
Jul 31, 2017
I'm not sure how it works if the keyboard layout is different. The key for me is the key directly to the left of #1.
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New Member
Apr 3, 2019
# dev and testing stuff
dev_mode bool true # enables the console and cheats so its looks to me
If you set up a second keyboard language in windows (ENG/US), and you switch to it while playing the game, it works like a charm.
You just need to remember that "_" is to the right of the "0" key (using shift).


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
About pregnancy i don't dislike it, but in this game format is quite hard to implement (because img). Anyway since its already here maybe play around a little bit with it, like they give birth, take a health drop for a couple of weeks and they're back, maybe add a "age procedure" in the doctor to speed the age of the child (paying) so you can have the kids around in a reasonable time and pop some young adults again, make a new img pack more young "age1" focus.
Changing the topic, i noticed in the archetipes file that some have more or less attractiveness, i would like to know (not necesarily in depth) how the game interprets that when assigning the img to the character. There's like a in game attraction meter like being slim? It's strange for me cuz some characters like curvy bodies.
Also, being in this topic, the characters are affected by their attractiveness in their performance in certain jobs, i tough that was calculated with the attraction they feel towards the mc, as in the char file is the only thing you can see, but is affected differently as in the above?
The fast aging of kids so they become adults is something I've given some thought to it... but then its starts going to far down a fantasy world, as if the rest of the game wasn't. Anyway, its not something I'm ruling out.

The attractiveness listed in those files is what I call the "raw attractiveness" which is based on some general accepted norms for it. It's a bit problematic but we all can agree that certain traits are considered good looking in general. It doesn't affect how others will perceive one and how they are attracted to each other, but its used for two reasons: 1. to make certain types of people more traditionally pretty and 2 make these people better at the jobs. For 1. this comes in to play in situations like when generating a "bimbo" character. In this case we want these characters to be prettier than normal. It doesn't mean that there won't be ugly bimbos or that everyone will consider them prettier than normal. We are talking at the society level. For 2. it comes in to play in situations like where pretty strippers will do better than ugly ones (from a generating revenue stand point, and thus will get paid more). Again, not because everyone prefers the pretty ones, but because more people do.

So what does pretty and ugly mean in this context? The system prefers tall but not too tall. Prefers slim but not too slim, prefers big breasts/big penis, for women prefers big hips but not too big. And young is better than old.

Note that you will still see old and fat strippers who are very good at their job. It just moves the average a bit.

yeah i did but nothing happend my tilde key is ^ that but nothing happens if i works with that
Yeah, this is an issue on some non-US keyboard setups. Anyway, it's not the tilde key, but rather the backtick (or backquote) key: ` (the tilde is the shifted version of this key). I wish I could make that a key binding, but the console is a 3rd party self-contained module that I downloaded from somewhere and the character is hardcoded as a compile-time variable. Ugh. So can't override it without messing with the code which I don't want to do and break something else.
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Jan 2, 2020
I was using the asktoundress mod in a playthrough and I can't tell if something isn't working as it used to or not so I manually edited stats for testing and even characters with the highest lewd stats, loving revealing clothes and nudity, in private, and even being your girlfriend with maxed out relationship/attraction you seem to get blocked at every instance when asking anything above swimsuit level, even sometimes that doesn't work too.
Pretty much everyone once they have the 75 threshold seems to be comfortable with performer and stripper level. Weirdly the only people who seem to accept is your own family lol. I tried it different saves and family will accept everything regardless of how much they like you as long as incest is liked. Even with -100 lewdness.
I think I managed to rarely get one or two people to accept underwear but I'm not even sure what was different that time. More people will eventually accept up to topless or nude when you allow certain laws for some reason too, which shouldn't apply in private and I guess would say "that's illegal" rather than "I'm not comfortable". It could just be working correctly and I'm missing something but it's hard to tell without knowing if anyone else who uses it has noticed this happening. If it's just my game then I'm officially stumped. xD
No that sounds about right. There's quite a lot to consider when asking someone to undress and I prioritized laws and location over most other things. I had to split up the family requests as well so they work slightly different than other characters which means if they like incest they're more than likely to just do it regardless of everything else. I don't believe anything has changed in the recent versions since I last updated my mod but your number of 75 opinion threshold makes sense, that's the number I ended up choosing for someone to know you well enough to be comfortable with it. I wanted a visible number you can see to determine if someone is likely to undress beyond their comfort zone for you. There is also a force option available if you have noncon enabled which will allow you to always ask with a likeness penalty unless they like noncon stuff in which case you might get a positive.
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Aug 17, 2017
A few things I note while playing.
- Playing v. 1.06 and to me it seems as if the salaries have gone haywire. played for a year or so and the waitresses and similiar jobs demands 20++, even with shitty stats. This is new from earlier versions.

