Man, what is it with everyone wanting me to make an unending game? People usually want games to be finished
But in all seriousness, yes,
this part of the story is ending fairly soon, even from a technical standpoint as it is getting quite large and I would have to split the game regardless. And that being said, a big portion of what has been said by
Virulenz will be more or less covered one way or other, but there are some that aren't, partially because they are part of the larger world narrative and aren't directly tied to this particular story.
And I've said it before, I'm not ruling out returning to this after the current story is done, I just need to keep my promise with TRS and do something else for a while. I mean it has been quite intense one and half years by now, 20 months probably once all is done and dusted... missing my original deadline by two months

Ah well...