ok, thanks, I'd seen your post I just didn't click on the attachment you'd replied to.
The linked one is pretty useless for Quests...but I assume because it's old.
I just got a package for Ane but not clear what to do.
Nothing, she takes the package; and you can get your own from the delivery gal then.
Until her quest progresses she gets stuck on taking that package over and over again if you talk to her.
* She progresses further AFTER you finish Raury; which is not clearly indicated at all.
I've got a quest for Minjula (?) which wants 'spice' not clear about that one, but I'll check that link and see if it helps me out.
You need to ask Missy; who says you are out, but also says there is a spice dealer at night in town.
Then for the dealer, you've likely seen her and she moves every day so I can't tell you where she'll be.
(if she's at the park and you haven't done that part yet, you can't see her that night)
I thought I'd 'maxed' my strength at 10....can you indeed go past that? I wasn't sure how many tokens it was asking for...it looked like '0' to go from 10 to 11, but could have been '8'.
You can't go over 10, but IIRC you can spend a time cycle doing the minigame for 0 tokens going from 10 to... 10.
At the moment I have got to the final conflict for the Raury Quests but the list of things you need to do is just scary and I hate minigames in these games
Thanks again
Yeah, the final minigame bit there is annoying.
Pay close attention to find the right place to click in the timed bit...
The one you need to see is "breathing" or shifting very slightly.
Oh, and be sure to fail at least once, as that gets you a "Candy Basket" unlock you can NOT get later.
(Same with Mario Toilet critter later, let it hit you once with lust attack)
Buying the pizza you can use to reset "milk" gauge before going in might be worth considering as well.