Really struggling to hire people as well, both from way too high salaries and also they simply aren't interested. Not to mention way too few apply for the jobs.

As of now I actually feel this version is a step back :-( Way too difficult.


Aug 31, 2023
A few things I note while playing.
- Playing v. 1.06 and to me it seems as if the salaries have gone haywire. played for a year or so and the waitresses and similiar jobs demands 20++, even with shitty stats. This is new from earlier versions.

Really struggling to hire people as well, both from way too high salaries and also they simply aren't interested. Not to mention way too few apply for the jobs.

As of now I actually feel this version is a step back :-( Way too difficult.
Salaries are based on how much they like you and how happy they are. If they are interested or not depends on if they like to Work, or Not to Work, or the type of Work.

You need to change their opinions on that stuff.
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Jul 31, 2017
No that sounds about right. There's quite a lot to consider when asking someone to undress and I prioritized laws and location over most other things. I had to split up the family requests as well so they work slightly different than other characters which means if they like incest they're more than likely to just do it regardless of everything else. I don't believe anything has changed in the recent versions since I last updated my mod but your number of 75 opinion threshold makes sense, that's the number I ended up choosing for someone to know you well enough to be comfortable with it. I wanted a visible number you can see to determine if someone is likely to undress beyond their comfort zone for you. There is also a force option available if you have noncon enabled which will allow you to always ask with a likeness penalty unless they like noncon stuff in which case you might get a positive.
Okay if you're sure then maybe that is how it is! ^^
I seem to remember it being much easier to happen though. Like the chance of anyone going even topless, which in my mind is akin to flashing you, feels like 0% unless it's your sister haha. Even with all the extra lewd laws like public nudity and sex allowed nobody seemed to even accept more than topless even in private for me, with all maxed out lewd stats/likes and 100/100 and being a girlfriend. I tried trying to figure out a way to tweak it a little to be a bit less strict but my tiny brain couldn't figure it out, that tfel file is like an alien language to me lmao.
Maybe adding a decent chance bonus for naturally lewd or slut/bimbo/idiot/exhib/pervert archetypes as well as if they're your girlfriend or not would be something I would personally add if I could. But no worries it's still a cool mod.

Unrelated but TotalFluke is there any chance the modesty scale will ever expand beyond z1-z12, or somehow allow for a bit more freedom? I know you already do a lot of work so this is more just a thought I was also having when playing with other peoples modpacks as well as some I've made for my own use. Since the guide mentions say "nude" being minimum z9 and maximum z12 there's only ever gonna be 4 images that will fit in that slot for potential selection. Moreover I assume there's not much point going beyond z0-2 for biz/cas/bc/fun outfits (or any other category) to add more potential variety since I expect they'd never actually get worn due to the value going above the recommended level, even if the actual image still fits thematically?
Not to say this isn't already pretty good I just wonder if it's likely to expand or change. Or even be increased slightly via a mod/command?
I think I just enjoy how the sandbox can be used and changed by players if they want haha, takes me back to playing a lot of different runs of Brothel King a few years ago.
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May 25, 2018
I edited my fertility to Zero and they still get prego and I have them to the paternal test and it comes back guilty WTF? And allot of them too so far at least 5. Then you get all the BS pop ups about matarnity BS come here go there and if you click thought them to fast you accidently click on something important. Get pregnancy at least managable. Do you not want people to have fun playing a game. If you make it real life what it the point in playing.


