
Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
So this was the result of running the command. You'll notice the vote is scheduled for Sunday Apr 23, 2025, but the current date is Wed Mar 14, 2025. Apart from the fact that the council won't be there to vote on the Sunday, which I realise could be a product of me forcing this action at a time when it would have happened normally, that's one month and nine days until the vote, whereas previously the vote would take place ten days after it was announced. What I have found to be happening is that the vote does take place 10 days after it is announced, in this case Mar 24, but it will then take place again on the date stated Apr 23. That can then cause the issue I have been having where it passes on Mar 24, but fails to pass on Apr 23. To add to the confusion, after Mar 24. when the vote happens the first time, the councillors go back to deciding what to vote on next and the next law to vote on could also come up before Apr 23 when they vote on Dancers Allowed the second time. Because I have no way of influencing whether or not they vote for Dancers Allowed after the first vote Mar 24, it can fail on Apr 23 and go back into the laws waiting to be chosen for a vote.
Oh wait, that's it. You see that text in red... No "util::get_weekday" error? That's the problem. That's the function that's supposed to return a valid day to have the vote but it can't find it. The question is why? Did you modify the tfl or tfo files? Try getting the file out fo the download zip file again (tfel/ai_funcs/util.tfl) and then remove the runtime/ai_funcs/util.tfo file and then restart the game.
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Aug 15, 2022
Screenshot 2024-04-01 071015.png Here you can see that rather than the Dancers Allowed law that I assumed would pass on Mar 24, it was actually the Open All Days Mid-day law that passed, despite that law having passed months ago and despite Dancers Allowed being the law that was currently due to be voted on.


Aug 15, 2022
Oh wait, that's it. You see that text in red... No "util::get_weekday" error? That's the problem. That's the function that's supposed to return a valid day to have the vote but it can't find it. The question is why? Did you modify the tfl or tfo files? Try getting the file out fo the download zip file again (tfel/ai_funcs/util.tfl) and then remove the runtime/ai_funcs/util.tfo file and then restart the game.
So far the only things that I have modified, other than character image files, are the user_config.dat file and the save file. The only things I changed in the save file were MC stats. I will try what you have suggested above. I assume from that that the tfo file is created when the game starts and overrides the tfl file.


Aug 15, 2022
Screenshot 2024-04-01 074745.png Here you can see that now the Open Mid-day law passed on Mar 24, there is no law waiting for a vote, despite the Dancers Allowed Law being due for a vote on Apr 23. Screenshot 2024-04-01 075109.png And here you can see Dancers Allowed is back in the list of laws that can be enacted.


Aug 15, 2022
Screenshot 2024-04-01 112804.png And here you can see the Dancers Allowed passing on Apr 23. It is possible that things may be fixed now, despite that passing on a Sunday, because this was only able to pass once due to the Mid-day law passing when it previously would have and also that Mid-day law is now cleared from the system. I did remove the TFO file and restart the App, so hopefully the next law that comes up for vote will just be the usual ten days rather than over a month.

Sorry about flooding the thread with so many posts on this topic and so many screenshots.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
I think it's fixed. I did the dump and next law command again and it was ten days in the future, Yay!!
Ok, I figured out what happened. That function that was missing was a new function introduced in version 0.4h. When the game starts it converts all the .tfl files into .tfo files (it does this for speed of execution). In only does this the .tfl file is newer than the corresponding .tfo file. I just now realized that this could cause issues depending on timing on when one runs the game and when the game package is created. That's on me and I'm surprised it hasn't come up more often but may explain other weird issues others have reported. I will put in a fix for it to force it to regenerate those cached tfo files the first time a version of the game is run which prevent this in the future.

In the meantime, I'm concerned that you may have other files with a similar situation. I suggest you delete all the tfo files. You can just delete the contents of the runtime/tfel directory, and it should recreate it the next time the game starts. (Leave the tfel directory in place, just delete all the subdirectories under it). It will take a several seconds longer than normal for the game to start so keep that in mind.


Jun 1, 2017
I've noticed that I still get fined for "sex in public" while this is voted as a law. I need to go to court, hire an attorney to help me win this case. Also when I see someone masturbating or having intercourse in public, I still can report this to the authorities. Is this a bug or so?

