this game could be easily the better fashion business just the mc could be hotter and at least a but curvier.
- solid quality
- very helpful questlog
- even its rpgmaker its not too hard to navigate
- good english (better than mine

- female as protagonist
- hot kinks
- old guys who look old
- ugly guys who look hideous (and kind of funny)
- some hot outfits
- interesting very blackmailish/corruptive and quite dark story
- beatrice (thats the name of the blond girl, right? really like her face and hair and style way more than mc's tbh)
- hot animations
- maybe a bit too dark story or could get too dark? idk
- some sounds are just too much
- mc is pretty and not too thin but pretty in a bit boring way in my opinion
- mc has nice areolas/nipples but the breasts look a but odd. not only sometimes small and a bit flat but also strange positioned sometimes, hips could be a bit wider, ass a either chubbier or more trained aswell as the thighs/legs but legs can also be left like this but ass and especially breasts... idk man - the face is pretty but i tend to like beatrice`s (the blond oprhan girl) more also i really dig the kneesock/short stuff of beatrice personally.
heck even leina has more curves than the mc even according to abraham she should be chubbier and less curvy in a fit way...
- animations are not skippable you have to wait till its over
- too many same stuff (always showering and the dress part is creative and fun the first few times but then gets annoying in my opinion)
- some story stuff/characters are bit too strange for me atm like the nut girl for example (which also had more curves than the mc...)
even i gave the game 4 stars for me personally its a very close 4 stars and more a 3.6 or 3.8. cause the mc is okay but doesn't carry the game for me. its more the animations and the potential encounters/kinks and the quality stuff like questlog and solid renders.