VN - Ren'Py - Sophie: The Girl from the Zone [v1|3.4] [DavyCroquette]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game overall. The dev warns you at the start that this is not a fap game. However even for someone like me that's here to fap there is plenty of women constantly teasing in lingerie and bikinis to keep me engaged. The story is a wild ride constantly on the move, the dialogue is short and to the point, there are many options and alternative routes that change the game quit a lot (and sadly lock a lot of content), lots of sex and violence, you will always met new women and new fucked up people.

    There are 2 reasons that detract 1 point from me:
    1. Women are very jealous in this game and there does not seem to be much reward to sticking with a single one. You get 1-2 elaborate sex scenes then a lot of "lets sleep together but nothing happens" or maybe a blowjob. So it seems like we are incentivized to always cheat and start new relationships, that way we don't miss too much content.

    2. The story becomes schizophrenic, the longer the game goes there are 3-5 plot lines developing simultaneously. Think the matrix or assassins creed but on crack. Constant switching from one reality to another is jarring for me, I wish the dev stuck with the zombie apocalypse and focused on that since it has the strongest story beats and theme, I don't want a space game inside my zombie apocalypses game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, great images, great characters. Complex but intriguing. You should play it several times in order to explore all the possibilities. Besides it has long chapters and you need a lot of hours of game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Characters model are diverse and beautiful of course except, MC model could be better though (Too Thin) for my style and for rendering are above average.
    Sex scenes animation are bad at the early but it gets better on later chapter. well that's it for me now i Really enjoyed the story so far, can't wait for continuation of the story and future updates.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Storytelling – 2/10
    The story is an absolute mess. The translation from French to English is either poorly done or the writing itself is just bad. The plot jumps chaotically from one setting to another, making it hard to follow. You start in an apocalyptic world, wake up from a coma, suddenly find yourself in virtual reality, and go through multiple other disjointed scenarios. Every transition feels abrupt and incoherent, making choices from earlier in the game feel meaningless. Instead of meaningful plot twists, the game withholds crucial information, forcing unnecessary replays. It feels like someone tried to stitch multiple unrelated stories together but failed to create a satisfying or logical narrative.

    Renders and Animations – 3/10
    The visuals are nothing to get excited about. While they might be serviceable, the animations are stiff and unnatural, breaking immersion rather than enhancing it. The lack of polish in this department makes the experience feel even more unfinished.

    Characters/Love Interests – 3/10
    The game does offer a diverse cast of love interests, which is a plus. However, due to the weak storytelling and lack of refinement, none of them truly stand out. Their depth and interactions feel underdeveloped, making it hard to connect with them.

    Final Verdict: 2.5/10
    This game struggles in almost every aspect. The storytelling is confusing, the animations feel clunky, and the characters fail to make an impact. It comes across as an unpolished, fragmented experience that lacks coherence and engagement. Unless major improvements are made, it’s hard to recommend this game to anyone.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the rare VNs where there's no need to skip the dialogue because the story is actually interesting.

    The only thing I would change is the possibility to switch girlfriends from Vi to Margaux... Yes, I know... :)
    And I understand why it may not be possible. Still, in virtual reality, isn't it possible to reshape characters?

    Can't wait for the continuation of the story.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Meh, lost my interest with the story when that coma/sci-fi stuff started happening more, so i skiped to the end (didn't like it/not for me). To me it could have been a superb zombie/survival without that stuff.

    Overall the renders are nice, animations are ok (seen worse) and the girls and characters are nicely made. Best one for me was Fiona, found her unique, being (slutty) Native american milf and nicely made. Too bad her story seems to end as of (3.01).

    2.5/5 but i'll round it up to 3/5 (love that the game has a lot of gore though)
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    anne O'nymous

    [version 3.00]

    Okay, at first the game is confuse, if not disturbing. And the fact that you've to pick a name for the MC, but that its name isn't used right from the starts feel weird, and don't looks like a good omen.
    But, while being skeptical, I decided to give it a chance, and when the prologue ended, I knew that I made the good choice.

    It's hard to talk about the story without spoiling it. It's way deeper than the basic zombie outbreak that it looks like at first, and really hooking once you've advanced a bit more in the first chapter. Especially when you discover that in fact you haven't picked a name without reason, and that it's actually used, but only on a given context.
    It's also where the writing starts to evolve, in the good way, so don't be discouraged by the starts of the prologue, there's better to come

    A good point to is the handling of the story. You can have most of the girls, but you've to be careful and balance your choices. This said, you can also decide to give the priority to one over the others but, for the constancy of the story, I recommend to not completely ditch Sophie or Vicky.
    Talking about the story, at some point in the prologue you'll have to make a radical choice. Behind it hide two really different stories that are really well handled. Even better, if you decide to go for a multi playthrough and follow both stories in parallel, you'll see that they intersect time to time. But each time the context is different, and the outcome will be too.