Awesome game btw TotalFluke, congratz
Last edited:
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Dec 9, 2017
So, I like this game. And it's based loosely off Lab Rats 2, which is like, one of my favorites, I still play it to this day. But I like your AI art better than LR2's weird models. So, like I said, I like this game. I want to love it, but there's a few things holding me back from that. I've scanned the thread, and seen some of these pop up, and you defend them, but maybe another voice in the choir would help. So, let's see:

1) Moving around/passing of time. The easiest solution for this is just to disable time passing when going from one part of the map to another, but you've said Moving takes time! I don't quite get why this is such a hardline, but let's look at the player issues if we keep that system. First, as someone said, how about on the map you let us select the places that will be open when we get there. My first playthrough, I tried to go to the restaurant, and a bar, just to wind up back in my office. Thankfully I looked at the forums and realised time was passing, but I almost stopped playing, because it just seemed like broken and bad programming. I had flashback to all the other bad programmed barely started games on this site, and figured that this was another one. You could just put a message saying "They closed when I got there", instead of just being like "you wanted to get some coffee? Here's your office instead!" but really, just show me what will be open when I get there. With everything I'm already trying to keep track of in this game, the time of day, as per the time of day it will be when I arrive, as well as their opening hours, just seems to be unnecessary.

Also, I've spent in game weeks walking around an abandoned city trying to find people. If we insist on keeping time changing and people moving while just traveling from location to location, maybe adopt a system like LR2, where it told you where people were before you selected it. Calling them is useless, they'll be like "I'm at the park!" then be gone when you get there. It makes it tedious to try and advance a relationship with one or two people when you can never find them.

So, the easiest solution is to disable time passing while moving, or else I'd suggest showing us what will be open and who we know will be there, otherwise, moving around is just frustrating and annoying, and usually pointless.

2) My contact list - Maybe adopt a system where you have to ask for someone's number. I don't need the contact info for every single person I turned down for a job, or met passing down the street, or bought a donut from. I know you can organize the list from the drop down menu, but it's so much clutter it makes your eyes hurt eventually. Granted, getting their number might be hard if you can never freaking find them, as per my previous point, but do I really need the contact info and bio page for someone my sister recommended for a job that I said no thanks to? Let me select whose on that list, and hell, make me put a little work into getting their number if you want. Not too much though, because as my next point:

3)No rhyme or reason it seems like. I've had sex with a character multiple times. And yet every single time I try I have to start with talking them into groping, talking them into fingering, talking them into blah blah blah. It's like, we've done this several times, we're in a hotel, we're both naked, and I gotta talk you AGAIN into groping? Or you have 60 opinion and 80 attraction, but we're not gonna go to a hotel, I'd rather you just yell about how nice my vagina is in the middle of the park?

4) Changing opinions. I've read your description on how it's calculated, but really it's still just a save, click on a menu, hope for the best, reload. Maybe more of a game, a challenge for the player to work towards. Like, LR2 had the trance and pills, something you had to work towards but was achievable, as opposed to RNG hell.

5) This isn't so much a complaint as a curiosity, but if you're playing a female MC, you'll ALWAYS have a sister. My curiosity and hyper fixation got the better of me the other day, and I reloaded 87 times. I counted. Sister every time. Like I said, that's more of a "Hey how about that", but still thought I'd mention it.

I understand this seems overly negative, and I don't mean to shit on your game. Like I said, I really do like it. I've played the hell out of it these last few days. You have a good core here, but some Quality of Life improvements would really help.
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May 27, 2017
It's possible to have something with your sister? She always says she doesn't want to do something because we are related.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
I've noticed that I still get fined for "sex in public" while this is voted as a law. I need to go to court, hire an attorney to help me win this case. Also when I see someone masturbating or having intercourse in public, I still can report this to the authorities. Is this a bug or so?

Awesome game btw TotalFluke, congratz
It's a bug (both of what you describe is the same issue). Will be fixed in the next release. Thanks!