May 25, 2018
I would work more an sexy graphics for the girls or a better business model for the clubs. The club winning as 1 bar on stage and 1 entrance and is the only club with positive cash flow, meanwhile I have to pay 40 k to hire a waiter. It is easier to make a deal with a politician and get their shitty kid to train. By winning I mean the first with any positive cash flow. It takes a year to have positive cash flow by then you have 20 girls prego as is now. Or you simply always use a condom and then that part isn't a game anymore. And you are left with a business model for a club. I still think your sex stats are the game here. How many you talked into cream pies multiple cream pies can only get 2 in this version, how many times you make them cum should be statistic they don't even remember it or seem to notice it or how you did it finger tongue or dick, hell sometime they com when you talk dirty to them. So that part is good, I notice they keep 3 way stats better now as well. That was a waste of time in the past, except for a couple points of they like you that soon fades away back to their level. Do things like negative effects ever fall off their memories? The negatives they have on you?
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Jul 31, 2017
I edited my fertility to Zero and they still get prego and I have them to the paternal test and it comes back guilty WTF? And allot of them too so far at least 5. Then you get all the BS pop ups about matarnity BS come here go there and if you click thought them to fast you accidently click on something important. Get pregnancy at least managable. Do you not want people to have fun playing a game. If you make it real life what it the point in playing.
I think fertility might go to -100 to make you completely infertile. Though I could be wrong I didn't actually test it since I also just turned it off. That's what I think I did and I haven't noticed any more happening since doing that as far as I'm aware. You can also turn it off in the user_config file with base_pregnancy float 0


May 25, 2018
I think fertility might go to -100 to make you completely infertile. Though I could be wrong I didn't actually test it since I also just turned it off. That's what I think I did and I haven't noticed any more happening since doing that as far as I'm aware. You can also turn it off in the user_config file with base_pregnancy float 0
You would be correct I didn't notice the negative until I made another character.
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Dec 1, 2021
High greed: they want more money and more luxuries and stuff, so yeah materialistic is a way to look at it. They are also more willing to do stuff for money (i.e. take bribes, sex work, enter amateur contests, etc.). They are also more likely to be unhappy but react more positively to gifts. Less greed means they will take less money to work somewhere but also they will more likely to not work and in general will be happier. Will care less about getting gifts.
Thank you for making it clear I'm still on my first run trying to figure most stuff out.

One more question just to be sure when it comes to having multiple BF's / GF's do I need to both hate mono and like Poly or one opinion is well enough.

Will later try to do new playtrough and this time I won't instantly start hiring people may even postone that and op club until I have Kitchen + Sit Area etc.


Jul 31, 2017
Thank you for making it clear I'm still on my first run trying to figure most stuff out.

One more question just to be sure when it comes to having multiple BF's / GF's do I need to both hate mono and like Poly or one opinion is well enough.

Will later try to do new playtrough and this time I won't instantly start hiring people may even postone that and op club until I have Kitchen + Sit Area etc.
I've only tried having poly 2 and cheating -2. Not sure how changing mono would affect things so I've just left that one and not really had any issues I don't think.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
I've always wondered when going someplace private with anyone really but someone you have a relationship in particular, why isn't your or their home one of the options? to go to their home you have to hope and pray they offer, but yours is never an option unless you drag them there then make a move on them.

also can pregnancy be a fetish we turn off and on? I know some people are all about it, not really a big thing for me.


Jul 31, 2017
I've always wondered when going someplace private with anyone really but someone you have a relationship in particular, why isn't your or their home one of the options? to go to their home you have to hope and pray they offer, but yours is never an option unless you drag them there then make a move on them.

also can pregnancy be a fetish we turn off and on? I know some people are all about it, not really a big thing for me.
Yes you should be able to turn it off via the user_config file by adding the line base_pregnancy float 0
Should also be able to change your characters fertility to -100. Not sure if it changes over time though.
That being said I'm still a bit confused with the pregnancy change in the config file because mine is set like that and it still kept happening so it might only take effect on new games or something.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
A few things I note while playing.
- Playing v. 1.06 and to me it seems as if the salaries have gone haywire. played for a year or so and the waitresses and similiar jobs demands 20++, even with shitty stats. This is new from earlier versions.

Really struggling to hire people as well, both from way too high salaries and also they simply aren't interested. Not to mention way too few apply for the jobs.

As of now I actually feel this version is a step back :-( Way too difficult.
There were no specific changes to the logic for accepting a job or the wanted salary with this version (or any recent one for that matter). It's probably just a bad luck with RNG and getting several hard to hire girls in a row.

Unrelated but TotalFluke is there any chance the modesty scale will ever expand beyond z1-z12, or somehow allow for a bit more freedom? I know you already do a lot of work so this is more just a thought I was also having when playing with other peoples modpacks as well as some I've made for my own use. Since the guide mentions say "nude" being minimum z9 and maximum z12 there's only ever gonna be 4 images that will fit in that slot for potential selection. Moreover I assume there's not much point going beyond z0-2 for biz/cas/bc/fun outfits (or any other category) to add more potential variety since I expect they'd never actually get worn due to the value going above the recommended level, even if the actual image still fits thematically?
Not to say this isn't already pretty good I just wonder if it's likely to expand or change. Or even be increased slightly via a mod/command?
I think I just enjoy how the sandbox can be used and changed by players if they want haha, takes me back to playing a lot of different runs of Brothel King a few years ago.
I have no plans to expands on that scale from the current 0-12. I'm not sure what we get from higher levels or when they would come into play. You are correct with the not much value going below 2 for standard clothing. Several girls have those and you rarely see them because even when they are legal to be worn, now they are competing with stripper dresses so they rarely get used. That said, if someone suggests a good case use for it, then I'd be open to it.

