
New Member
Aug 3, 2019
Is there a way to find out npc stats like lewdness etc? the only thing i have found so far are interviews
Aug 30, 2018
I've always had difficulty getting into programing, but I would like to create a mod or two for this, can anyone recommend some resources for learning the ropes in a way that might help me into programing for this? Really enjoying the changes, and the updates have been quite nice TotalFluke . You've made a memorable gem here, and by far, it is the most enjoyable game on F95! Thank you.

If you read this, what I'm looking for specifically, is to be able to mod global attraction based on characteristics of the NPCs, say age, race, gender even, just for fun. For example, Asian Females more attracted to Hispanic males (a boost), or Black Women over the age of 40 get a boost to their attraction to Arab males, and other such global changes that can be affected through a mod. I know, you can go into the console and change this stuff on a per-character basis, but that's not really what I'm looking to do. Playing God is a hell of a drug. Either way, keep up the great work, I wish I could contribute more, but I have a full time job, a side job at home, and far too many hobbies, lol.
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
What is the actual calculation for raw attractiveness? Mine is somehow low (around 30) and locks me out of the movie story (audition fails hard every time for anything below 37.5). To me this makes no sense with a fitness of 100, which is the only thing I can influence?

Another bug I encountered is that the incest achievement is not being awarded (was on 1.06) even though my character profile lists incestuous sex.

Minor annoyance to me are the club charts. Since they cannot be set to just the last month (I think they show the past year?), most of them are useless as I cannot tell anything from them. Most of the graphs fluctuate too much and there are also no numbers on the sides, meaning I have no idea how good/bad the values are.
Raw attractiveness includes a lot of things, but for the movie audition if you are man, penis size is the most important thing (it may be the only thing).

The incest achievement requires vag sex. The incestous modifier has a lower requirement (fingering, I think). So that's why you can have one before the other.

Club charts are there to give you an idea of what's working and what isn't. I haven't had success of displaying numbers on the chart (issue with fonts that I don't have the time or interest in figuring out). If the data fluctuates too much, you should change it from daily to weekly. That will smooth out the day to day variance and give you a better idea of whether something is working or not.

TotalFluke I just started a new game under 1.07, and it looks like the bug that causes city commissioners to vote randomly instead of trying to actually pass laws has come back.
So a bug can't come back. It may be a similar bug but it would be a different one. What makes you think it's not working?

Just wait a few days, an agent will call and offer their services.
Actually after the movie shot, if you did well enough, the actress will tell you that you are good and should hire an agent. You then can ask her about it (i think the text is something like "I don't know of any agents" and the actress will then introduce you to one).

Got a little bug, or it maybe working as intended. Sister would have 3somes before and has trait "loves 3somes" but now she is pregnant she won't have them, and if you ask her to have one again it says she hates them, and you'll have to talk her into having them.

It gets worse. After she has the baby she starts agreeing to 3somes and then every one she backs out of.
Yes, if they are pregnant and for a bit after giving birth, their health and energy suffers so they are likely to not feel well enough for a threesome. It should wear off after 2-3 weeks after giving birth.

Hi guys,

Just a quick and dump question for you.
I try to modify the opinion of char in the save file but I can't find many people in there.
My question is: Were are the opinion list of the NPC in game stored? (by example char 203 public sex 2, or conservative clothing -1,....)
I know we can edit that with cheats but modifying the save file is so much faster
The opinions are on lines that begin with OpinionList. To figure out which line belongs to which character, go to the Person line for the person you want to change. The field immediately before the willpower one, will be a number. Find the OpinionList line that has that number as the first field after OpinionList. That will then be list of opinions that person has, with values -2 thru 2 (for hates, dislikes, neutral, likes, loves). Make sure to insert the field delimiters correctly.