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
So, I like this game. And it's based loosely off Lab Rats 2, which is like, one of my favorites, I still play it to this day. But I like your AI art better than LR2's weird models. So, like I said, I like this game. I want to love it, but there's a few things holding me back from that. I've scanned the thread, and seen some of these pop up, and you defend them, but maybe another voice in the choir would help. So, let's see:

1) Moving around/passing of time. The easiest solution for this is just to disable time passing when going from one part of the map to another, but you've said Moving takes time! I don't quite get why this is such a hardline, but let's look at the player issues if we keep that system. First, as someone said, how about on the map you let us select the places that will be open when we get there. My first playthrough, I tried to go to the restaurant, and a bar, just to wind up back in my office. Thankfully I looked at the forums and realised time was passing, but I almost stopped playing, because it just seemed like broken and bad programming. I had flashback to all the other bad programmed barely started games on this site, and figured that this was another one. You could just put a message saying "They closed when I got there", instead of just being like "you wanted to get some coffee? Here's your office instead!" but really, just show me what will be open when I get there. With everything I'm already trying to keep track of in this game, the time of day, as per the time of day it will be when I arrive, as well as their opening hours, just seems to be unnecessary.

Also, I've spent in game weeks walking around an abandoned city trying to find people. If we insist on keeping time changing and people moving while just traveling from location to location, maybe adopt a system like LR2, where it told you where people were before you selected it. Calling them is useless, they'll be like "I'm at the park!" then be gone when you get there. It makes it tedious to try and advance a relationship with one or two people when you can never find them.

So, the easiest solution is to disable time passing while moving, or else I'd suggest showing us what will be open and who we know will be there, otherwise, moving around is just frustrating and annoying, and usually pointless.

2) My contact list - Maybe adopt a system where you have to ask for someone's number. I don't need the contact info for every single person I turned down for a job, or met passing down the street, or bought a donut from. I know you can organize the list from the drop down menu, but it's so much clutter it makes your eyes hurt eventually. Granted, getting their number might be hard if you can never freaking find them, as per my previous point, but do I really need the contact info and bio page for someone my sister recommended for a job that I said no thanks to? Let me select whose on that list, and hell, make me put a little work into getting their number if you want. Not too much though, because as my next point:

3)No rhyme or reason it seems like. I've had sex with a character multiple times. And yet every single time I try I have to start with talking them into groping, talking them into fingering, talking them into blah blah blah. It's like, we've done this several times, we're in a hotel, we're both naked, and I gotta talk you AGAIN into groping? Or you have 60 opinion and 80 attraction, but we're not gonna go to a hotel, I'd rather you just yell about how nice my vagina is in the middle of the park?

4) Changing opinions. I've read your description on how it's calculated, but really it's still just a save, click on a menu, hope for the best, reload. Maybe more of a game, a challenge for the player to work towards. Like, LR2 had the trance and pills, something you had to work towards but was achievable, as opposed to RNG hell.

5) This isn't so much a complaint as a curiosity, but if you're playing a female MC, you'll ALWAYS have a sister. My curiosity and hyper fixation got the better of me the other day, and I reloaded 87 times. I counted. Sister every time. Like I said, that's more of a "Hey how about that", but still thought I'd mention it.

I understand this seems overly negative, and I don't mean to shit on your game. Like I said, I really do like it. I've played the hell out of it these last few days. You have a good core here, but some Quality of Life improvements would really help.
I appreciate your thoughts, and even more that you read the thread ahead of time. Now to clarify some things:

1. So this appears to me that there's two issues here. One is that moving takes time and its a hardline because it's what limits how much you can get done in a day. Now, the second issue is valid. It sucks to waste a day period going to the coffee show for it to be empty or even worse for it to be closed. I don't think anyone had suggested to show them as closed if they were going to be closed by the time you got there, but that's a good idea. (If someone did and I missed it, sorry about that). I'll look into that.

I also don't want to show who's there ahead of time because you of how the game works the people that are there may not be there by the time you get there either or there may be other people. In this case every character gets a turn like the MC and they do their own thing using their own rules.

2. I have a favorites filter in the to do list. I still think you will want to see everyone that you've met but will make it so you can mark some people as favorites and then filter on those.

