way) only came back by the time I started writing this review. So it's been dead in the water for quite some time in spite of it being one of the biggest real-porn games ever made.

    And maybe finally, you may ask (again), why was there so much effort for something that looks incredibly tacky? Well, if anything, it was the first real-porn game to actually be halfway decent in spite of it's problems. I'm sure many users out there still hold this game dearly (as much as you can with a smut game) when they think back on it, but then forget how God-awful it's mechanics and time management were in relation to how real-porn games are now.

    So then, what is this ethereal, Russian QSP game? If you already guessed, it's a role playing sandbox. And it holds all those problems that are associated with that and QSP mingling together. You play as Sergei, a guy that just recently graduated and completely fumbled his prom. After that, you pretty much are setting out in the big world as a young lad, ready to pretty much do anything and everything.

    That thus translates into basically lewding every gal you see. Don’t forget though, you’re in Russia so at some point you either have to go to the university or arbitrarily, later down the line ingame, you will be forceably conscripted as a gameover (just don’t forget to sign up for Uni by August and crank your performance to max in the cheat menu). From there, you basically fly through the areas, find new girls, look up walkthroughs and feel out their stories.

    The above sounds simple enough, but, the game only works like that if you have a cheat engine. Without it, things can be rather tedious, slow, and ultimately sloggy. With the cheat engine, it still feels sloggy-ish, namely in having to skip time, repeat events and eventually raise levels either through grind or editing variables, but it’s much better than doing it raw (for once).

    Just to explain the grind without cheats, you have to grind out money to then grind out uni to then grind out characters when you have time in between. You also have to grind your own stats such as strength to then grind out other character stats once that barrier is satisfied. All with this not really being explained (hidden variables and what have you). All of that is literally just filler in between the lewd. Some jobs do introduce you to new characters, but again the function of the grind is just padding ultimately.

    So, don’t hurt yourself in that regard, get the translation project patch, it comes with a built-in cheat menu and instructions on how to use it. It helps mitigate everything in terms of that, and allows you to play the game as fast or slow as you want (so much so that you can actually break it if you’re not careful). And utilize the walkthroughs, this game is a minefield when it comes to events happening at certain times, and/or other events needing to occur that are completely unrelated to the quests at hand.

    Anyways, in consideration of the lewd, it’s both great and rather vapid. There is a boat load of it in this game, that file size is insane for a reason. Everyone has their own pics, vids, and gifs that stick to the actresses/characters they are to be, there are little to no bits of porn that break the contexts as to who’s who. Yet their story(ies) are still rather thin as to who everyone is. There's enough substance to have people somewhat contextualized for what they are, but nobody really feels like a well fleshed out character in this game, especially since a lot of this game does boil down to porn. Nothing too too egregious, considering that I think the main sell of the game isn't story and substance, but the absolute amounts of porn it's burgeoning with, with scraps of "plot" to justify it.

    And finally, even with help from the cheat engine, and help from guides and walkthroughs, everything at the moment is subject to being outdated and/or fractured into other bits. What I mean by that is some walkthroughs discuss the early routes of characters in previous versions that are currently more fleshed out in the current .29 version. You have to still do some digging for this game, whether it be through archived threads, or through posts on the main thread to fully understand how far some of these characters go, or what you need to do to further progress with them. I recommend buying all the items at the mall/shop in the beginning, it helps get past a lot of those smaller nuances that hang up quests.

    And with all that’s been said, would I recommend this game ultimately? It's hard considering that this game bounces from being a 3 to 5 star experience constantly. There's a lot of nice routes to take, a helluva lot of content, a million girls to pursue, and many neat contexts to enjoy lewd events that are good enough in what’s being portrayed. Yet on the flip side there's also the interface of QSP in all it’s crustiness, the quests themselves have to followed to a T, and the cheat engine is mandatory unless you just hate yourself. On top of that, you have to just hope things work at times considering that the game can just be weird in triggering events to happen, or, sometimes things just don't trigger at all and you don't know why. And that ultimately, a lot of this (and trust me there's a lot) is just porn with vague engrish alongside it. There's a very noticeable mixed bag feeling with this behemoth.