Also i cant put parking fees up...as they dont appear in the clubs menu, neither normal parking nor valet come up in the menu at all and my place is already upgraded with 3 drivers there...
The parking lot could be a bug - I changed how that info was stored in the save file couple of versions ago. Maybe it didn't update correctly? Are you getting any parking revenue at all? On the main club page does it show demand for parking? Did you skip an update?

If you are comfortable editing a save file, this is how you could fix it, assuming that's the issue. Look for lines that begin with "Club" in the file, it should be the second one with a 32 in the second field. The 7th field shoudl be True or False. (It would look something like: Club^32^CLUB NAME^DISTRICT^X^Y^False^...). If it says False change it to True. (If it already says True, then that's not the issue and it's something else).

I got my hostess/entrance girl pregnant. Now she left with the baby, I can't sack her, but I can't replace her either. My staff won't fill in for her, and I only have the one slot so I can't add another or swap her out. I'm upgrading the room but in the meantime every day I don't get entrance fees. Is there any fix please? I'm having so much fun, I love this gem
Yeah, I know. This is not ideal how it works. I need to have some sort of bench where you can move people that can't work. But haven't been able to come up with a good way to handle it.

Hi again guys,

Can someone tell me if there is a way to use the console to load a cheatlist (I have cheatlist.txt with multiple cheats inside that I would to enter in one time).
Would reload_file cheatlist work?

thanks for the help!
No, there's not way to do that.

I've always had difficulty getting into programing, but I would like to create a mod or two for this, can anyone recommend some resources for learning the ropes in a way that might help me into programing for this? Really enjoying the changes, and the updates have been quite nice TotalFluke . You've made a memorable gem here, and by far, it is the most enjoyable game on F95! Thank you.

If you read this, what I'm looking for specifically, is to be able to mod global attraction based on characteristics of the NPCs, say age, race, gender even, just for fun. For example, Asian Females more attracted to Hispanic males (a boost), or Black Women over the age of 40 get a boost to their attraction to Arab males, and other such global changes that can be affected through a mod. I know, you can go into the console and change this stuff on a per-character basis, but that's not really what I'm looking to do. Playing God is a hell of a drug. Either way, keep up the great work, I wish I could contribute more, but I have a full time job, a side job at home, and far too many hobbies, lol.
Ok so this is not too hard to do... it's not perfect as there isn't a hook to trigger you mod code everytime somoene meets somone new which would be ideal for a case like this. And there are no "attraction modifiers", so you would have to fake it using opinion modifiers. It's fine cause the two of them are usually added together on most places. So it won't be happen right from the start, but everytime they are in the same place this code can run and it may create the attraction modifier.

What I would do is create a list of set of modifiers:

mod did_attr_check "Just Met" 1 0 1
mod hispanic_good "Is Hispanic" 20 0 1
mod hispanic_bad "Is Hispanic, ugh!" -20 0 1

The first one is used to keep track of which relationships we have analyzed.
The second one would add a +20 permanent opinion and the third a -20. (The 0 indicates that it doesn't decay). Add as many of these as you need (one for each target).

a new interaction that looks something like this:
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

(I typed the code off memory so chances are they are typos or other issues but it should give an idea how it could be done).
Aug 30, 2018
Raw attractiveness includes a lot of things, but for the movie audition if you are man, penis size is the most important thing (it may be the only thing).

The incest achievement requires vag sex. The incestous modifier has a lower requirement (fingering, I think). So that's why you can have one before the other.

Club charts are there to give you an idea of what's working and what isn't. I haven't had success of displaying numbers on the chart (issue with fonts that I don't have the time or interest in figuring out). If the data fluctuates too much, you should change it from daily to weekly. That will smooth out the day to day variance and give you a better idea of whether something is working or not.

So a bug can't come back. It may be a similar bug but it would be a different one. What makes you think it's not working?

Actually after the movie shot, if you did well enough, the actress will tell you that you are good and should hire an agent. You then can ask her about it (i think the text is something like "I don't know of any agents" and the actress will then introduce you to one).