    The CGs are also above the average, what is pleasant to see.
    The only default is the English translation, that tend to be approximate because too literal. It's far to be the usual Engrish, so by itself it's not a default, nor a burden, but it's enough to remove the 5th star.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! I'm really impressed! This little visual novel starts off mysteriously, but the further you get, the more incredible it becomes. It's gory, sometimes creepy, disturbing, and anything can happen!

    The character design is well above average, and each character has their own personality (I love Linda, Vicky, and Eva). The animated scenes are decent, sometimes even great. But the real highlight of this VN is undoubtedly the storyline. I absolutely love it!

    I don't understand why this developer doesn't have more support... With every update, it's a new surprise, the story progresses well, and the content is huge.

    • Story: 5/5
    • Graphics: 4/5
    • Animations: 3.5/5
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Good enough renders
    Big amount of content
    Okay variety of LI

    Terrible narrative, from dialogue to the story, LCtrl level
    Girls don't have nearly equal screen time
    In some cases MC becomes braindead so the story can happen how Dev wants
    The further you go the hotter new girls become. But oops, you're already tied up to mid girls from the beginning of a game.

    Overall: It's definitely a game, but it's very close to being just a series of porn animations slopped together without a plan.
    Can be played for lewd stuff but idk how bad your taste must be to be invested in the story.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice and original story. At first, it looks like a usual survival/ zombie story while in fact everything is far more complex. What is really the story ? As far as the story goes on, you can't tell. Meanwhile, this is truely good.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The pictures looked good, and, together with the title, I thought, it was a game of a jail story.
    But there also was a thing with lots of "renders" added with every update, which could only mean one thing.

    All in all, it's a shitty VN about Zombie apocalypse, that also tries to deceive you into thinking, that you are in a coma of some sort.
    Also, sex scenes are scarce, far between, short and the game would only win, if there were none of them.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's kind of unreal the twists and turns this game takes, I will say some stories have me way less engaged than others, but the post-apocalyptic zombie main one is great. Looking forward to more content.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game. I was surprised at how much content it had in it.

    I liked that it gave you a good idea of what your choices meant so it does not need a walkthrough. The gallery was also very helpful in telling me not only what scenes I missed but how to get them.

    The graphics are good, animations are pretty good, and the variety of girls is excellent.

    The plot was also great. It is definitely a VN that you need to read through to understand what is going on. It still took me awhile to figure it out with all of the different cut scenes and jumps from place to place.

    The only really drawback is in lots of spots it says him when it means her and vice versa, an English proofreader could improve that.

    Overall one of the better games being created right now. Definitely give it a shot if you have not tried it.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is at least 3/5 just because of girls bushes and it has a lot more content than you expect from half year of development.
    But story after boat becomes erratic af to the point you don't even want to read it anymore. Random shit just happens.
    Also point system that locks you from seeing scenes by meaningless small choices dosen't work properly. Min/maxing relationships and karma points isn't fun.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's unique and insane, and amazing. Currently one of my favorite games on the site. It's the most brutally graphic game I've seen here. Absolutely psychotic. The overarching story is a bit confusing but I haven't tried too hard to understand it, I am just along for the moment to moment scenes, and they are great.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game. Ambitious story which is well executed so far. Visuals are good. Would be nice to have more music.

    I played it in French as I'm currently learning it. Appreciate that it's native French instead of being translated to French from English, even if it's "traduire humaine".

    There are a few typos here and there, like prériple instead of périple (when Nia was driving the van in the desert), but it isn't serious.

    Bums me out that there isn't going to be a Linda route though...
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    4 for the visuals and sex scenes, because the most this can get is a 4/10. This game is so fucking confusing. The worst part is, I doubt it has to do with the translation from French to English. You can tell it wasn't first written in English, it's obvious, but the story just makes no fucking sense. Things just...HAPPEN. Like there's no flow to anything happening after the initial set-up, it's just one random scenario after another. Like you go from thinking it'll be set in a city, to it being on a boat, to randomly being on an island, and then the situations INSIDE these things make no fucking sense either, with discussions of like alternate dimensions or worlds within dreams or something, and it just makes zero fucking sense. Any one that gives this 5 stars is either illiterate or an idiot, cause there is no GENUINE way anyone would rate this 5 stars from actually reading it.

    I got halfway through where I just decided to skip through to the decisions, but they make decisions that are almost entirely irrelevant actually super important, so I found myself being almost equally as confused reading the bare minimum as I did reading everything. It's absolutely ridiculous how someone would continue writing an AVN like this, with so many utterly ridiculous storytelling errors.