3. Sometimes people aren't in the mood, no matter how often they've had sex before. And it depends on their personality. Someone may hate the fingering step so they will need to talked into every time. But in general the more you do it, the less resistance they will put up the next time. And obviously opinion and attraction play a part. However, if you feel is too random, you can add this to the user_config.dat file:

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and change the 10 to a higher value (10 is default). The higher value, the less randomness there is in the AI's sex acceptance. Make it 12 or 15, or even 20. At some value (probably around 50) it would mean that someone is set on their ways and nothing would budge them from either saying yes or no all the time.

4. I don't understand the issue here. Are you saying that changing opinions should be easier or harder? Or less random? If I make it less random then it would take much longer to change certain opinions, at least the ones that matter. And don't get the need to reload? Just try again if you didn't get it the first time. There's no penalty for missing. I know that LR2 has their own system for setting opinions after getting them to climax, but I don't want to copy their mechanics. And sometimes you want to be able to change opinions with people you don't want to or can't have sex with. And here's the other thing. There's two additional factors that play a huge role here. One is their will power. If someone has high will power you are going to have a hard time convincing them to change their mind. And second, certain opinions are going to be harder to change than others.

I get that it can be frustrating when you see the girl you like and then she doesn't have the right personality. And it can be lost cause. But that's why there can be hundreds of characters in the game. You can go after someone else.

5. Yeah now that you mention it the logic is probably flawed here. 66% of the time it will pick someone of the same gender as you and 33% of the time it will pick a woman if you are attracted to women otherwise a man. So if you are a gay or bi woman, then you are going to get a sister 100% of the time. I'm not sure why its that way, that was a long time ago (probably the first "event" added to the game). But it doesn't seem right. I'll think more about this. Next time just ask instead of loading the game 87 times.
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Why are my Points - 37,000 ?
Your club is doing really bad? I don't know. Negative numbers can happen if you have millions of dollars worth of debt and some other really bad stuff, but I'm not even sure it can get that bad. Mostly likely something got out of whack and overflowed. What are the values on the main Manage Club page (cash/debt, avg rev/share, cash flow, maint and fame)?
Aug 9, 2018
Is the issue with higher stats = lower skill rating affecting Restroom Attendants?

This chick started with a skill of 40-odd before I started training her in Service.

1712017258595.png 1712017347246.png

Which roles still have the original logic?
Aug 30, 2018
Yep, if she isn't good looking she probably knows the low ball offer is the best she's going to get and takes the job. Attractiveness is like 50% of the stripper job. (This only applies to performers, other jobs attractiveness is not a factor).

Guys especially, even if their greed is tracking 40+, I can get 'em to work for nothing, but in a world where beauty reigns supreme, it's not surprising.


Dec 9, 2017
I appreciate your thoughts, and even more that you read the thread ahead of time. Now to clarify some things:

1. So this appears to me that there's two issues here. One is that moving takes time and its a hardline because it's what limits how much you can get done in a day. Now, the second issue is valid. It sucks to waste a day period going to the coffee show for it to be empty or even worse for it to be closed. I don't think anyone had suggested to show them as closed if they were going to be closed by the time you got there, but that's a good idea. (If someone did and I missed it, sorry about that). I'll look into that.

I also don't want to show who's there ahead of time because you of how the game works the people that are there may not be there by the time you get there either or there may be other people. In this case every character gets a turn like the MC and they do their own thing using their own rules.

2. I have a favorites filter in the to do list. I still think you will want to see everyone that you've met but will make it so you can mark some people as favorites and then filter on those.

3. Sometimes people aren't in the mood, no matter how often they've had sex before. And it depends on their personality. Someone may hate the fingering step so they will need to talked into every time. But in general the more you do it, the less resistance they will put up the next time. And obviously opinion and attraction play a part. However, if you feel is too random, you can add this to the user_config.dat file:

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and change the 10 to a higher value (10 is default). The higher value, the less randomness there is in the AI's sex acceptance. Make it 12 or 15, or even 20. At some value (probably around 50) it would mean that someone is set on their ways and nothing would budge them from either saying yes or no all the time.

4. I don't understand the issue here. Are you saying that changing opinions should be easier or harder? Or less random? If I make it less random then it would take much longer to change certain opinions, at least the ones that matter. And don't get the need to reload? Just try again if you didn't get it the first time. There's no penalty for missing. I know that LR2 has their own system for setting opinions after getting them to climax, but I don't want to copy their mechanics. And sometimes you want to be able to change opinions with people you don't want to or can't have sex with. And here's the other thing. There's two additional factors that play a huge role here. One is their will power. If someone has high will power you are going to have a hard time convincing them to change their mind. And second, certain opinions are going to be harder to change than others.

