
Dec 12, 2018
Nope, incest is not in the list of sexual things. Guess that means it didn't work?

I did everything I was told to do, but just can't seem to get it.
Incest will never be on the list of things to do when engaging with a person. It comes under opinions when you are trying to influence them (Talk To > Opinions > Sexual Acts > I want a topic I don't have an opinion on). If you see the word in any conversation, it's active.
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Sep 4, 2019
That she has an opinion on incest says it's working. Getting someone to like incest requires peeling away all the layers of sexuality first. Getting them to like Sex, Casual Sex, and many other fun activities. And to be attracted to you. I compare it to playing mahjong.
Actually, its alote easier than that. Just get her to 100 Like you and change her opinion on older or younger men, and that usually enough for most but it might take a few attempts. You get the odd one that plays hard to get, then the tall, slim, short hair etc ones work really well and seem easier to change than sexual opinions.

Nope, incest is not in the list of sexual things. Guess that means it didn't work?

I did everything I was told to do, but just can't seem to get it.
I noticed when I upgraded to 1.05 that using notepad++ didn't work, and only changing and saving them in normal notepad worked. Might only be me being stupid though! :rolleyes:


Nov 1, 2017
No matter what I do I seem to go broke within the first couple months and start needing loans just to make payroll. Is that automatic or what can I do to make enough money in the first part of the game?


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
No matter what I do I seem to go broke within the first couple months and start needing loans just to make payroll. Is that automatic or what can I do to make enough money in the first part of the game?
Act like a good Scottish would (pun intended). Simply be as greedy as you can possibly be in the beginning. No fancy booze, dont take the best workers, be ready to fill in a spot at work often etc.


Sep 22, 2017
That was really helpful, thank you. I would like the incest content unlocked, but I'm not good at computer stuff or code so don't know if the explanation someone gave me a few days ago has worked, as my sister still hates incest and the game, despite it being really good, makes it impossible to know if I'm getting anywhere. A small option box asking if you want taboo active or not in the game would be so much easier than having some lovely person trying to explain how to code.
With notepad (what is enough for the task) edit the config.dat file's lines below from this:
# remove all set it to - like the commented line below it
taboos string noncon,incest,racism     
#taboos string -
#taboos string noncon,incest,racism     # list of all supported taboos
to this:
# remove all set it to - like the commented line below it
#taboos string noncon,incest,racism     
taboos string -
#taboos string noncon,incest,racism     # list of all supported taboos
Enabling noncon (non-consensual sex) allow this type of opinion and extend the dialog opions during sex.
Enabling incest is explained in my previous post.
Enabling racism is allow opinions too and this one is a kind of gamechanger too because the effect is heaver, especially the ethnic related opinions like the different ethnicity and skin color likeness. So be ready to a lot npc will finds you less attractive by default and also there is an other consequences too, like the fewer npc-npc relation in the long term playthrough.


Sep 22, 2017
No matter what I do I seem to go broke within the first couple months and start needing loans just to make payroll. Is that automatic or what can I do to make enough money in the first part of the game?
Yeah it's quite hard to play the game with default settings, I try share my thoughs about it in short as possible (but many other post has tips too).

About the starting location:
The best starting location is when you have only one neighbouring district has a concurrent business (the central district always has and it's always be your neighbour). This is important because your concurrent neighbours can siphons visitors (up to 25%) of your district and vica versa. So I advise to restart the new game until you find yourself in the ideal location (with two empty neighbouring district).

At beginning:
- Copy what your concurrents do. You can see in the log if they are start building something, or changing they opening hours. (Also you can get basic informations on they assets in Manage Club with choosing your concurrent, also you can figure they prices if you visit them and pay for they products or services like cover fee, buying drink and food, etc. -> check log if you don't see prices)
- Spend only the necessary amount on anything, try minimize the expenses and optimize the earnings. (You race in satisfaction level with your concurrents what leads more fame and visitors and earnings)
- try build good relations with at least 4 city commissioner, and focus on smooze them to vote opening hours related laws (Imo it is the most important at the beginning. More open hours -> more visitors -> more earnings -> faster progression)
- In library choose job related books only and read them as they importance (don't choose a book about stripping if you far away from hiring strippers, try figure out what is the best at your current situation, or if you can't choose from them simply return later)
- constantly build your endurance because it develop slowly and you will need it badly during all time
- be consequent what you anwer to npcs about unknown opinions (what opinion you acquire), because mostly no way to change that later and it reflects to your personality's bonus and malus values too (for example: if you choose to love working out after then you get happiness if you do in the fitness center, etc). If you unsure about the opinion's benefits then just say nothing and read about in the Help and decide what to answer on them on the next time.
- try to reach the positive cash flow and keep it positive. Until that keep your bank debt above at least -20000 (under this no one wants to work for you). But your ultimate goal at this point to eliminate completely, being debt free. (More bank loans means more interest payout so there is a point of no return (exept cheating on money) if you overspent, and it's very easy to reach that if you can't discipline yourself)
- hire the right persons for the jobs. At the beginning, forget your sympathy as you created it based on the picture what you see and concentrate to hire the persons depending the current job requirements. With low salaries you spare on expenses, and almost any npc capable to fulfill the basic roles. It's secondary how good he/she is at that kind of job, only later will be this factor more and more important (so you can think about later on they development or replacement). Greed is a good measurement of how much salary they are require (initially and to keep they happiness during the time), this means low greed leads lower salary. So basically you find the best starting workers around the university district, they're uneducated, inexperienced, but they are the cheapest ones.

