Why can't I give more then 5 stars?
This is... I had this game just sitting around while I played my faves, kept overlooking it. And then on a whim I spun it up. And it was good. And I kept playing. And it was great. And I kept playing. Days were passing by and I thought 'you know, I need to post a review'. And I kept playing, and there was STILL more content to play, and it somehow kept getting better. And it kept having new ideas, it wasn't getting repetitive, the story was pulling me deeper... and after forever and a day I reached the end... and I stared.. and I realized I'd played 1 branch. No, not 1 branch, 1 possible path through one high-level branch (the 'screw up and find out' path) which had numerous tandem side-streets of content that I hadn't even touched. And that I could start all over with trying to actually save her and see how things go.
.... I just... Ok.. more formal..
* Artwork is almost consistently top-tier in its CG genre
* Story is immersive
* Characters are consistent
* The game flows smoothly between normal speech and totally crude
* So. Many. Kinks. And creative touches on most of them that you haven't seen in other games
* Headgames - it does a great job of diving into mind-breaks (well, slow ones), instead of that stupidly annoying 'omg! like something terrible is happening! it is soooo hot and now I'm cumming!!' I mean yea, her body reacts to it, and her corruption slowly increases / morals decrease, but you can actually enjoy the journey
* Side-characters - they're actually hot and you want them included, they're not just same-character-different-hair
* Sheer amount of content
* Choices. This is VNish but it Feels like a game. Like you are making interesting choices
* Fourth wall break. I never put my real name in games, but suddenly the MC asked who I (the player) was. And I put in my name on a whim. OMG I discovered a new kink I never even knew existed, that I don't think even had a name - a fourth wall kink where the character actually (at times) interacts with the Player. In the best possible ways. It isn't a Lot but it is there and it is so much fun I have no words. Not like the intro 'hey player what's your name' or 'wink wink nudge nudge' but.. I can't explain it, just try it
* ... damn, I can't even say 'there isn't more of it' because (while I Want more of it), there is SO MUCH
No notes. Chef's kiss.