Yes, if they are pregnant and for a bit after giving birth, their health and energy suffers so they are likely to not feel well enough for a threesome. It should wear off after 2-3 weeks after giving birth.

The opinions are on lines that begin with OpinionList. To figure out which line belongs to which character, go to the Person line for the person you want to change. The field immediately before the willpower one, will be a number. Find the OpinionList line that has that number as the first field after OpinionList. That will then be list of opinions that person has, with values -2 thru 2 (for hates, dislikes, neutral, likes, loves). Make sure to insert the field delimiters correctly.

The parking lot could be a bug - I changed how that info was stored in the save file couple of versions ago. Maybe it didn't update correctly? Are you getting any parking revenue at all? On the main club page does it show demand for parking? Did you skip an update?

If you are comfortable editing a save file, this is how you could fix it, assuming that's the issue. Look for lines that begin with "Club" in the file, it should be the second one with a 32 in the second field. The 7th field shoudl be True or False. (It would look something like: Club^32^CLUB NAME^DISTRICT^X^Y^False^...). If it says False change it to True. (If it already says True, then that's not the issue and it's something else).

Yeah, I know. This is not ideal how it works. I need to have some sort of bench where you can move people that can't work. But haven't been able to come up with a good way to handle it.

No, there's not way to do that.

Ok so this is not too hard to do... it's not perfect as there isn't a hook to trigger you mod code everytime somoene meets somone new which would be ideal for a case like this. And there are no "attraction modifiers", so you would have to fake it using opinion modifiers. It's fine cause the two of them are usually added together on most places. So it won't be happen right from the start, but everytime they are in the same place this code can run and it may create the attraction modifier.

What I would do is create a list of set of modifiers:

mod did_attr_check "Just Met" 1 0 1
mod hispanic_good "Is Hispanic" 20 0 1
mod hispanic_bad "Is Hispanic, ugh!" -20 0 1

The first one is used to keep track of which relationships we have analyzed.
The second one would add a +20 permanent opinion and the third a -20. (The 0 indicates that it doesn't decay). Add as many of these as you need (one for each target).

a new interaction that looks something like this:
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

(I typed the code off memory so chances are they are typos or other issues but it should give an idea how it could be done).
I am starting to understand now, thank you so much, obviously those two examples are just examples, and I would be running multiple scenarios with different characteristics for the hell of it. Either way, I like your game so much, I'm inspired to learn a bit of code. And thank you for your reply!


New Member
Nov 3, 2019
I'm having a great time playing this game
and I have this opinion
How about considering swapping as an additional option?

Will it be difficult?


Feb 16, 2018
I'm wondering if one of the employees told you that one of the staff was selling drugs in a club, what would you do if you fired that employee or ignored him?


Dec 12, 2020
have you tried to reach that guy about the contact list. There should be an aditional option to contact him. Same as for Drug Dealer and Private investigator. Usually u should get the option direct after the first shooting, i dont know what happens if you denied it there.
One feature that would be nice and easy to be implemented would be if important plot characters where highlighted a different color or something on both the contact list and area character lists.


Apr 29, 2017
The parking lot could be a bug - I changed how that info was stored in the save file couple of versions ago. Maybe it didn't update correctly? Are you getting any parking revenue at all? On the main club page does it show demand for parking? Did you skip an update?

If you are comfortable editing a save file, this is how you could fix it, assuming that's the issue. Look for lines that begin with "Club" in the file, it should be the second one with a 32 in the second field. The 7th field shoudl be True or False. (It would look something like: Club^32^CLUB NAME^DISTRICT^X^Y^False^...). If it says False change it to True. (If it already says True, then that's not the issue and it's something else).
Well...i did pretty much every update and this one is a completely fresh 1.07 game...well not so fresh, i'm in the second year now.^^

With me it was Club 34, but thats not the issue, the issue was the save file!
After changing that with the fix to True, i got the usual double menu, products and services instead of only one, and now parking and valet are back in the menu.