P.S.: Also there is always the possibility to change the starting rules (atm in config.dat). The most popular case is raising the starting money. It seems above 500K initial cash is enough to survive the beginning until your business come profitable. My favorite other case is raising the city's initial population two or three times (more than this will kill the aspect of the game). It's doubles or triples the initial visitor count - makes the beginning more comfortable and less stressful - but in mid range can lead a short of capable workers because visitors start flooding the places with they presence and money. (Keep in mind this change makes things easier to your rivals too, and seems they can survive and never goes into bankrupticy. The first case isn't provide them such benefit, but from the config.dat other lines you can figure out they parameters are cheated to keep the rivalry with your business)
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Sep 30, 2017
Alright I have updated my asktoundress mod. The old one didn't display correctly if you used it on your mom so I had to fix that now that she can actually move to your city and you can interact with her. To install you want to extract the folder called asktoundress into the games mods folder and then add asktoundress to a new line in the mods.txt file. Folder structure should be StripClubWars\mods\asktoundress and inside that folder should be data, local, and tfel folders.
  • Raised the minimum opinion for someone to undress to 75, was 25 and it felt too early.
  • If someone is your employee and they're at work they shouldn't say they don't know you well enough now.
  • Added quickies if the person you're asking to undress notices your arousal is higher than 80.
    • Choices are handjob/finger, oral, sex if they're naked and anal if they're naked. NPC chooses based on weighting of their likes of each sex act. If they're a virgin they won't choose sex because I don't think if they want to offer you release they would be willing to give up their virginity.
    • This will reduce arousal.
  • When you ask someone to change their clothes your arousal will increase based on the reveal state of the new outfit to tie into the new quickies system.
  • Fixed the dialogue when interacting with family members if you try to use it on your mom when she moves back. I also added different dialogue when asking a family member to undress where it is currently illegal.
Again if there's any bugs people notice let me know and I can take a look. I imagine most people just like the ability to see the poses but I like that there's systems in place to make it feel more natural.
can u help me with how to " To install you want to extract the folder called asktoundress into the games mods folder and then add asktoundress to a new line in the mods.txt file. Folder structure should be StripClubWars\mods\asktoundress and inside that folder should be data, local, and tfel folders. " with picture?


Jul 31, 2017
can u help me with how to " To install you want to extract the folder called asktoundress into the games mods folder and then add asktoundress to a new line in the mods.txt file. Folder structure should be StripClubWars\mods\asktoundress and inside that folder should be data, local, and tfel folders. " with picture?
My mods folder looks like this, the "asktoundress" folder just extracted to it like that.
The "mods.txt" file for me just looks like this:
Mod works fine for me.
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Dec 12, 2018
Something is wrong with the two managers sharing inventory control. They both fail sometimes to keep the larder filled, and you then get the chance to punish them both at once (or just choose one, if you like). I've seen it where I can punish both, but I've also seen only one of them have the "Punish" option appear even though I selected to punish both. In either case, they never learn. I can't correct their behavior. They end up quitting, or I have to just ignore their neglect. Or fire them.

Feels like they might be moles for the competition. :)


Nov 23, 2023
I don't know if the dev will see this, but if they do. Can you please have taboo options be a choice box that people can say yes or no too, instead of people needing to do coding?

The lovely people on here have tried to help me multiple times, but I'm thinking either I'm just not getting it or there's something wrong with my Notebook. Either way, it would be so much easier if there was an option on the same screen as the save and load boxes or have a box pop up after selecting new game where people can opt in or opt out of taboo content.

I'm sure the dev can think of something.
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Aug 9, 2018
I don't know if the dev will see this, but if they do. Can you please have taboo options be a choice box that people can say yes or no too, instead of people needing to do coding?

