"childporn of herself"? wtf is that?
Well, besides the hilarious whining about copyright laws on a site that offers various forms of
pirated adult media, s/he has a point though.
Lets say the girl in the pic in the OP actually was 17 for example, (which is 2 years above the legal age to have sex in my country btw) uploaded nudepics/shitty random amateur porn of herself on the net which was then used in this game. I later on happened to downloaded this game and the police looked through my computer for whatever reason and then found those pics, then yes, I could probably be charged for downloading **. Even though I didn't do it intentionally, and the case would most likely be dropped as soon as the police couldn't find any intent behind downloading this game containing those pictures other than fapping to porn which I, like most other people, assume is legal and does not associate with ** any way. The pics would still count as ** and my name would probably end up in some sort of register together with actual pedophiles and/or sex offenders. So would hers if she did it intentionally and without any duress for that matter.
So I can legally have sex with a woman that's 17, marry her, have children and whatnot, but if she or I wanted to film ourselves having sex, it would make us both **-producers according to the law. Even though we would probably not get any actual punishment for it due to it being made by ourselves and without any intent to produce any actual fucking **, that movie would indeed count as **, because it's illegal to make porn until you're 18...
If I download one of the many illegal games on this site (or elsewhere for that matter), the same police that found the porn that counts as ** in my examples above, wouldn't bat an eye and throw any form copyright case against me in the trashcan asap. Even though I know it's illegal, they know it and have proof and even knowing that I did it intentionally and would do so again, nothing whatsoever would happen to me.
Yeah, it's fucked up.