VN Ren'Py Completed Star Lust: Hymn of the Precursors [v1.0] [Tech_Priest]

3.70 star(s) 7 Votes


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Jul 2, 2017

It's Monday and chaos has entered my life!
I've spent the last 3 days moving into a new place across town and holy hell its been a wild ride. Ever driven a giant moving truck in the middle of a freaking storm? I hadn't either until yesterday. No casualties though (Praise the Omnissiah).
Currently don't have internet at the new place so I'm actually writing this from my old pad. Did I mention chaos has entered my life?
What I'm getting at is that there has been very little progress to report this week with the holidays and you know... life. I did complete some cool proof of concept stuff on the new brothel mechanic I'm adding and another background art piece was completed. Aaaand that's about it! I'll be back on my normal dev schedule once my move is totally complete in the next day or so.
Happy New Year everyone! 2019 is gonna be huge.


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017

Congrats everyone! Humanity as a whole has successfully completed another lap around the sun. Go team!

On to dev talk:

Happy to report that life is more or less back to normal and dev has resumed in full swing. Huge progress on background art and image maps this week which means 0.3 is actually playable now. Missing a bunch of content but still a huge boost psychologically to see. So yay!

Nsfw art unfortunately is delayed again due to personal reasons but is coming soon! Just the way she goes sometimes.

And that's it! Hoping to show off something cool next week so stay tuned for that :)


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017

Can you believe we're already midway done February? Me neither. It's Monday though so you already know what's up. Let's do this.
Code: Basically done. Finally. I'm taking the rest of this week to iron out any bugs and do minor edits to really polish it up but by the grace of the Omnissiah 0.3 is basically ready to drop.
Art: All sex scenes are done! However, I made a tough call and actually dropped one of the outfits I was planning to include in this release. It sucks but I wasn't happy with it and it was sucking up too much time that could be spent on actually getting this version out for you guys. Sometimes that's just the way it goes :( BUT everything else is basically totally done art side.
TL;DR: We're almost there. Unless I somehow break the game between now and next week I should be releasing 0.3 for upper tier patrons before the end of the month :) Huge thank you for everyone's support! I'm really proud of this update and can't wait it hear what you all think of it.
Have a great week everybody!
<3 Tech
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Reactions: bacchusplateau


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017

Hey guys!
Really quick update. Everything is basically done, I'm still polishing it up. I'll probably release some really small 0.3x builds to add a couple small art tweaks I wanted over the next week or so but all the content is in.
Pushing super hard to have 0.3 out in the next few days, and I think it's going to happen! Thanks so much for all your patience and your support, it means the world to me.
I better get back to work, but enjoy a screenshot from one of the events with absolutely no context provided! (It'll make sense in game haha)

<3 Tech
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Reactions: Skads and Aela


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
3 main missions, 1 side mission, and several small events
Can someone elaborate on what these are? The reason that I ask is that I want to know if I've reached the end of the current content, and whether I've missed anything. I've just gotten to Reputation 3. Pussy sex hasn't been unlocked at Ruby's, and there is a down arrow that still says that still says that I have no business there.


Aug 31, 2017
Talk to Grace on the ship. You might need to talk to the guy at the military station first.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2018
Talk to Grace on the ship. You might need to talk to the guy at the military station first.
Game says that she's not around, and I have no idea where there's a "military station". My only choices at present are continuing to give BJs at Ruby's and resting in the ship in the hangar. A while back I purchased 1000 units of fuel, but that didn't open up anything new for me.

EDIT: nvm, I just found the admin office.

EDIT 2: Completed all of the missions. Eagerly awaiting the next version!


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
The art is pretty fucky. Weird proportions, odd expressions, absolutely no staying on character model, issues with line strength, that typical "how to draw eyes, first off dont do this stupid shit" every textbook tells you to avoid is there. Stuff like that.

Lots of grind because of low effort repetitive gameplay to get money to get item to continue mundane story.
The mc literally loses her virginity on a dare. Its like a mix of mentally 12y old in an college aged girls body, and forced stairway to heaven tropes implemented in an extremely silly way.
Nov 21, 2017
I like both art and the game design and setting. Also it's a bit grindy, but not overly much, especially compared with other games. Since it's a Renpy game, editing it is also easy. So that is no reason to complain for a game in this state - just change it.

I found a bug (or strange design choice) if the dev is reading this:

The first handjob does not count, because you jump to the label first_handjob to early and therefor you don't increase/decrease the relevant counters.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Hmmm I just realized Terra Nova is a planet is the original mass effect. This girl Nova, is called Terran Nova quite a few times.

This game has a lot of references and is worth following I think.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
That's what Google is for. Try it. ;)

Dammit I am unable to argue. But I will mention as I have in a separate post that Terra Nova is a plabet in the furst Mass effect game. And this character is referred to as Terran Nova multiple times. Seems to be filled with references.

and now to google starfield.

EDIT: Or yahoo it. Might get some interesting news articles as a result which google lacks.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Hmmm I just realized Terra Nova is a planet is the original mass effect. This girl Nova, is called Terran Nova quite a few times.

This game has a lot of references and is worth following I think.

It's a TV show.
3.70 star(s) 7 Votes