    I will say if you can accept all of that, knowing you're going to have to prep to play this game (walkthrough, cheat engine, engrish acceptance, time, grind, etc), then yes, you can experience the nth amounts of smut this game is providing you and most likely enjoy the hell out of it. Overall though, I recommend it only if everything I said sounds like a fun afternoon rather than a journey into masochism. 4/5.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The Game engine is kind of old. But the game itself really great. I like the plot, plenty of basic kinks, freedom, and the relationship between characters. Also, I really liked the chain connection between non-playable characters. It is got a little bit grindy gameplay, but it makes it challenging. If you pay attention to characters' conversations, finding the right time and trigger event is not difficult that hard.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This was an awesome game. Many characters. Wish it would have been finished. It was a lil on the weird side with the walkthrough. sex scenes could have used sounds. Hopefully the dev returns to this type of game or another dev does a game similar. I see "Tower" has started but the amount in it and no walkthrough make it hard to progress.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Sudhs Addicted

    The game has issues with translation. Might be broken in some situations and you'll mostly need help with the walkthrough. But it's a fantastic game for those that love a game that needs grinding so you can really feel you achieved a scene. And there are a huge number of women to woo all the time. Spent hours playing this and enjoyed it a lot!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    overall it is a quite solid RP sandbox
    i will assess the game WITH cheats and external walkthrougsh as it is imo a common part of sandbox games..or of gaming experience (nobody forces you to avoid such things and torture yourself unless you like it raw"

    . consistency is mantained so immersion is quite good.
    >lots of girls/content . 30-60 (or more) hours of content depends on how good you are at gathering intel, following guides and tweaking things

    >different routes - not the best decision for any sandbox. especially if some of alts you cannot (re)trigger efficiently via cheats (if appeared in the middle of your progress - you should probably prepare saves and focus on parcticular npc, then load another save ; if interconnected with other npc - replay could be advisable, it was easier for me to do that for 4-5 alt routes, half of which were family related)
    >text is engrish and jibberish. translation project was not completed. intuitively ofc it is more or less clear what is going on and i bet sbx gamers like me are not much of readers. but it is still bit off. moreover, sometimes can be disadvantaging when reading hints or choosing options.
    >external walkthroughs will act as spoilers (ofc should be expected)
    >gameovers - also kinda ridiculous (though easily avoidable)

    (no good)
    >qsp saving system. it is just uncomfy (5 slots, no exporting, no renaming) especially no good for a game with some routes. so it is on you to copypst saves elsewhere when you are on some path determing moments .
    >UI issues. making a wrong choice (or trying to save during the options which would work in Renpy but not here; or leaving the menu) can cause significant troubles. meaning that (in most cases) you will not get those options (to choose) again.
    and id say 50% chance that variables tweaking will not help you to reach that exact moment or skip forward to the next progression step , meaning that you either fail to progress or (more likely) progress, but miss some interactive content during the progressing event chain.
    >external walkthroughs issues.
    on w/th page with individual npcs links: all OPs (first posts) describe probably ~50% of game content. ~30%-45% (depends on your luck and searching skills) can be found in further discussions or main threat discussions.
    so the info is scattered (especially if you want to explore other routes). and you are more likely to encounter some info gaps.
    also some information you found can be incorrect, innacurate or vague&misleading. lets say 10-20% of the info you found. but that will be enough to cause you wasting time.

    (good news - i created mine guide in case id want to replay ...basically it is mine experience of following info i found and compiled. some corrections and comments. should be on 501 page https://thef95zone.info/threads/son-of-a-bitch-v0-29-avenger.15/post-4847181 . rumors is that i still miss some 0.29 or so content )
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game...a ton of content. Is extremely grinding (but once you start to use cheats-for money and travel)...game opens up. Great Scenarios and not just one scene with characters. Just remember to use the cheats and the English translation...!
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Great choices in material and scenarios, but awful translations (which can be fixed by mods) but even more glaringly an obscene amount of grinding.

