EXACTLY LIKE THAT, I'm eager to do a full bomb review on how that game is a massive turn off and has every element which make an AVN wrong. I bought it after it was finished because it had such high praises I took for granted that the game was at least serviceable.
I thought about writting the review in the game's thread, but it's probably full of fanbois and I understand they won't like to read it.
So, for the time being, these are the reasons why I think the game has a TERRIBLE story development and interactions with women, and NOBODY interested in story heavy games should play it:
1º Women throw themselves at the protagonist for no reason at all. Even
a rockstar singer he didn't know beforehand does it after a 2 minutes chance conversation 
WTF It's the most unreal thing I ever saw in a story, and I'm including fantasy games with magic, hentai games etc... This is the typical hentai experience but this was supposed to be a game with a serious story.
2º Story development and interaction with women looks like it was written by a 12 years old boy with 0 experience about real, actual 18 to 50 women. Except for one character (more on this on 3º point), they don't talk like that, they don't think like that, they don't act like that and they for sure don't interact with a nobody man like that.
3º The main LI is
a textbook young BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) with suicidal tendencies. This is the point I might be more biased to think this isn't any kind of groundbreaking element in the history of storytelling, because if you never knew one you might be impacted. But if you had any kind of dating experience (either fuckboi or just looking for a LTR) or if you happened to interact with one for a mid to long period of time, then
they aren't any kind of positive surprise to you. You wouldn't feel sorry for them and wouldn't want to have any of it with them, because you would know they are trouble asking for help they will reject when offered, among many other toxic behaviours.
This is the most realistic character in the game, I suppose it's because I read somewhere that the author
based this game on her daughter, which commited suicide, so he knew BPDs well. It's an odd thing to do a tribute to your suicided daughter in the form of a porn game, but that's the way it was. The other women are taken out of a 12 years old boy fantasy, very shocking for a man which had sons, you can presume he had to deal with at least a woman.
4º I couldn't put up with the game for long, but from what I know from my gameplay experience and what I read from others, you get
a hentai harem in place just to be required to end up with only one. And the story is presented, as hard as it could, for you to end up with
the BPD. Really? The game sets up a hentai harem for you just to be REQUIRED to choose only one? I get it had to be the BPD because it's the author own daughter, but then why setting up the harem story.
5º I couldn't put up with the game for long enough to check this myself, but I know from reading spoilers that
the protagonist was married to the perfect, loving and caring woman, which dumped him by suddenly disappearing, and it results she did it because she was a spy. LOL WTF then again hentai fantasy here, real life spy women are cold, soulless whores which would NEVER marry a nice guy AND THEN REGRET DUMPING HIM. They might marry a nice guy if it suits them, but they would never care about it, they would just ride onto the next dick with absolutely no regrets, because all they care about is they themselves.
I couldn't finish the game but I'm sure the end is a shitshow as shitty as the beginning and mid parts.
I just can't understand how the game became as famous and as well rated, it's really subpar at every possible level, I thought it might be because it was released many years ago (like in 2016 or something like that) and it was ground breaking then, but no, it was finished in 2022 so it's not old.