once this stops adding family after family in convoluted masses and finally gets going, it may be quite good.
nothing new as a setup so i am not expecting it to be memorable for it's plot and if some interesting plot devices get added later they will be in hindsight as the hook would always come in first in any good story.
read any fiction book or hollywood movie, it's always there (i did write GOOD story, i too have seen some less than good hollywoods and read some trash

going to be some time before this has some meat on the bones now that it is being restarted, but it will be one for many once it becomes the family fuckfest it's laying itself out as.
at least it is not seen-it-all-before-honey select
one to keep a watch on for later, as i like many am a sucker for an itty bit o' cest, hopefully with a nice bit of being balls deep in a sister's return while another tongues her bean while mother face sits the MC...........shit now i need a cold shower!
damn you F95 for feeding my imagination.....damn you