The sister having a "fuck me" tattoo sucks. Would've been better as a rebellious bratty virgin.
Yes, of course!Any plans for anal?
I plan to add a replay gallery later, once I improve my programming skills.Just finsihed v0.46b and wrote a review and I wanted to ask if there a any plans to add a gellery and/or character Info sheets?
It's primarily a visual rework, and I fixed some bugs and spelling this update just a bug fix?
I know that i am not the person the right to be saying this to you but anyways,Hello, sweethearts! I wanted to share something important with you all—I’ve decided to bring Student of Love to an end.
When I first discovered the world of visual novels, I was amazed—it felt like stepping into something truly magical. So, I jumped in, eager to create one myself. I played and read a few to understand what people enjoyed, and I tried to replicate that style while keeping things as simple as possible. After all, it was my first VN, and there was so much to learn. But along the way, I made a lot of mistakes—like writing obvious jokes, adding a dream scene (which everybody hated ), and creating that hotel scene with SexyMilf69 (aka Leonore) that completely killed the tension. On top of that, my design style evolved over time, and reworking everything took longer than expected, making it feel like I was getting nowhere—even though I was working as fast as I could.
The truth is, I’ve loved reading and writing since I was a kid—it’s probably my favorite thing in the world—but my natural style is completely different from what I forced myself to do in SOL. And the way I design now is not the same as when I first started—thankfully. It was so hard to accept, but after countless hours of work and many sleepless nights trying to fix things, I realized that no matter how many twists I added, I couldn’t undo the core mistakes I had made early on. And the reality is, the only way to sustain something long-term is if you truly love doing it.
So, as bittersweet as this is, I know it’s the right choice. And here’s the exciting part—I’m now working on a brand-new VN, one that truly feels like me!!✨ A story that excites me, that I’m passionate about, and that I can’t wait to share with you!
I also feel deeply sorry for letting you down, especially those who supported the project from the start. Thank you so much for your encouragement, trust, and kindness—it truly meant the world to me. I wouldn’t have learned as much as I did if it weren’t for the motivation you gave me to keep going!
I used to be terrified of failure, but I’ve learned that the only way to grow is by making mistakes, embracing them, and learning from them. And that’s exactly what I’m doing. I hope this new story not only excites you as much as it does me but also pulls you in so deeply that you need to keep reading and living alongside these characters!️
Sending you all the warmest, tightest hug. I’ll be here, quietly working in the shadows, pouring my heart into this new and beautiful project.
xoxo, Sammie
It's basically the same with any kind of long-term involvement in any kind of large project, doesn't matter if adult game or not.It was so hard to accept, but after countless hours of work and many sleepless nights trying to fix things, I realized that no matter how many twists I added, I couldn’t undo the core mistakes I had made early on. And the reality is, the only way to sustain something long-term is if you truly love doing it.
I used to be terrified of failure, but I’ve learned that the only way to grow is by making mistakes, embracing them, and learning from them. And that’s exactly what I’m doing.
Hope that it's gonna work for both of us, in the end (without discipline)... Good luck, have fun.I’m now working on a brand-new VN, one that truly feels like me!
Sometimes there are things which you dislike to do or to learn, but it's required in order to achieve the result. If the frustration from such things is not compensated by something enjoyable, I'm afraid it's very easy to get burned out and lose any motivation to do anything whatsoever. I hope the frustrating things will become easier to do for you with the time, maybe they will develop into a painless habits later that you will be able to do semi-automatically.I do everything alone (write the script, translate it, do the renders and videos, edit in Photoshop, program everything, and also be present on social media).![]()
Yeah, your words hit pretty close to what I feel at a completely different project, even though it's not related to adult games at all, but the feelings are all the natural style is completely different from what I forced myself to do