4.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Active Member
Apr 11, 2018

- all PNGs optimized (very conservative options used, since such old engine requires specific PNG type)
- bugfix, mini-guide, changelog, FAQ included
- RTP merged

WorkUpload link: NtufY9JpyxA

This is extended/bugfixed version by kR1pt0n1t3
i'm surprised anyone remembered this game as i have time i will download this version


Dec 23, 2017

- all PNGs optimized (very conservative options used, since such old engine requires specific PNG type)
- bugfix, mini-guide, changelog, FAQ included
- RTP merged

WorkUpload link: NtufY9JpyxA

This is extended/bugfixed version by kR1pt0n1t3
That link ( ) is taking me to another game called "Sarah of the Rotation Cut" instead of this one.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
I don't know what I'm doing wrong but this scene where she goes to sleep and the goddess appears doesn't happen to me and I've already put relationships in a maximum of several characters Screenshot_20211223-105903.png


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
in case you can't see the text in this game. for me i just use translate in Mtool to see the word and it work. but the game crash.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
few question
1) I'm stuck on when turta hurt his head
2) church second floor on the right i talk him and he say to come back tomorrow and i did come back the next day. he keep repeating the same come back tomorrow


Tifa's Dark Heaven - Developer
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
I have this problem... Running on 32 bits windows 7 with locale emulator


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Coulda googled it, too. Rather faster answer than you get from asking here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2018
Street Vendor Guide: (Fake and Legend Item Seller at Continental Road [Night])

Info about fake item / legendary item seller is wrong in ulfm (or just kinda confusing for me tbh). Mini Guide found here also doesn't state it. Here's the thing, ULMF Post says you need to buy the item, close the shop and buy the item again after selling stuffs worth more than what you are buying BUT!

What you really just need to do (dunno if it's because there's a difference in that version and this one) is buy the item TWICE in one go then close the Shop to trigger the NPC's line stating about the item (which triggers the script to sell the next set of fake and real items), then CHECK THE ITEMS IN YOUR INVENTORY or click on SELL in the shop BEFORE buying the next set of items. (You just need to check if the items you bought are fake and real by seeing the items NOT STACKED meaning one is fake and one is real.)

NOTE: It's best to CLICK ON SELL OR CHECK THE ITEMS IN YOUR INVENTORY BEFORE BUYING THE NEXT SET of items since if you buy the Fake of the next set of items (means even only one of them), you'd get SOFT LOCKED in buying the real one of the previous set from the seller since the next set of real / fake item would be on sale instead. What you need to do to get out of that sof lock is TO SELL ALL OF THE FAKES IN YOUR INVENTORY (Equipped ones doesn't matter) and NPC will sell you those items again though the Selling list would RESET (e.g. if you bought the REAL Holy Necklace and wants to get the Previous ones, you'd need to buy up to two set of Holy necklace AGAIN for the Holy Rapier to appear). so be wary of that. Also if you buy only one (the fake) and sleeps, it will not refresh the item for sale and you'd still need to repeat the process correctly thus you'll need to buy it TWICE again (for a total of three times) making the first purchase a waste.

Also you can skip doing the trick for the Demon King Set to save money. Just buy one, close the shop, buy the next one and so on until you unlock the Holy Bracelet.

The items are as follows: (Price)

Demon King Bracelet (84,000)
Demon King Ring (90,000)
Demon King Charm (110,000)
Holy Bracelet (184,000)
Holy Angel Ring (580,000)
Holy Charm (380,000)
Holy Necklace (1,000,000)
Holy Rapier (850,000)

For a Total of 6,556,000! 6,272,000 if you don't care about getting the real ones for the Demon King Set.

Cheated for the Money since I got no time to waste raking up all that cash!!!

PS. Before getting the items, you're more like Sarah of the Rotation Kick xD
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New Member
Jan 29, 2018
is there a similar game as this one?
From what I recall... There was a sequel to this game, don't recall if it ever got translated(Ah, found it here https://thef95zone.info/threads/spin-around-sayla-second-v1-1-3-ho_works.24321/ ). They released games before this under a different group name. Not sure how similar the gameplay is.




Apr 28, 2020

- all PNGs optimized (very conservative options used, since such old engine requires specific PNG type)
- bugfix, mini-guide, changelog, FAQ included
- RTP merged

WorkUpload link: NtufY9JpyxA

This is extended/bugfixed version by kR1pt0n1t3
The link is dead, would you kindly repost?
4.00 star(s) 1 Vote