I get that it can be frustrating when you see the girl you like and then she doesn't have the right personality. And it can be lost cause. But that's why there can be hundreds of characters in the game. You can go after someone else.

5. Yeah now that you mention it the logic is probably flawed here. 66% of the time it will pick someone of the same gender as you and 33% of the time it will pick a woman if you are attracted to women otherwise a man. So if you are a gay or bi woman, then you are going to get a sister 100% of the time. I'm not sure why its that way, that was a long time ago (probably the first "event" added to the game). But it doesn't seem right. I'll think more about this. Next time just ask instead of loading the game 87 times.

Thanks for getting back to me, and being cool about it, I promise I'm only trying to help. If I may respond to your points:

1) I understand it helps limit what you can get done in a day, but I feel as if actually doing things is a better limit on how much you can do in a day. Say I go to the park, if I talk to someone, or I go for a run, or I hang out and see if something happens, then time progresses, because I did something. I can get one thing done. But if I go, and no one's there, and I just leave, I haven't actually DONE anything. It just makes the game feel like an empty waste, especially if I'm trying to find people, and I spend weeks without actually doing anything. I assume a large portion of the game is based around building relationships, and the current system makes that more a drag than anything. Maybe we could change "Where are you?" to "Where will you be?" in your contacts, to assist and make that portion of the game more enjoyable without changing your design? That way, if I go to the park to work out, then I can, but if I want to find a friend, they can be like, I'll be at the park, then I go there and that's where they are? I just feel the current goose chase trying to find people can be done in a more enjoyable way.

2) A favorites filter would solve the over cluttering issue.

3) I got frustrated and turned that shit up to 100. That's on me.

4) What I'm saying is that it's just dull and frustrating. The save and reload is because I have one shot, unless it's the person who works at the coffee shop, it's going to take me three real life hours before I find this person again. Now, I'm not saying lift their mechanic straight up, but I'm saying that the fact there was a mechanic is what made it fun. You can have your own, but finding a fun mechanic to make people change opinions could take this from a slightly better open sandbox to an actual fun game. And as opposed to some people have high willpower, too bad, then finding ways to bring down their willpower can be another super fun mechanic to add in as well. I know you may have the idea of making it so that some people are just unattainable, but there's entire pages of in this thread of people talking about it being annoying and frustrating, and how to manipulate the save files to do away with that. When your player base is doing that, they're trying to tell you something. And the mini game mechanic of changing their opinions and lowering their willpower could be huge to the enjoyment of the game. An actual game mechanic to give players more to work towards and be rewarded for, which adds to the enjoyment and replayablity.

5) No worries, I tend to hyperfixate on things, and I thought it was neat to see the different options and combos of sister and person they were trying to get a job. An ADD time sink.

Sorry if I'm being over critical, but this is the first game in a LONG time on this site that I've actually gotten really interested in and want to see succeed.


Aug 15, 2022
I have a small query. Does making someone like or love the job type that they are doing have any effect on happiness, because I have been convincing my employees to like their job, as well as liking working, working weekends and working nightshifts and half of them are still miserable. Assuming it does help, some jobs are not that clear. Are the managers Professional Work, Office Work, bith, neither or something else? Are the Strippers entertainment or sex work? Is a Masseuse Skilled Labor, Professional, Physical Training, Sex, etc.

All does making Strippers/Masseuses like/love Recealing Clothing/Public Nudity, etc. help.

For the amount of time I am spending trying to get my employees to love the various opinions that I think would make them happier in their role, I am seeing very little return. It would be much quicker to just keep giving them gifts or recognizing good work, but I was hoping that once they had all the helpful opinions, they would need less maintenance and also the gifts, etc. seem to have a diminishing return, so I could only do that for so long before it would be virtually ineffective. Obviously I could keep swapping their jobs, but that doesn't always work either.

That may have been a slightly bigger query than I thought.
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3.80 star(s) 30 Votes