Does anybody hang yet? Or is it still the mindless build up?
as much fun as it can be to take cringe bait like this, I'm going to take the high ground here and turn this into a teachable moment.
the primary focus of this project is a story that tackles deep, existential topics related to friendship, communication, and acceptance as they revolve around the topic of sexuality and coming-of-age. The adult genre let's me explore all of those without a filter and the boundaries there are almost limitless. that's powerful in a polarized world and the thousands of letters that i've received and continue to receive substantiate that. The genre also allows me to reach people who may be struggling with those ideologies but still remain in their personal closet by secretly exploring those instincts through games like this. giving those people a voice is important to me and it's been rewarding for thousands of readers
In short: there's limitless positive things I can do with this genre besides make people's wieners squirt 'cause that shit is basic.
no really. It's as basic as you can get.
anyone who's set foot in an introduction to psychology class knows there's quite a bit of complexity to the human condition that goes beyond "banging." Here's a pretty popular diagram to jog your memory:
View attachment maslow-hierachy-of-needs-min.webp
"Banging" is at the bottom and is physiological-- meaning it has zero mental component-- making it, quite literally, as "mindless" as you can get. Instead, you've somehow mistaken a physiological need as being intellectually stimulating. Your definition of "mindless" just sounds more like indifference to all emotional states and the elevation of your own basic animal instincts. It ignores everything that isn't chemical and I just really demand more of people than that-- I demand more from a
reader than that. hell, most people do-- that's why there's a pyramid in the first place. The adult genre can be so much better than endless sequences of people stuffing each other's unprepped shitboxes. I want story. I want substance and I want something that makes me think. I want something that covers everything in the pyramid and not just "banging."
If you want basic porn tropes with no substance, then perhaps maybe order a pizza when you're broke or maybe climb into the washing machine and pretend your stuck. Me? I'd rather do something different with my project and not make something that's exactly like all the overused sexual, adult plot points. that shit just doesn't stimulate me at all and there's nothing unique about it.
If more detailed content isn't for you-- that's fine. if tons of dialogue, banter, or corny friendship moments that sometimes lead to more steamy moments isn't for you-- that's fine. you're allowed to have your preferences and i fully support you in that.
this story is long. it's detailed. it tackles some heavy shit-- especially for an adult game. if you're not looking for that then you just simply move on and look for something that's more cliche and basic. it's not necessary to label a story that tackles heavy issues related to the LGBT community as "mindless" because honestly, as the pyramid suggests: it's very much the exact opposite of that and maybe that's the problem. some people dont want to think about advanced shit when they're playing an adult game and the bulk of this story does exactly that.
But demanding that a story that covers the entirety of the human condition, reduce itself to just covering basic physiological instincts and be just another boring sex game is the very definition of mindless and I'm not gonna do that. the content in this game will continue to get even more deeper-- chapter 6 really started the serious beginning of that but 8, 9, and 10 take that to an entirely new level and i wouldn't dream of changing that because they were the most popular chapters in the game