There's plenty of potential for this game, but it is very complicated at the moment and the learning curve is too steep for casual players. I like the concept, the gameplay has potential, and the content structure and deliverables look promising.
My suggestion to the developer would be to start the player's experience in a small, confined scenario and then gradually unlock new aspects of the game. Just focus on the basics - hiring a bartender, opening the club, making money. Hide all other aspects of the game until the basic gameplay loops are shown to the player. Then, just focus on one woman, give her a script and some personality, and hold the player's hand to step them through how to fully unlock that one character.
If you give players too much of the sandbox at the start, you'll overwhelm beginner players and it's unclear how to achieve the rewards in the game.
I would also recommend a cheat menu because some players just want to shortcut the process and get to the rewards.
I do like to complicate things

. But what you suggest is exactly what I'm trying to do. Probably not successfully if you feel that way. There may still be too many options at first. But at first there's really just two things to do: 1. hire a bartender, buy some alcohol and open the club and 2. just meet people and get to know them. At the beginning there's like 15 characters that have specific jobs and your opportunities to interact with them are minimal and we add one or two a day. But we don't grow the character pool very fast. Someone else was complaining that there weren't enough girls. So it's balance. What the game doesn't do is give characters a specific personality. They are randomly assigned so part of what getting to know them entails is figuring out which ones are worth spending time on and which ones aren't. A high will power low-lewdness girl will likely not be someone you will want to invest your time with.
A cheat option will be in the next release (in 2 weeks to follow F95zone's rules). Won't let you do everything but will let you change things that help you move forward in the game and skip steps if that's what one wants to do.
Is this game a clicker button new game? I love clickers. How many clicks do you need to make for the second button or multiclick to appear? where can I see the progress?
Not sure what this means. This is an open ended game where you set your own goals. If you want a measure of progress there's a Points value and a Fame value shown on the top bar. Points don't really matter and I may get rid of it. Fame is how popular your club is and the higher the fame the more customers you will get.
i played the game for a few hours .. it has the potential to be a great game. needs some improvement, like showing the current date and time , you can not know what time it is or what day are you.
also would be good if you can focus on a starter girl so you get to know what to do
i would love to see real scenes of sex actions in the future,
also you should be able to see your stats , and other characters stats changes
keep up the good work
OMG, I can't imagine playing like that. The current date and time are shown in the bottom of the screen. Maybe the game window is too big for your screen? Can you try resizing to see if you see it? I can't think of any other reason why it wouldn't show.
You can see your stats by clicking on the bar at the top right (second row) where it shows your basic stats like Health and Arousal. Clicking on this shows your character detail page with all your data. Unlike with other characters that you slowly learn their stats you have full visibility of your stats.
I would love some sex scenes too. If only I could find a 3D animator that's willing to work for free!
Some interesting issues I have found:
1) You are unable to go any further than talking dirty to a sister character through the "Make a move on" action, but if you schedule back to back dates with the sister you can get an end of date kiss or two. It is repeatable and my character has 3 kisses in the sex stats with his sister. Not sure if you can progress further as my character's sister is always out of energy at that point. Not sure if that's an intended behavior. (Although I would personally like it if there was a way to win over family members so I hope so.)
2) When returning to the main menu and attempting to create a new save file, an error will occur stating that the new PC is trying to leave the club owner role. After closing and reopening the game, you are able to create a new save file just fine.
3) With a female PC, I have run into a few instances of straight male characters refusing the PC's advances due to "not being attracted to men". I am not sure if this is related to issue 2, like some gender flag remaining set from the original save file after creating the second one, or if the female PC option just isn't ready to be played yet.
1. First of all, the game has incest turned off by default so you won't get pass kissing with her. I understand that including incest in games is problematic, which is why is like that by default. However, you can turn it on via changing a setting on the config.dat file in the game home directory. Look for the line that says "taboos string -" and comment it out by putting a # in the first column then uncomment the line right below it that says "#taboos string noncon,incest,racism" by removing the # sign in the beginning. This enables all content including non-consentual, incest and racism. Or you can just include whichever you want to see. There's not much of that type of content but there's some. And after you do that, your sister will likely still not want to go far with you unless she likes incest. So you'll need to change her opinion of that. She won't want to do it most likely have to work at, like changing some other opinions like to increase her lewdness, like skimpy clothing or casual sex etc. The game picks a random sibling for you at the start so if you got a brother, sucks for you. You'll know after a day or two of so if feel free to restart in that case if you want to go down this route. It's 70% chance girl (also can be changed via that config file). There's a later storyline not in the current release that introduces a younger more naive sister that will be more suitable for seduction.
2. That's weird. It's probably some data is not getting cleaned up when starting a new game. I will look into that.
3. I left the female PC option enabled even though I haven't played much with it so it's probably buggy (well buggier than the male option). If you have specifics of when you are seeing those errors, please share them so I can investigate further. I don't think it's related to the previous issue unless your character shows up as a male when you look at the details.