    The dev unironically describes the story as "a blend of 'Game of Thrones', where the unpredictable reigns, 'Shutter Island', and 'A Clockwork Orange' for madness, while also adding a touch of 'Inception' for dreams". None of these films or series have much of anything in common. This absolutely shows in this AVN. The ego to believe their project can be compared to any of these also explains why they haven't fixed anything.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This is the most confusing game I have ever played it's like someone put a bunch a random incidents, put them in blender along with LSD and English and French and spilled it out. The first part seemed pretty good but then they started to get this like alternate dimension or maybe some kind of dream sequence or something. People who I thought were dead are alive again and they are somehow relatives of mine and it's just not two alternate realities there is like several and I just got confused. I mean if they had just made a zombie story they probably would have been better. There is also and issue with the English part of it is in English and part in French, so it makes it difficult to make decisions. Also the choices you make don't seem to make a difference. I didn't do them all but choices I made led to the same outcome. For example the MC was in a tunnel and had left, right or straight ahead and taking any of the options leds to the same exit with nothing extra. It was like someone put the choices in just to seem like you had some choice. I think i'll give this a pass when it gets updated.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I honestly don't understand why this game has such high reviews.

    It gives me a headache with how disjointed it is.

    I don't know how to avoid what might be spoilers. Starts out ok, not that many zombie apocalypse games. I'd be happy with that. You get attached to the girl from the title pretty quick, and it's different. Many of the models are unique or aren't used often so the art is decent and you have some variety.

    It's just so little of it matters because it's so disjointed. Ok, I guess you're a mental patient. You hop back and forth between three realities and Sophie is probably the other half of you or something. Idk, I think this is trying to be deep but it just gives me a headache. Characters swap in and out, they die, or maybe not, it's just all... a mess. I don't even think this is what crazy is like. But you're just thrown different girls who love you very quick and you swap them in and out and even yourself in and out, and honestly that sounds pretty cool... but it's not. It's just so jerky and everyone is an idiot but none of it matters because I guess it's a crazy fantasy? Characters are thrown at you so fast, and largely only exist to show you their tits, die, and then be someone else later. I feel like I'm playing the game on skip, and I'm not, and I don't think it's worth it to do so for the visuals.

    I'm not sure I've finished Chapter 1 yet and I just can't go on. I don't even want to say it's complicated. It's not. It's just not worth keeping track of, even when it stays in one language - which is a technical problem. I really thought the game had difficulty remembering your name change for awhile too, but that's intentional, I guess, because you're at least two people. Hell, you're probably all the people, or at least Sophie, and it's just not very satisfying.

    Maybe the ratings come from the NTR crowd, they like what they like, and this game probably should have that tag. Some of it is avoidable, sure, and there's an argument most of it is with girls who aren't LIs... but characters keep becoming other people so idk. One moment you're rescuing an escort, next minute she's your wife you have kids with. And the LIs seem to have options to do things to other people, so NTR. Which I don't care much about because I don't care about any of the characters. The author makes a point that this isn't just an erotic game to him, but most erotic games have deeper women with more agency. These are dolls, maybe because they only exist in the main dudes mind - but that's a pointless reach at being deep, they go from being gangraped to flirting with you before even putting clothes on. Then they'll probably get killed, but who cares, he's a new doll and she's showing you her tits. It's all kind of weird. Just spasmically introducing new characters. Should you keep track of them? Eh, probably not.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6510130

    I love Apocalypse type games and Zombie Apocalypse ones even more, so I was intrigued by the look of this one. I've played about 40 minutes of content and really enjoyed it so far.

    Guys will like you can start a romance with Sophie who is another survivor or also hit up with an ex called Eva who is an exhibitionist and very strong and independent. There's also a walking pneumatic sex doll called Vicky has a plastic doll face and who looks like she just came out a porno shoot..

    Eva is my girl, I like her bad ass attitude and how she's a natural with taking out enemies with her guns. She's sassy but I like that <3

    The art style and renders are very original and remind me of a horror graphic novel which is pretty cool. A nice change from the usual Daz rendered games on here.

    As others have mentioned, yes it feels quite French in the overall presentation of the story and if you are a native English speaker like me, you may find it a little confusing at times. Now I wish I'd kept up my French lessons at school ;o

    The story is quite captivating. It feels a bit like The Road meets The Walking Dead and you can't go wrong with that kind of scenario. You will meet new friends and foes, horrible things will happen and be experienced, romances grown or rekindled as well on a journey to survive. It's the Apocalypse! \o/

    Sound is used quite well at times for more spoopy impact to the story, which I liked. The game just feels different to others on here with it's style and that's a good thing.

    One minor complaint: Changing the MC's name still resulted in him being called David often. Not sure why but it's only a minor thing really.

    Overall a good, survival horror type game with striking art and visuals. Sometimes a little confusing to anyone who is not French I guess, but you still get the overall idea of what the dev is trying to tell you. Check it out!

    Warning: Don't get too attached to all the girls...lmao