Ren'Py - Completed - Strip Crazy Eights [Final] [ArianeB]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Giving a high mark just to balance things out (but not crazy enough to give 5 stars).

    The game does not have a pretention to be an AAA game, it was said from the get-go that is to a mini-game extract from the full game. This is merely an option for people who would like to have the standalone mini-game rather than the full-game.

    It's like extracting a battle encounter from a FF series. Fun to try things out without playing the actual game, but not worth spending a lot of time on it. This looks like a good basis for something more though, but it is not the kind of games the maker is used to do.

    EDIT: Also, it is free :)
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 = a below average score for a very very average game.

    - no bugs
    - no grammar or spelling issues
    - competently implemented
    - I got to learn a new card game

    - visually unimpressive, both the girls' renders and the game UI. Basically a bunch of basic daz renders with no artistic touch and no post-work.
    - there is pretty much no story line.
    - no reasons are given in game for why the MC should give two hoots about the characters and why you might like to see them naked

    There's not much to say about this one. It seems to be some sort of side-game to an existing fictional "world" where the Ariane games are set, reusing assets from that game dev.
    The content has pretty much nothing sexual beyond a handful of naked renders.
    The gameplay consists of clicking through a very brief introduction, a quick tutorial on the rules of the Crazy Eights card game (which is like a simple version of Uno), then the frankly quite boring game play. There's no real strategy to the card game, you just live or die on the luck of the draw.
    I got no sense of character personality from the girls, and they didn't ever speak to each other, only to MC even though they were playing at the same table.
    Basically, it seems like something thrown together quickly from existing assets as a bonus for patrons or something like that. There is no soul and no sexiness.

    As someone who spilled pints of jizz fapping to Artworx Strip Poker nearly 30 years ago, it's kind of disheartening to see something that is no better than a remake of that title (with better image quality)... Strip poker on a DOS PC with a VGA card was held back by the capabilities of the technology at the time... this title is limited by the developer's lack of imagination.