    Without a guide, you won't be able to make significant progress with any of the characters as there are requirements for certain characters you need to be aware of and so much time management. You have to repeat the same dialogue with characters so many times just to make an inch of progress and any time you don't spend wisely will end up costing you time grinding your stats. There is a certain date limit and that can pretty much end your entire efforts if you didn't account for it.

    Ui was a chore to navigate, I got lost several times and that took up time and thus cost me events and grinding for that day.

    When you are not grinding, you don't have the energy to do much else, and picking the wrong dialogue with characters can reverse your progress.

    So many characters, so much grind, so little time to do it right, you need to follow a guide step by step to do it correctly and at that point, you should look up a video or something. Disappointing
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This is as of 0.26 update.

    • It is amazingly huge.
    • Perfect Selection for actresses
    • Decent plot(Compared to most games)
    • MC Backstory and Character Development
    • Lots of Content
    • Nearly all of them are fuckable
    • Shitty Translation
    • Horrible UI(It is QSP so can't expect much)
    • If the content is incomplete, it is difficult to predict if there is any more content but I guess that is due to the shitty translation.
    • Sometimes the grind factor on character development seems to have little to no effect on all of them. Would love to see the challenges based on the grind to all characters and not a few.
    • University grind is missing and it has an attendance record which should be in the UI.
    It is still one of the best games out there which has a variety of content. If you look past the terrible translation and UI, it is incredibly immersive. The only way it would have been even more immersive is if it was an open-world sandbox game. The dev should focus on gameplay improvements as his content is pretty good at this point. That being said he should not be negligent on content-wise updates. The dev should find a good balance between the 2. But for those game-fappers out there, this is a must-try game. Pretty much the only other game that has such a deep immersion is by DarkCookie's "SummerTime Saga". Will update my vote if the above cons are mitigated since not all of them can be eliminated in one update.

    Current Score: 4/5
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    i dont like incest materials it will be good to see mother change to step mom or someone else but other than that its AWESOME... and if you fill it up with more content it will going to better. Please update ui, i mean more graphics or decors will make it better the game,i really want to see this game perfect, nice work guys (y)(y)
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Tony Black

    Most frustrating game I have ever played. But I love it! Am looking forward to the next update. Hope it is soon. Lots of thought went into this game. The characters have personalities. Not just a sex game but a real test of gaming skills.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Won't bother berating the horrible translation, since that's been done forever. this is based on my latest play of v 0.23
    This site has everything you need to improve on the vanilla dev release from walkthrus to cheats.
    Avenger has a great eye for porn actresses and scenes that match the plot. The amount of work gone into that alone is crazy. Fav scene is still Irina not letting you leave till you fuck the shit outta her.
    All the Milf actresses are hot & know how to handle a cock.
    The young models are appropriate for their character. playback quality of the clips is good to fair.
    No need for codecs and other bullshit, self-contained.
    shit translation leads to being "lost" a lot.
    day of the week dependent plot devices leads to a "real" feel, but adds tons of grind. A calendar app on your cell with reminder/alarm would help tons if you're playing like me, trying to bang 'em all at once.

    Ive played a lot of games like this that only use stills of actresses for scenes they've written & the dev's complain about finding content to match the plot. This guys using actual clips. I just can't get over the eye this guy has plus I assume the encyclopedic type knowledge he has of the models and movies they've done, then cutting clips from the actual movie. Just impressed with the amount of work put into this. If the translation gets to a point where I know what the fuck is going on in better detail, it will be an even more immersive game than is at the moment, but for me it's a pretty good plot that you can really immerse yourself in as the MC as is.
    Currently supporting on Patreon, I'm that impressed.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: 0.23
    The machine translations are terrible, I get it and why I am trying to do a proper translation on the game as well but overall the game is pretty stable. Not a whole lot of bugs in the main Russian version. Plus there's a ton of content, lots of women and paths to take. It's the top of any QSP game that I have played thus far. Which is why this game is so popular.