What to expect from the Demo?
Well there is a - ahem - fair warning of sorts. Because what you will play is just a singe storyline, without any gameplay or interaction with other storylines. This is for the simple reason that I have to start somewhere

I personally see it as an 'art & storyline' test; and focussing on that aspect, was also the best way for me to get familliar with the game engine.
So, you will probably feel that you are going through a Visual Novel, rather then an Adventure Game. But, no worries that will hopefully change in one of the next updates....it just takes time

Finally, the current storyline is incomplete; I have a lot more prepared, but I just ran out of time trying to put it in the game. But I'll complete it in the next update
Well, I hope you will enjoy the demo game so far! Please let me know your thoughts, by leaving a comment here on Patreon

Also, And if things turn out to be broken, let me know and then I'll fix it in the next update.
Till next time!
Kind regards