Yes, sadly this game is abandoned. It is because of this story that I chased down MC to find out what was going on. I talk to him by DM nearly every week now. He did not want to abandon this game, but he spent a lot of money for little return, and was in a lot of debt. I am not even sure if MC is even capable of giving up making games entirely, but like everyone, you have to survive first. That takes making some money and not starving at the very least. He has not given up by any means but he will not go back to this story.
well there is the problem isn´t it???
there are not a lot of devs in this industry that can make a full time living of making adult VN games.
and the devs they do were in this for years before it payed off for them.
it is always a mistake to think as a dev i can make a living out of it from the start.
if you start this in hopes that it will go that way well that is the first mistake.
many devs are satisfied if their developing costs are covered,and if there is more left it is a nice bonus.
you gotta have a backup plan in case it not works out to still live like you used to,but if you start at the beginning with the intention to go full time dev and ending dissapointed if you not get back much in a short time period,well thats a him problem i suppose.if it does work in the long term than it is fine but you gotta need a fallback plan in case it does not work as hoped.
many of us here saw this a lot of times that really good games not getting the payback in form of money support,and other games that are mediocore at best or worse get thousand of dollars every month.