In Chapter 2, during the scene after you put on the armor, but before you find Rachel (Path 1), I feel like the scene could stand to have one or two more renders. The text talks about finding Rachel and Nali for a while before the scene transitions to the next render. Also, the dialogue in the scene mentions that they don't have enough time for Nali and Rachel to get something to wear, but the render explicitly shows Rachel wearing a suit of the armor. Nali doesn't look like she's wearing anything, so I'm not sure if the scene was meant to play out differently. There are a few spelling errors that I noticed in Chapter 1, but I didn't think to take a screenshot of them. When I play through again for different scenes, I'll try to remember to grab them. There was one in Chapter 2 that I noticed so far. The character said fized instead of fixed. Found it. It was during this render: