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Hi guys! It's time for another Development Diary before the release of the v.1.0 of Space Paws.
We've finished all the major art stuff, including animations and CGs. There're now small art details to be finished, then build everything on flash. And as usual after that, testing and bug fixing.
Aaaand when will it be released? Same as we said before every update. We don't like to tell dates, among other things, because we don't know the difficulties we'll find until we are on it. It's not a secret, but usually, when a Studio tells a date (and they keep the "promise") they always say a date way after they really have finished the product, just to be sure that the game/sofwtare/product will be finished by then. In Summary, you don't want us to tell dates. Just a little bit of patience and you'll have it right when we finish it

(Anyway, we usually need approx the same amount of time to build it )
Ok, now here it is the complete changelog for this update v1.0:
New Main Harem Route
-Roselyn, Alison, VD H-scene
-Siaren, Nebet, Roselyn H-scene
-Nebet, Vyl Daemith H-scene
-Siaren, Alison H-scene
New Easter Egg Harem Route
-Maya, Erin H-scene
-Kor Beatrix, Ginny H-scene
-Alison, Bast H-scene
Roselyn Epilogue for her route
Nebet Epilogue for her route
Siaren Epilogue for her route
Vyl Daemith Epilogue for her route
Alison Epilogue for her route
Main Harem route Epilogue
Easter Egg Harem route Epilogue
Other changes
Siaren H-scenes have now the new interface
Maya first H-scene also has now the new interface
New Credits
This is the last update where we'll develop the story. Because of this, when we release the update, we'll also create another post called "Questions & Story Discussion". That post will be ONLY for those who have played the v1.0 and want to ask something or discuss something about the plot. So likely it will be a post with many comments with spoilers. Avoid it until you play the update.
The comments on "the Space Paws v.1.0 release" must be spoiler free comments. We don't want anyone to get a spoiler just before playing the game.
And that's it. After this update, we'll do another final one, just to polish details, improvement...but it will also receive 4-5 new H-scenes. We'll talk about this after the v1.0 release, anyway.
This trip is ending guys. We expect to give you the game you deserve, and we really expect the most of you will be happy of being supporting us all this time.