I edited my fertility to Zero and they still get prego and I have them to the paternal test and it comes back guilty WTF? And allot of them too so far at least 5. Then you get all the BS pop ups about matarnity BS come here go there and if you click thought them to fast you accidently click on something important. Get pregnancy at least managable. Do you not want people to have fun playing a game. If you make it real life what it the point in playing.
Fertility (as most attributes) goes -100 to 100. So 0 is actually average fertility. (It's confusing that a few attributes go 0-100 and I wish I hadn't done that cause it bites me in the ass all the time when I forget which are which).

You can turn off pregnancies by the user_config.dat entry:

base_pregnancy float 0

if you prefer no one to get pregnant. This doesn't turn off all the birth control stuff, and it should. That's will be fixed on the next version.

I would work more an sexy graphics for the girls or a better business model for the clubs. The club winning as 1 bar on stage and 1 entrance and is the only club with positive cash flow, meanwhile I have to pay 40 k to hire a waiter. It is easier to make a deal with a politician and get their shitty kid to train. By winning I mean the first with any positive cash flow. It takes a year to have positive cash flow by then you have 20 girls prego as is now. Or you simply always use a condom and then that part isn't a game anymore. And you are left with a business model for a club. I still think your sex stats are the game here. How many you talked into cream pies multiple cream pies can only get 2 in this version, how many times you make them cum should be statistic they don't even remember it or seem to notice it or how you did it finger tongue or dick, hell sometime they com when you talk dirty to them. So that part is good, I notice they keep 3 way stats better now as well. That was a waste of time in the past, except for a couple points of they like you that soon fades away back to their level. Do things like negative effects ever fall off their memories? The negatives they have on you?
I'm not sure I follow all of that... but:

* About the economic model: it turned out to be much harder than I anticipated and I never want that to be the focus of the game. If you want to play to optimize your cash flow go ahead, I'm not going to tell anyone what to enjoy. But I'm not interested in building a business simulator so this game will always fall short in that area. Even if I spend all my time on it, it will likely still not be good enough. At the end the strip club is an excuse to put the MC in a situation where he or she can interact with a bunch of other characters in a sexy environment.
* You got 20 girls pregnant in one year? That's impressive. I should have made the achievement for more than 3 in a year then!
* Yes, negative opinions wear out too. Almost all opinions trend towards 0, each opinion has it's own rate of decay. (The ones that don't are things like "family" or "is tall" that don't change.


Second question, how can i ask my gf to stop taking birth control?
You know that's a great idea. Not sure why I didn't think of it. Will add it to the list. (You do have various options to replace her birth control pills with fake ones though).

Thank you for making it clear I'm still on my first run trying to figure most stuff out.

One more question just to be sure when it comes to having multiple BF's / GF's do I need to both hate mono and like Poly or one opinion is well enough.

Will later try to do new playtrough and this time I won't instantly start hiring people may even postone that and op club until I have Kitchen + Sit Area etc.
In general, when the opinions are opposite one is enough. So if they hate mono, they will automatically love poly. If you do try to convince someone that loves poly to hate mono, that should always work and it should tell you that she already does.

Never tried waiting to open until after the kitchen and sitting area are built to open the club. I think that would be worse. Once you open, you can start building up your fame which is what drivers customers. When not open your fame won't grow so by the time you do open in that case you will be getting very few customers and will be losing a lot of money on all the salaries you be paying.

I've always wondered when going someplace private with anyone really but someone you have a relationship in particular, why isn't your or their home one of the options? to go to their home you have to hope and pray they offer, but yours is never an option unless you drag them there then make a move on them.

also can pregnancy be a fetish we turn off and on? I know some people are all about it, not really a big thing for me.
Your home is not an option cause you have no home :D. It probably should be but at one point I thought it made things too easy. That said if it your girlfriend, you suggesting to go to her home should be an option. I will look into that.

And I do like that way to turn off pregnancies. Maybe I'll do that.
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