Now i just need to see if the money comes in, before it was no money from parking listed, as if the parking did not even exist and the 3 drivers "do their jobs" by doing nothing at all... ;)

Yep, now i'm also getting parking fees...and one driver already left, as she got work to do, but hey its the same biatch that tried to sell drugs in the restroom...so no loss at all. :)
Now she's playing to be a DJ in another club, lets see how well that goes...


Nov 16, 2017
This game need Ai speech implemented . Like Influencing cause their is no flavors with the interaction .


Jul 31, 2017
You can probably even just edit the text files for dialogues yourself since they're all freely available in the games files (if I'm looking at them correctly) if you want them that badly, as long as you don't alter the references.

Dr. Lin

Jan 2, 2023
Is there a way to find out npc stats like lewdness etc? the only thing i have found so far are interviews
You can hang out in their place and while talking sometimes you learn of their stats, there are other ways too, but not too direct, the most preferable one if you don't want to look up the safe file is contract an investigator.


New Member
Mar 1, 2019
Ok, so the cult thing is likely an issue because of too many members. This is a simplification, but the code has a safeguard that if some operation is taking too long, it assumes something is wrong and it's stuck in an infinite loop and it kills the scene. In this case getting 100+ people to the room, and dressed and so forth may take long enough to appear as if it's stuck and the scene is killed. I suggest you kick a few out of the cult and see if it starts to work.

My guess is that the amateur one is a similar issue. If you increase your locker room to 30 people you probably have a lot of employees and it may be taking a long time to go thru them to find the proper employees to use. There's a way I can tell the system to give some operations a bit more leeway and I already do that on the cult one above, but not for the find employee ones, as it's not necessary with 60 or so employees. But if you have more than that I could see it becoming an issue.

I can give the system a bit more time to finish those tasks so will add that for the next version.
Thanks for the kind and deligent answer, I really appreciate how you always answer people here.

I have two sugestions for the problem with the Cult and Amateur Contest:

1 - About Amateur contest, you answer why the Contest are not working in my Club, BUT, it don't answer why it's not working in the other Clubs (there are a normal number of employes, like 30 people in total).

2 - I know the number of followers I have in the Cult is too high, but other players, eventually, will have the same problem. My sugestion: Just make The Cult Meeting Event choose 15 to 30 random cult members to be in the meeting so the event don't break for having too much people in a room. (But extend the effect of the meeting for every cult member).

P.S.: I'm sorry for my terrible english XD


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
I'm having a great time playing this game
and I have this opinion
How about considering swapping as an additional option?

Will it be difficult?
I don't know what you mean.

One feature that would be nice and easy to be implemented would be if important plot characters where highlighted a different color or something on both the contact list and area character lists.
I was going to say that was already implemented, but actually it is on the version I'm working on but it's not live yet. Anyway, special story-driven characters (that includes the mobsters, the cop, the judge, the movie agent, the PI and the drug dealer IIRC) will be flagged with an icon.

Thanks for the kind and deligent answer, I really appreciate how you always answer people here.

I have two sugestions for the problem with the Cult and Amateur Contest:

1 - About Amateur contest, you answer why the Contest are not working in my Club, BUT, it don't answer why it's not working in the other Clubs (there are a normal number of employes, like 30 people in total).

2 - I know the number of followers I have in the Cult is too high, but other players, eventually, will have the same problem. My sugestion: Just make The Cult Meeting Event choose 15 to 30 random cult members to be in the meeting so the event don't break for having too much people in a room. (But extend the effect of the meeting for every cult member).

