VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Steamy Paradise: The Heart of the Island [Epilogue - v0.9.7] [ImpactXPlay]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    decent hand drawn art
    except the faces. the faces look bad
    no animation
    moronic MC
    plot is pretty silly
    unecessarily excessive branching. it is trying to force "routes" when they don't make sense.
    abandoned so it will never be finished
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Steamy Paradise has a decent writing that gets some intrigue into the story and characters but it quickly loses that interest. Main reason for that, in my case, was the art which is an important part of a game in this genre, and in this case I found that it lacked a minimum quality. Things like strange eyes, positions and so on turned me off completely into getting into the game and story and so I dropped it.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    +We have basic, unorriginal but interesting story.
    +We have lots of girl/woman.

    Bad Points
    - We dont have proper animations. Lots of scene is only have pictures and some of them have 2-3 picture static ''animations'' and if you dont have proper animations your game need to have two things. Firstly you should have amazing render quallity and art style. And secondly lots of position, angle (pictures) for sex scenes. But sadly this game lacks both of them...
    -General quality needs improve. Quality looks bad...
    -While girl/woman bodies sometimes looks good (espacily tits) their face is so unattractive. I dont know why but looks like DEV dont want anyone like girls/woman in his game. Maybe he have great plan for every player of his? Who knows... Long story short girls/woman faces need lots of change for being attaractive.

    For The End
    This game need a lot of work. I can see the potencial but right now its just poor. For becaming better game DEV should fix bad points i had told. With these things and some other problems fixed i gues this game can be 4 star game. I hope DEV will manage to do that...
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    A pornographic VN needs either a good story or good art. This has neither
    Poorly written mishmash of ideas that go nowhere, with "decisions" that mean nothing.
    "Art" that consists entirely of very badly traced porn, while all the backgrounds are either stock images with a filter or literal anime screenshots.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    fa gbf

    The Images are sometimes a bit special.
    The Storyline it's self isn't very impressive but some parts of it are the best thing i've read so far in a VN.
    But overall i really do like the dialoges.

    Great Work keep going!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good story, it has a lot of action, its even funny tho. I love this kind of drawings..very nice renders, the girls are hot too, so I would suggest everyone to give it a try (at least).
    Keep up the good work!
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This is not very good.

    All the backdrops are google images with a cartoon shader applied to them in Photoshop.
    There's like one hand drawn image over minutes of dialogue.

    The Engrish used has a lot of issues as well.

    No 5 star review from me, sorry.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 53157

    Underrated rough gem in my opinion. There are choices and different stats that come into play, a lot of different girls, you can seduce girls from their boyfriends. The game does not blue ball you and keeps you entertained the whole time. Overall a good experience.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    After playing through it I can definitely say it's pretty good. The artwork definitely can be janky early on but that smooths out. The story is fun to follow and it doesn't try to beat you to death with comedy like so many other VN's try to do.

    All in all, it's a pretty fun experience.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Didn't have any errors or anything, but the artwork makes it look like you're banging women from It kinda freaks me out. That mixed with jpegs of people in the gta vice city artwork format is kinda odd. I'm not quite sure why this VN has options for where to go, may as well just make it a straight virtual novel