The lovely people on here have tried to help me multiple times, but I'm thinking either I'm just not getting it or there's something wrong with my Notebook. Either way, it would be so much easier if there was an option on the same screen as the save and load boxes or have a box pop up after selecting new game where people can opt in or opt out of taboo content.

I'm sure the dev can think of something.
~ Open the main folder and locate the config.dat file.

~ Right-click that file and select 'Copy'.

~ Right-click in open space within the window and select 'Paste'. A new copy of the file will appear called 'config - Copy.dat'

~ Right-click that copy and rename it to user_config.dat

~ Right-click that file and select 'Open with'.

~ When prompted, select Notepad (or other text file editor. eg. Wordpad) as your chosen application.

~ Remove everything in the file that comes after this line '# DO NOT USE TABS AS FIELD SEPARATORS, USE SPACES ONLY!!!'

~ After that line of text, paste this string of text as two separate lines after it:

#taboos string noncon,incest,racism
taboos string -

~ Save the file and close it.

~ Launch the game.

P.S. Just in case you've already tried editing the original config.dat file, start with a new copy from the .zip

Once you have it working, keep a spare copy of the user_config.dat file you've created. This file will need to be added to the main folder each time you obtain a new version.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
~ Open the main folder and locate the user_config.dat file.

~ Right-click that file and select 'Open with'.

~ When prompted, select Notepad (or other text file editor. eg. Wordpad) as your chosen application.

~ When the file opens, paste this string of text as two separate lines at the end:

#taboos string noncon,incest,racism
taboos string -

~ Save the file and close it.

~ Launch the game.
Any fiddling with configuration files in modern programmes is simply not user friendly and adds a multitude of user errors constantly. Mid- to long-term this has to move into the regular UI.
Aug 9, 2018
Any fiddling with configuration files in modern programmes is simply not user friendly and adds a multitude of user errors constantly. Mid- to long-term this has to move into the regular UI.
Of course, but sometimes it needs to be assumed the user has no knowledge whatsoever when writing a guide.

Clearly the previous attempts had failed, so I wrote it out in the same manner I write guides for L1 techs at work.
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Feb 9, 2018
Of course, but sometimes it needs to be assumed the user has no knowledge whatsoever when writing a guide.

Clearly the previous attempts had failed, so I wrote it out in the same manner I write guides for L1 techs at work.
Facts and thinking are better than assumptions. A quick check on the user would have shown you, that there have been attempts earlier to explain the exact same thing. To no avail - which is why the same user requested this to be a button/option in the future ;)

P.S. This issue has a recurring appearance in this thread which is a hard indicator that user friendliness is needed for it
Aug 9, 2018
Facts and thinking are better than assumptions. A quick check on the user would have shown you, that there have been attempts earlier to explain the exact same thing. To no avail - which is why the same user requested this to be a button/option in the future ;)
There are reasons a dev would not advertise the presence of such content in the UI. It's why patches exist.

The previous attempts were bloated blocks of text that included the assumption of knowledge and directed the user to edit the main config file unnecessarily.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
There are reasons a dev would not advertise the presence of such content in the UI. It's why patches exist.

The previous attempts were bloated blocks of text that included the assumption of knowledge and directed the user to edit the main config file unnecessarily.
You still dont get it. The change of the file can be done via a simple option in the code. It changes nothing , that isnt already in the game and obvious. The option can still be named in ways that wont be advertising.

P.S. Since this seems to be unclear:
This is the actual text in the configuration file:

It has the correct line already written but commented. There have been numerous explanations in this thread telling people how to remove one comment and place one for the other line. And yet we still have continuously the same problem reappearing. Which simply means that is a bad implementation for the common user.
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Aug 9, 2018
You still dont get it. The change of the file can be done via a simple option in the code. It changes nothing , that isnt already in the game and obvious. The option can still, be named in ways that wont be advertising.
You're not adding anything to this conversation by reiterating what has already been established.

In the absence of a UI option, editing the file is necessary and I've provided a simple breakdown of the steps to follow at its bare minimum.

If the previous instructions didn't help, the instructions were not able to be followed. I wrote new instructions. That's the crux of the matter and everything else is tangential.


Mar 2, 2018
Quick question. After a quick search through this thread I read that the MC's mom is supposed to show up after a few months. I'm already a year into the game and she still hasn't shown up yet. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it or did the other commenter have it wrong and it takes longer than that?


Dec 10, 2018
Quick question. After a quick search through this thread I read that the MC's mom is supposed to show up after a few months. I'm already a year into the game and she still hasn't shown up yet. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it or did the other commenter have it wrong and it takes longer than that?
If I understood correctly, mother's arrival depends on your game progression, not just on time. Basically, a combination of passed laws and built rooms is required.
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