P.S.: I'm sorry for my terrible english XD
1. I missed the part where you said it didn't work for any clubs. I may then need more info to know what's going on. If you want to help me find it, schedule a contest. Then the morning that it supposed to run, save and exit the game. (This is to force the log file to be of a manageable size). Then go back, load the game, play thru the day until the next morning to make sure you catch the amateur contest starting but not working. Then save and exit the game and grab the log file. It should be at C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\LocalLow\Total Fluke Studios\StripClubWars\Player.log. Zip it up and either post it here or send it to me via private message or whatever F95 calls them.

2. That already happens, if there's more than 15 members it picks a random number of them to show up so that there are around 15 on average. Now the applying the effects to all members is a neat idea, but currently only those present get the benefit of the meeting.

You can hang out in their place and while talking sometimes you learn of their stats, there are other ways too, but not too direct, the most preferable one if you don't want to look up the safe file is contract an investigator.
For the PI option, use the background check option. The spy option tells you opinions, not attributes. If they are your employee you can use the Evaluate Employee option to learn pretty much anything you want about them.


Sep 4, 2019
How about considering swapping as an additional option?

I don't know what you mean.
I think he means wife/partner swapping as opposed to a 3some. Could still do it as a date, a meet screen then just you and the wife/partner have sexy time and your partner their partner done as a background event.

Also, if you buy a graduation present, you receive the money instead of spend it.
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New Member
Mar 24, 2019
Don't know, maybe it's already implemented, or someone already suggested it, but. Is it possible to add a place for sex photos? for example ccw-00001-z11-s3_sex1 for blowjob, ccw-00001-z11-s3_sex2 for classic, etc (anal, spitroast, dp ). If there are no such photos in the pack, then just use a naked photo.
I think users themselves will be able to add photos of interest.


Feb 5, 2021
in latest version i got meeting with club for moral decency (lead by my ex) and i decided to join...only to find that there are no club meeting at all. ever.
checked calendar.


Jan 2, 2020
Hi again guys,

Can someone tell me if there is a way to use the console to load a cheatlist (I have cheatlist.txt with multiple cheats inside that I would to enter in one time).
Would reload_file cheatlist work?

thanks for the help!
Technically this is possible but not with a cheatlist.txt file. But it depends on what you want the cheats to do and it isn't via using a console command, though I suppose you could make a console command to perform certain cheats. I have a mod that I made to help test my asktoundress mod which gives my character max stats in almost everything, setup some likes so I don't have to find them in the wild, and another one that lets me force laws into effect whenever I want. So if you take the time to read the games modding documentation and learn the game's variables and what they do you can pretty simply make a mod to achieve this.

Probably just easier to give an example, here's my current cheats mod. As I said it gives me max in a bunch of stats I would usually give myself at the start of a run. I added some likes so I don't have to go digging around in the menus to find a like I want to sway people on. It also allows you to pass whichever laws are available next in order so if it's getting too difficult or tedious trying to pass a law you can just pass it. I haven't noticed any specific issues with this other than the scheduling of laws might end up being delayed slightly since you may have passed a law that was up for debate. This is just straight up cheats though and I personally find the fun in the game working towards swaying all of the city commissioners and slowly corrupting the town. That's not everyone's cup of tea though and some just want to break the game so here you go. If you use this mod I encourage you to look at the cheats.tfl code. It should be pretty straight forward to modify which likes you want to include for your character beforehand or which stats you want to modify. I wouldn't touch the laws portion since that's essentially just a copy of the existing up next laws code and checks which laws are required first before certain laws are actually allowed to pass. There is also a stamina button which refreshes your stamina to max. Stamina won't show 100 until the next tick but you can use it while interacting with someone to set it to max.


Nov 1, 2020
I used the console to enable the opening hours laws, but they don't seem to have affected the rival clubs. Is there a way to fix their hours by editing my save file? Sorry if this has been answered already.


Jun 11, 2017
I think it would be interesting if the cult was expanded, once you become it's leader. For example, introducing rules of behaviour, positions of authority, etc. If his was done somewhat similar to how you manage the club, it might make implementation easier/quicker?
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